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Present Participle (Participle I)

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Present Participle (Participle I)

The present participle in English is used to denote an action that occurs simultaneously with the action expressed by the predicate.

Look at the cat crossing the road. – Взгляни на кота, переходящего дорогу. Тут сразу два действия «взгляни» и «кот переходит дорогу».

Although it is called the present participle, but despite the name, the present participle can also refer to the past tense.if the predicate is in the present tense, then the participle refers to the present, and if in the past — to the past..

The present participle is formed using -ing at the end of the word: cooking, living, sleeping:

to learn – learning
to speak – speaking

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Present Participle functions in a sentence
The present participle is used in the following cases:

1. For the formation of extended times: that is, all tenses of the verb Continuous.

They are watching a new movie now – Они сейчас смотрят новый фильм.
They were watching a movie last night – Они смотрели фильм вчера вечером.
They will be watching a new movie at this time tomorrow – Они будут смотреть новый фильм в это время завтра.
I have been waiting for you – Я ждал тебя.
2. As an adjective for a noun:
The participle defines the noun, shows its sign (as an adjective usually does)
It was an amazing film. – Это был удивительный фильм.
He was stopped because of the burning car on road. – Он был остановлен из-за горящей машины на дороге.

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3. To indicate simultaneous actions
When two actions occur simultaneously and are performed by one person or object, then one of the actions is expressed by a participle.

Whistling to himself, he walked around the forest. – Насвистывая, он гулял по лесу

He stayed at home doing homework. – Он остался дома, делая домашнее задание

Also, a participle can describe situations when the same person performs an action immediately after another action:

Dropping the gun, she put her hands in the air. – Бросив пистолет, она подняла руки вверх.
Finishing breakfast, he left the cafe. – Закончив завтрак, он вышел из кафе.
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4. To express the circumstances of the cause

The participle can be used as part of a participial turnover that begins with conjunctions as, since, because. In this case, the participial turnover explains the reason for the action.

Being poor, he didn’t spend much on clothes. – Из-за того, что он был бедным, он не тратил много денег на одежду.

Knowing that his mother was late, he didn’t clean the room. – Зная, что мама опаздывает, он не убрался в комнате.

5. As a complex Object with verbs of perception (see, hear, smell)

A complex complement can be used with an infinitive or present participle:

I can smell something burning. – Я чувствую, как что-то горит.

I heard you coming. – Я слышал, как ты пришел.
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Past Participle (Participle 2)

Its verbal features are participation in the structure of the verbal predicate (e.g. The house was destroyed by a bomb) and the use as secondary predicate (e.g. Her spirit, though crushed, was not broken).

Its adjectival feature is its attributive function, e.g. She looked at the broken cup.

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Like the present participle, the past participle is capable of making up semi- predicative constructions of: a) complex object, b) complex subject, as well as of c) absolute complex.
The absolute past participial complex as a rule expresses priority in the correlation of two events. Cf.: The preliminary talks completed, it became possible to concentrate on the central point of the agenda.

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The past participle is a single form, specific for each of the irregular verbs and ending in the suffix -ed with the regular verbs.
The past participle performs the functions of the attribute, the predicative of a compound predicate, and also of the notional part in the analytical form of the simple verbal predicate. Cf.:
We passed through several deserted villages.
You are mistaken in this case.
The house has recently been rebuilt.

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Упражнение 2. Выберите подходящий вариант.

Have you ever heard of the Loch Ness Monster? Many people believe that there is a huge animal (living/lived) in Loch Ness in Scotland.
The animal is about 50 metres long (including/included ) its tail. Nobody knows anything about its (eating / eaten) habits. There are some photos of the animal (taking/ taken) by different people (visiting/ visited) the lake, but nobody can prove that they are real.
This animal (giving/ given) the nickname Nessie has been one of the greatest tourists attractions to the area for years. Expeditions (sent / sending) to Scotland tried very hard to find and catch Nessie. And so did individuals (looking/ looked) for the animal. But there has been no result yet.
Nessie is still a great mystery. Very few things (knowing/ known ) about Nessie are: it has a long and thin neck like a giraffe’s, its head is quite small and looks like a horse’s, its colour is dark yellow and its habitat is the deepest and the coldest part of the lake

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