English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions

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Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the most characteristic feature of the ear?
2. What are the main parts of the ear?
3. What is the role of the outer ear?
4. What processes occur in the middle ear?
5. What diseases of the ear are there?
6. What may cause hearing deafness?
7. What kind of disease is otitis?
8. What are the symptoms of Meniere disease?

Exercise 6. Match the terms with their definitions:

1. equilibrium
2. hearing
3. cochlea
4. otitis
5.vestibular apparatus
6. eustachian tube
7. ossicles
8. pinna

a) the portion of the inner ear that is concerned with the sense of equilibrium;
b) the capacity to hear;
c) the tube that connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx and serves to equalize pressure between the outer and middle ear;
d) the smallest bones of the middle ear;
e) the sense of balance;
f) the coiled portion of the inner ear that contains the receptors for hearing;
g) the projecting part of the outer ear; auricle;
h) any inflammation of the ear.

Exercise 7. Translate the word combinations:
Запалення зовнішнього слухового каналу, провітрювати порожнини середнього вуха, процес старіння, контролювати нудоту та запаморочення, вплив гучних звуків, дзвін у вухах, черепно-мозковий нерв, запалення вуха, помітна чутливість до звуків, перетворювати звук в нервові імпульси, барабанна перетинка, збільшені аденоїди, нервові шляхи, слух та рівновага, вушний біль, спиралевидний равлик.

Exercise 8. Choose the terms from the text to match the following definitions:
1. ______________ an instrument for examining the ear.
2. ______________ a sensation of noises, such as ringing or tinkling, in the ear.
3. ______________ an illusion of movement, caused by disturbances in the vestibular apparatus; often used to mean dizziness or lightheadedness.
4. ______________ inflammation of the external auditory canal; swimmer's ear.
5. ______________ a disease associated with increased fluid pressure in the inner ear and characterized by hearing loss, vertigo, and tinnitus.
6. ______________ inflammation of the middle ear with accumulation of watery (serous) or mucoid fluid.
7. ______________ surgical incision of the tympanic membrane; performed to drain the middle ear cavity or to insert a tube into the tympanic membrane for drainage.

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