English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 5. Answer the questions according to the information from the text

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Exercise 5. Answer the questions according to the information from the text:

  1. What kind of disease is flu?

  2. What types of influenza do you know?

  3. What are the symptoms of flu?

  4. How can flu symptoms be relieved?

  5. What prognosis can be made in case of flu? What complications may appear?

Exercise 6. Match the words from the left column with their synonyms from the right one:

  1. to infect

  1. to lead to

  1. to occur

  1. aggravation

  1. to cause

  1. helpful

  1. to subside

  1. to appear

  1. congestion

  1. lethal

  1. complication

  1. obstruction

  1. treatment

  1. to pass off

  1. fatal

  1. to contract with

  1. useful

  1. visible

  1. noticeable

  1. management

Exercise 7. Translate the following word combinations from Ukrainian into English:
Спалах інфекцій верхніх дихальних шляхів, швидко розповсюджуватися, сухий кашель та озноб, полегшувати симптоми знеболюючими, помітне запалення горла, лікувати вторинні інфекції, противірусні ліки для пацієнтів з послабленою імунною системою, виникати внаслідок бактеріальних інфекцій, біль в грудній клітині під час дихання, потребувати медичного втручання, смертельні випадки.

Exercise 8. Read the abstracts about respiratory diseases. Match the words from the table with the correct paragraphs:

Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, pneumonia

  1. An inflammation of the lung caused by infection with bacteria or viruses which sometimes develops from a simple viral cold or influenza.

  2. This is a long-term condition that occurs when the main air passages of the lungs, the bronchial tubes, become inflamed and go into spasm. Extra mucus is also producedalong the lining of the bronchi. The spasms and mucus accumulation blog the respiratory passage.

  3. This is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both of the lungs. These abnormal cells reproduce rapidly and form tumours which destroy a part of the lung so that it does not work properly.

  4. This is the abnormal enlargement of alveoli in the lung which also causes them to loose elasticity.as a result the alveoli are unable to efficiently exchange gases between lungs and blood.

  5. This involves an inflammation of the bronchial tubes which causes a persistent cough and produces a significant amount of phlegm ([‘flem] – харкотиння, слиз) and mucus.

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