English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined words

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пособие мед 2 (1) 2

Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined words:
1. The heart has to work harder to pump the blood around the body.
2. Blood pressure involves two measurements.
3. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm/Hg.
4. Hypertension is classified as either primary hypertension or secondary hypertension.
5. Moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure leads to shortened life expectancy.
6. Dietary and lifestyle changes can improve blood pressure control.
7. Accelerated hypertension is associated with headache, drowsiness, confusion, vision disorders, nausea, and vomiting.
8. The first line of treatment for hypertension includes some lifestyle changes.

Exercise 11. Open the brackets put the verbs into the appropriate tense (Active or Passive):
1. Occupation (not to play) an important role in the etiology of hypertension.
2. Hypertension in the older age group (to associate) with loss of elasticity of the aorta and its main branches.
3. Hypertension (to be) more common in the female than in the male.
4. Hypertension (to tolerate) better during the child-bearing years in the female than hypertension in the male.
5. Lifestyle changes (to recommend) together with medications.
6. Accelerated hypertension (to associate) with headache, drowsiness, confusion, vision disorders, nausea, and vomiting.
7. Dietary and lifestyle changes (to decrease) the risk of associated health complications.
8. No direct cause for hypertension (to identify) yet.

Exercise 12. Describe the term “Hypertension” according to the table:


General characteristics









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