Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: What is the incubation period of tetanus?
What is tetanus caused by?
What is Risus Sardonicus?
How can Bacillus tetani enter the body?
What are the chances to recover when a person has tetanus?
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Test 1. Tetanus is caused by the … which gains entrance into the body through a wound or break in the skin.
a) Bacillus anthrax; b) Bacillus tetani; c) Bacillus drumstick;
d) Bacillus gas-producing; e) Bacillus Koch’s.
2. The incubation period varies on an average … .
a) from 5 to 10 days; b) from 15 to 25 days; c) from 5 to 25 days;
d) from 1 to 5 days; e) from 5 to 15 days.
3. The patient is restless, irritable; … nightmare, and may become delirious.
a) he suffer from; b) he suffers from; c) he suffering from;
d) he is suffering from; e) he suffered from.
4. In the majority of cases following a short period when there is pain… , a tonic spasm of the masticating muscles occurs so that the patient is unable to open his mouth, producing the characteristic picture known as lockjaw (trismus).
a) in the back of the head and in the muscles of the jaw;
b) in the back of the neck and in the muscles of the face;
c) in the back of the neck and in the joints of the leg;
d) in the back of the neck and in the muscles of the jaw;
e) in the back of the head and in the muscles of the trunk.
5. Gradually all muscles of the body become affected except … the forearm and of the hand.
a) that of; b) these of; c) this of; d) of those; e) those of.
6. At the height of the disease there occurs the typical facial expression known as risus sardonicus, where…, due to the drawing up of the angles of the mouth.
a) the patient appears to be laughing;
b) the patients appears to be laughing;
c) the patient appears be laughing;
d) the patient appears to laughing;
e) the patient appears to be being laughing.
7. …the slightest stimulus the entire body may go into a convulsive seizure of the utmost severity, accompanied by severe pain.
a) on; b) at; c) before; d) in; e) upon.
8. There is no characteristic temperature; the patient may be afebrile or … during the attacks.
a) rans a fever as high as 104°F; b) ran a fever as high as 104°F;
c) ranning a fever as high as 40°C; d) run a fever as high as 104°F;
e) ran a fever as low as 104°F.
9. Death may ensue … or at any time up to one week after onset.
a) in the first 28 hours; b) within the first 48 hour;
c) within first 48 hours; d) within the first 48 hours;
e) after the first 48 hours.
10. … the first week, his chances of recovery are greatly improved, the spasms gradually lessening in frequency and severity.
a) If the patients survives; b) If the patient survives;
c) If the patient survive; d) If the patient survived;
e) If the patient to survive.