Мележик К. Н. Неличные формы глагола indd

Absolute constructions without the Participle

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5. Absolute constructions without the Participle

There are two types of absolute constructions without the Participle. 

The second element of the construction is an adjective, a prepositional 

phrase, or an adverb. 

The Nominative Absolute Construction 

is used in the function of an 

adverbial modifier of time or attendant circumstances. In the function 

of an adverbial modifier of time this construction is rendered in Russian 

by an adverbial clause.

The meeting



we went to our office. 

Когда закончилось собрание

, мы пошли в свой офис. 

In the function of an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances 

the Nominative Absolute Construction is rendered by 

a coordinate 


деепричастный оборот

, or 

a noun (pronoun) with the 

proposition «с».

There she stood

her face to the east. 

Она стояла, 

повернувшись на восток



There is a difference in meaning: 

The lesson (concert, lecture) 



The lesson (concert, lecture) being over..

The lesson over 

has a 

temporal meaning, whereas 

the lesson being over 

has as a rule a causal 


The Prepositional Absolute Construction 

is mostly used in the function 

of an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances. It is rendered in 

Russian by a coordinate clause or деепричастный оборот.

With the watch in her hand

she lifted her head and looked 

directly at us.

Держа в руках часы

, она подняла голову и посмотрела прямо 

на нас.

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