Exercise 1. Learn the new words:
accommodation, n
регулювання зображення
adjustment, n
наведення зображення
astigmatism, n
biconcave, adj
biconvex, adj
blurry, adj
нечіткий, розмитий
cataract, n
clouding, n
colour blindness
cone, n
колбочка сітківки
converge, v
сходитися в одну точку
cornea, n
double vision
диплопія, роздвоєння
elongation, n
exposure, n
піддавання дії
flat, adj
glaucoma, n
halo, n
ореол, сяйво
hyperopia, n
image, n
incidence, n
iris, n
райдужна оболонка ока
lens, n
light, n
lump, n
гуля, опух
myopia, n
permit, v
refraction, n
retina, n
sebaceous gland, n
сальна залоза
spectrum, n
strabismus, n
sty, n
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following word combinations from the active vocabulary:
To form in front of the retina, elongation of the eyeball, glasses with biconcave lenses, irregular curvature of a lens, blurry image, certain colours of the spectrum, a sex-linked genetic trait, halos around lights, exposure to ultraviolet light, increase in the intraocular pressure, a localized inflammation of a sebaceous gland, to converge together.
Exercise 3. Complete the table:
to converge
to adjust
to relieve
Exercise 4. Find explanation on the right to the words on the left:
clouding of the lens
double vision
colour blindness
abnormality in the position of the eye
abnormal increase in intraocular pressure
Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:
Two common disorders of the eye are the myopia and hyperopia. In myopia the image forms in front of the retina. This condition is due to elongation of the eyeball or it may be caused by insufficient adjustment of a lens during accommodation. Glasses with biconcave lenses are used to focus the image on the retina. In hyperopia the image forms behind the retina and is blurred because the eyeball is too short or because the lens is too flat to permit nearby vision. This defect often happens as the lens loses elasticity with age. Glasses with biconvex lenses are used to focus the image on the retina.
Astigmatism is caused by irregular curvature of a lens or cornea. It results in a light refraction so that the rays fall on different areas of the retina, thereby producing a blurry image. Astigmatism is the inability to separate two closely placed points. The condition is corrected by using cylinder-shaped lenses.
Another visual defect is colour blindness resulting from the inability of cones to react to certain colours of the spectrum. For example, a person may be colour blind to red and green colours. In this case red and green can not be distinguished because of the lack of cones sensitive to red and green. Colour blindness is usually a sex-linked genetic trait carried by females and expressed in males.
Cataract is a clouding of the lens. For most people cataracts are a natural result of ageing. Often cataracts develop in both eyes at the same time. The symptoms vary but include a gradual blurring of vision, halos around lights, and double vision. The very worst cataracts – where the iris appears almost entirely clouded – can cause a total loss of vision. Cataracts develop for a variety of reasons including long-term exposure to ultraviolet light, exposure to radiation, secondary effects of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and advanced age, eye injury or trauma.
Glaucoma is an abnormal increase in the intraocular pressure of the eyeball. Loss of vision develops gradually and people may not realize they have it. On reaching an advanced age glaucoma is extremely difficult and expensive to treat. The key to reducing the incidence of glaucoma is early diagnosis.
A sty is a localized inflammation of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid. This common infection results from blocked glands within the eyelid. When the gland is blocked, the sebum (секрет сальных желез) produced by the gland occasionally backs up and extrudes through the wall of the gland, forming a lump which can be red, painful, and nodular. Frequently bacteria can infect the blocked gland causing increased inflammation, pain, and redness of the eye, and even redness of the surrounding eyelid and cheek tissue. The lump frequently goes away when the blockage of the gland opening is relieved. Furthermore, the infection goes away the pus is drained from the sty.
Persons having strabismus (cross-eyes) have a condition in which eyes do not converge together and a person sees two images instead of one.
Exercise 6. Answer the following questions according to the text:
What are the common disorders of the eye?
What causes cataract?
How is it possible to prevent cataract?
What disease results from increased intraocular pressure?
How are myopia and hyperopia corrected?
What is a sty?
What is strabismus?
Exercise 7. Define if the following satements are true or false:
Astigmatism results from inability of cones to react to certain colours.
There is only one cause of cataract.
In myopia glasses with biconcave lenses are used.
Cataracts can develop in both eyes.
A sty is a localized inflammation of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid.
Colour blindness is usually a sex-linked genetic trait carried by males and expressed in females.
It is very difficult and expensive to treat glaucoma.
Persons with strabismus see two images instead of one.
The symptoms of cataract include a gradual blurring of vision, halos around lights, and double vision.
Exercise 8. Translate the following word combinations into English:
Розтягнення очного яблука, недостатнє наведення чіткості зображення, формування зображення за сітківкою, втрачати еластичність кришталику з віком, неправильна кривизна рогівки, відбивання світла, дальтонізм, поступова нечіткість зору, помутніння райдужної оболонки ока, захворюваність глаукомою, запалення сальної залози, почервоніння повіки, випускати гній з ячменю, косоокість.
Exercise 9. Choose the proper preposition and complete the text. Translate the text into Ukrainian:
The primary mode (of\ with\ from) treatment for a sty is application (by\ at\ of) warm compresses. Incision and drainage is performed if resolution does not begin (in\ on\ to) the next 48 hours after warm compresses are started.
As a part of self-care at home patients may cleanse the affected eyelid (from\ in\ with) water. Cleansing must be done gently and while eyes are closed to prevent eye injuries.
Patients are highly advised not to lance the sty as it may result (in\ by\ at) a serious infection.
Medical treatment can also be provided (by\ with\ in) a doctor and it is aimed (at\ by\ to) relieving symptoms. Antibiotic are normally given (to\ on\ in) patients with multiple sties. Antibiotic ointments can also be administered (on\ from\ in) sty treatment.
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