Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)
I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення:
захворюваність глаукомою
запалення сальної залози
помутніння райдужної оболонки ока
формування зображення за сітківкою
почервоніння повіки
втрачати еластичність кришталику з віком
поступова нечіткість зору
відбивати світло
II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:
What are the common disorders of the eye?
What causes cataract?
How are myopia and hyperopia corrected?
What is a sty?
What is strabismus?
III. Розкрийте поняття: хвороби очей, катарката
1. In myopia the image forms in front of the ………. .
a) retina b)cornea c) eyeball d) lens e) eyelid
2. For most people cataracts are the natural result of …………. .
a) eavy alcohol consumption b) smoking c) stress
d) ageing e) obesity
3. Which of the following statements is false?
Astigmatism results from inability of cones to react to certain colors.
There are several causes of cataract.
In myopia glasses with biconcave lenses are used.
Cataracts can develop in both eyes.
A sty is a localized inflammation of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid.
4. ………….. is an abnormal increase in the intraocular pressure of the eyeball.
a) astigmatism b) sty c) hyperopia d) strabismus
d) glaucoma
5. People with color blindness may for example be color blind … red and green.
a) for b) with c) to d) at e) on
6. What is an inflamed swelling on the edge of an eyelid caused by bacterial infection of the gland at the base of an eyelash?
a) lump b) pus c) strabismus d) sty e) myopia
7. Which of the following statements is false?
Cataracts are treated surgically.
Color blindness is usually a sex-linked genetic trait carried by males and expressed in females.
It is very difficult and expensive to treat glaucoma.
Persons with strabismus see two images instead of one.
The symptoms of cataract include a gradual blurring of vision, halos around lights, and double vision.
8. Loss of vision in glaucoma develops … and people may not realize they have it.
a) rapidly b) steadily c) promptly d) gradually e) quickly
9. In a sty the lump frequently goes away when the blockage of the gland opening …………
a) relieved b) is relieved c) will relieve d) is relieve
e) will relieve
10. What does the word “converge” mean?
Persons having strabismus have a condition in which the eyes do not converge together.
a) mix b) correspond c) concentrate d) fit e) focus
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