Exercise 6. Answer the questions:
1. What kind of disease is pulmonary tuberculosis?
2. What is pulmonary tuberculosis caused by?
3. What kind of formations is the disease characterized by?
4. How can a person become infected with pulmonary tuberculosis?
5. What are the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis?
6. What does the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis consist of?
7. How can pulmonary tuberculosis be prevented?
8. What complications may pulmonary tuberculosis lead to?
Exercise 7. Match the symptoms of pulmonary TB given in English with their Ukrainian equivalents:
subfebrile or high fever
втрата ваги
general malaise and fatigue
вологі хрипи у легенях
cough with sputum discharge
вузликові ураження
crackles in the lungs
субфібрильна чи висока лихоманка
profuse night sweats
кашель з виділенням мокротиння
nodular lesions
набряклі лімфатичні вузли
loss of body weight
надмірна пітливість уночі
swollen lymph nodes
загальне нездужання та втома
Exercise 8. Match the kinds of diagnostic tools with their explanations:
X-ray screening
a method of skin testing aimed at detecting tuberculosis, named after the French physician
examination by touch for the purpose of diagnosing disease
Mantoux test
the procedure during which a patient is thoroughly examined from head to toes
physical examination
the laboratory analysis of specimen taken from the patient for culturing the Mycobacterium tuberculosis organisms
laboratory examination of physical / chemical properties and the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, etc.
process of giving injections of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against it, thus, preventing disease
blood analysis
the act of listening, either directly or through a stethoscope or other instrument, to sounds within the body as a method of diagnosis
sputum analysis
a radiographic image of the body internal organs and structures, usually used for diagnostic purposes
Exercise 9. Find the synonyms in the text to the words and word-combinations given below:
therapy –
moist rales –
inoculation –
excessive perspiration –
check-up –
productive cough –
tubercles –
cause of disease –
Exercise 10. Re-write the sentences translating the words and word-combinations in italics:
Регулярні медичні огляди must be carried out twice a year.
Кашель з виділення мокротиння is called productive cough.
During the check-up the physician heard вологі хрипи in the patient’s lungs.
Pulmonary tuberculosis is a смертельне захворювання, if not treated in time.
It is difficult to make a correct diagnosis на ранніх стадіях of some diseases.
People with туберкульозом легенів suffer from втрати ваги caused by tuberculous intoxication.
Втрата апетиту is a very important symptom, which a physician must always pay particular attention to.
There are a lot of бактеріальних інфекційних хвороб such as scarlet fever, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, etc.
Exercise 11. Insert the necessary preposition:
at; by; due to; in (2); to (2); of
In pulmonary tuberculosis there are a lot of nodular lesions … the mediastinum.
Yesterday the patient complained … general malaise, slight fatigue and headaches.
Profuse sweats … night serve the grave sign of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Swollen lymph nodes … the neck indicated the presence of infection in the body.
People having no immunity … diseases often suffer from various infections.
TB spreads throughout the world … … patients not completing drug courses.
People with pulmonary TB can transmit it … coughing and sneezing.
The bacilli of pulmonary TB can migrate … the meninges and cause tuberculous meningitis.
1) can/could (logical conclusion; capability)
work here.
2) may/might (hypothetic possibility; permission)
3) must (certainty without fail; obligation)
4) should (advice)
Він може працювати тут.
(логічна посилка)
На мій погляд, він працює тут.
(я не певен, за моїм розсудом)
Він працює тут.
Він має працювати тут.
Йому слід попрацювати тут.
Pay attention!
+ He can easily translate this text.
? Can he easily translate this text?
How can he translate this text?
- He can’t (can not) easily translate this text.
Exercise 12. Insert the appropriate modal verb:
She … not go to the library because she has no time. (logical conclusion)
“You … go for a walk every day,” the doctor said. (obligation)
He … go to the movies in the evening. (hypothetic possibility)
You … work more at your pronunciation. (advice)
He … invite you to the theatre. (hypothetic possibility)
The child … not walk though he is 2 years old. (capability)
… I take your pencil? (permission)
You … follow his instructions. (certainty without fail)
The equivalents of modal verbs:
to be able to
бути здатним
I am able to treat people.
Я можу (здатен) лікувати людей.
to be allowed to
I am allowed to go home.
Мені дозволяють піти додому.
to have to
I have to prepare for the exam to pass it successfully.
Мені доводиться готуватися до екзамену, щоб скласти його на відмінно.
to be to
I am to prepare for the exam beforehand.
Я маю підготуватися до екзамену заздалегідь.
Pay attention!
I am able to operate this patient.
Я можу прооперувати цього пацієнта.
I was able to operate this patient.
Я міг прооперувати цього пацієнта.
I will be able to operate this patient.
Я зможу прооперувати цього пацієнта.
Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into English using the equivalents of modal verbs:
Вона зможе робити уколи через кілька занять.
Цьому хворому дозволили ходити після операції.
Мені доводиться йти на роботу пішки.
Вони повинні прооперувати його наступного тижня.
Зараз ми можемо провести цей експеримент.
Хворим не дозволяється приймати ліки самим.
Йому доведеться лікуватися в стаціонарі.
Студентам дозволять провести огляд пацієнта самостійно.
Exercise 14. Put questions to the underlined words:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes pulmonary tuberculosis.
This disease may affect bones, joints, lymphatic glands, kidneys.
Coughing can become worse at night and in the morning.
A considerable elevation of temperature is observed in pneumonic forms.
Loss of body weight may be the typical sign of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Natural immune defenses can sometimes heal the disease in the early stages.
There is a resurgence of pulmonary TB among immunocompromised patients.
Millions of tiny tubercles are carried throughout the body by the blood stream.
Exercise 15. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense form. Translate them into Ukrainian:
The causative agent of tuberculosis (to discover) by Koch in 1882.
The microscopic examination (to reveal) pus cells in sputum yesterday.
The patient states that the fever (to persist) at a level of 38°C for several months.
Profuse night sweats (to serve) the evidence of a severe form of tuberculosis.
Loss of body weight (can, to cause) by tuberculous intoxication.
Cough (to superadd) after the disease has been in progress for some time.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (to produce) characteristic tuberculous changes in the mediastinum.
In the early stage of pulmonary TB the patient (may, to complain) of a general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite and bodyweight.
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