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the Infinitive



an ill-fated attempt or negation of the action. It’s often translated by the 

negative form of the finite verb.



The negotiators 

failed to come

 to agreement.

Участники переговоров 

не пришли к согласию

 (не смогли до-



To be bound


with the Infinitive is translated as 




должно быть


It was bound to happen


неизбежно должно было

 произойти (случиться).

Task 1. Analyze the sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. Even from the point of view of Britain’s homegrown capitalists, the 

current policies are failing. That is the only conclusion 

to be drawn 


the Bank of England’s quarterly review and the report of the Commons 

Treasury and Civil Service Committee.

2. Information comes in floods now, but we haven’t installed a way 

to use the brains 

with the capacity 

to filter and distill 


3. The decision 

to ban 

export of beef and cattle from Portugal was 

made after a sharp increase in the number of cases last year of « mad 

cow» disease in cattle grown in Portugal.

4. The candidate said this morning that he was fully aware of the 


to be faced and 

the charges that would be made.

5. The Euro-American democracies have, in the new NATO, a 

central organization 

to co-ordinate 

the military actions of those NATO 

members which decide they need to act.

6. The US government controls exports of strong encryption products 

to preserve 

its capability 

to decode 

messages from foreign governments 

and criminals.

7. There are lessons 

to be learnt 

from the cold war, but the inevitability 

of a peaceful outcome is not one of them.

8. Most Japanese educators concede that a reliance on role learning 

and cramming does great damage to creativity, and many universities 

are moving 

to include 

interviews and essay writing in their entrance 


9. A personal campaign 

to acquaint 

the farmers with the facts about 

this year’s agricultural price review will be launched by the Minister of 

Agriculture on Monday.

10. Peru plans 

to raise 

$1 billion through bond sales and loans 



the country’s struggling companies restructure debt.

11. Britain had the most extensive network of double taxation 

agreements in the world 

to protect 

companies trading in Britain and 

other countries from paying tax twice over.

12. The said tax increases 

to reduce 

government borrowing would 

do little to help recession hit industry or reduce unemployment.

13. The United States used the UN inspection team 

to send 

a US spy 

into Baghdad 

to install 

a highly sophisticated electronic eavesdropping 


14. In his semiannual report to Congress, the US Federal Reserve 

chairman suggested that « storm clouds 


over the western Pacific 

and headed our way» might dampen demand for US goods and services 


enough to relieve 

inflationary pressure – and render unnecessary a 

Fed hike in short-term rates.


To meet the need 

for increasingly precise forecasts, meteorologists 


to extend 

their observational system until it covers every corner 

of the earth.

16. The general feeling in Egypt is that the government has won its 

war against the Islamist militants. What it is still not confident 


to do 

is to allow political Islam a public voice.

17. Japanese consumers have simply not been purchasing many 

of the high-ticket items–particularly automobiles and appliances – 




to keep 

Japan’s economy moving at the higher rate 

business would like to achieve.

18. Although Mr. Kim [South Korea] was the 


of the three 



the need for a rescue by the International Monetary Fund, he 

made worrying noises about wanting 

to renegotiate 

the deal once he 

entered office.

19. Mr. Cook is not 

the first 

British foreign secretary 

to arrive 


office determined to change things, nor will he be 

the last to run up 

against the diplomats’ natural skepticism about his ability to do.

20. The achievement [of Ireland] is 

certainly not to be dismissed, 


some would have it, as a matter of statistical fudges, subsidies from 

Europe and tax dodges for multinationals. But lessons for would-be 

tigers are either 

difficult to infer 

or of little use.

21. Scientology tries 

to turn 

its followers’ minds and part them from 

their money; of course it will try 

to change 

their lives forever. But so do 

lots of religions.

22. Any newly elected government can expect 

to be given 

the benefit 

of the doubt by the public.

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