Rise (+Tail)
LESSON 26. Assimilation
High Fall (Low pre – head+) High Fall(+ Tail)
LESSON 26. Word accent (stress)
Work with the selected sentences.
LESSON 27. Compound Tunes.
(Low pre-head+) High
Falls+Fall Rise
LESSON 28. High pre-head
High pre- head + Low
Fall (+ Tail)
LESSON 29.Work with the models.
(Low pre-head+) Low Rise (+ Tail)
LESSON 30. Control test
Бағалау түрі
Аралық салмақ
Үй жұмысы
Қорытынды (емтихан)
«Пән бойынша білімді бағалау схемасы»
Критерии оценки
Оценка вида
% за работу
% всего
1.1. Активная работа во время аудиторных занятий (лекциях, семинарах, практических, лабораторных).
1.2 Уровень усвоения и своевременная отчетность по теории изучаемой дисциплины (по темам лекционных занятий).
1.3 Уровень выполнения и своевременная отчетность по выполнение практических заданий (по темам практических, семинарских, лабораторных занятий).
1.4 Уровень выполнения индивидуальных проверочных работ и заданий (самостоятельная работа студента).
2.Первый рубежный контроль (зачет, миниэкзамен, контрольная работа)
30 + 30
Соңғы кезде шетел тілін оқытуда бейнефильмдерді қолдануға үлкен мән беріліп келеді. Ғылымның өсіп-өркендеуі елеулі техникалық прогресске жол ашып отырған жағдайда оқу-тәрбие жұмысында жақсы табыстарға жету үшін ғылыми-техникалық жетістіктерді оқыту процесінде кеңінен пайдалану керек. Бейнефильмдер студенттердің көру, есту сезімдеріне бірдей әсер етеді. Бұл жөнінде Я.А.Коменский: «Алтын ереже-бала сезім арқылы қабылдай алатын нәрселердің барлығын сезім әсерлерін туғызып білдірген жөн: көруге болаын нәрсені көрсет,естуге болатын нәрсені құлақ қойып тыңдасын,иісін иіскеп білсін,дәмін татып көрсін,қолына ұстап нәрсенің қатты-жұмсақтығын байқасын т.б. Кейбір нәрсені түрлі сезім мүшелері бердей түсініп қабылдағаны жақсы,»-деген. Сондай-ақ, шетел тілі сабағында бейнефильмдер студенттердің сөйлеу іскерлігін дамыту үшін де қолданылады. Студенттердің белсенділігін арттырып, өз бетінше жұмыс істеу қабілетін, ойын, тілін дамытуда, оларды түрлі тақырыптарға сөйлетуге үйретуде бейнефильмдердің пайдасы зор.
Шетел тілін оқыту процесін жеделдету және жетілдіру үшін сабақта техникалық құралдарды, соның ішінде бейнефильмдерді пайдаланудың дидактика тұрғысынан да, экономика тұрғысынан да маңызы зор:
Бейнефильмдер студенттердің фонетикалық, лексикалық, грамматикалық материалды жақсы меңгеруіне, оны интенсивті түрде бекітуге көмектеседі.
Бейнефильмдер оқытушыға оқу-тәрбие жұмысын өмір шындығына жанастыруға мүмкіндік береді.
Сабақта бейнефильмдерді қолдану нәтижесінде студенттер өздері меңгерген фонетикалық, лексикалық, грамматикалық материалдарды өз ойларын айтып жеткізу үшін қолдануға дағдыланадыю
Бейнефильмдер тыңдап-түсінуде кездесетін қиындықтырды жеңуге, студенттердің бойында тыңдап-түсіну іскерлігі мен дағдыларды қалыптастыруға жәрдемдеседі.
Сабақта бейнефильмді қолдану оқу сапасын жоғарлатады, студенттердің шетел тілін үйренуге қызығушылығын арттырады.
Сабақта қолданатын бейнефильмдің түрлері: документальді, көркем фильм, комедия, тіл меңгеруге арналған фильмдер, жарнамалық фильмдер, коммерциялық фильмдер.
Сабақта бейнефильмді қолданғанда ескерілетін жағдайлар: бейнефильмдерді жоспарға сай іріктеу, тақырыпқа сәйкес талдау, фильмнің ескеру, қысқа болуын қадағалау, сюжеттің студенттер үшін қызықты әрі берік логикасы болуы шарт, баяндалу тілінің жатықтығына көңіл бөлу.
Бейнефильмді сабақта пайдалану жолдары:
Фильмді бірнеше кадрға бөліп көрсету керек.
Сабақты ой ашардан бастау. Студенттерді фильмді көруге дайындау үшін тақырыпқа байланысты әңгіме өткізую
Фильмді көруге дайындық кезеңі:
таяныш, қажетті сөздермен таныстыру,
болжау сұрақтар қою,
хабарлама жасау.
Фильмді көру барысында мына жағдайлар ескеріледі:
негізгі идеяны анықтау,
басты ақпаратты да, қосалқы ақпаратты да толық түсіну.
Фильмді көріп болғаннан кейін төмендегі жұмыстар жүргізіледі:
сұрақтар қою арқылы студенттердің түсініктерін тексеру,
сюжетті талқылау,
кейіпкерлерге мінездеме беру,
рөлдік ойындар ұйымдастыру.
Фильмді көрсету әдістері:
Silent viewing: Студенттер фильмді дауысын шығармай, дыбыссыз көреді. Топтағы студенттер кейіпкерлердің не туралы айтқанын талқылайды. Оқытушы сюжетті дауысын шығарып қойып, қайта көрсетеді.
Freeze frame: Студенттер үзіндіні көреді. Оқытушы қызықты немесе маңызды оқиғаның алдында үзіліс жасайды. Студенттер жалғасы қалай болатыны туралы болжауларын айтады.
Picture less listening: Студенттер экранға теріс қарап отырады, фильмді көрмейді, тек қана дауысын (әңгімені, диалогты) есту арқылы, оқиғаның қай жерде болғанын, кімдер, не туралы екенін анықтайды.
View or Speak: Студенттер екі топқа бөлінедію бірінші топ студенгттері экранға теріс қарап отырады. Екінші топ студенттерінің көңілін экранға бұрамыз. Теледидардың дауысы өшіріледі. Екінші топ студенттері теледидарға қарап отырып экраннан не көріп отырғандары туралы әріптесіне баяндайды. 2 минуттан кейін фильм тоқтатылады. Екінші топ студенттері естігендері туралы айтып береді. Бірінші және екінші топ студенттері орындарын алмастырып, осы тәсілмен жалғасын көреді. Содан кейін фильмді басынан қайта қойып, дауысын шығырып тыңдайды. Мұндай жаттығудың түрі грамматикалық материалды (Present progressive) бекітуге жақсы. Соңында бұрыс жерін түзетіп, оқиға туралы баяндайды.
What’s wrong with the story? Студенттерді екі топқа бөлеміз.
1-топ студенттеріне фильмді көру тапсырылады. 2-топ студенттеріне фильм туралы жазылған мәтіндер таратылып беріледі. Мәтінде оқиға туралы бірнеше дұрыс емес сөйлем (жалған хабар) жазылған. 1-топ студенттері фильмді көріп отырған кезде, 2-топ студенттері мәтінді өз беттерінше оқып отырады.
Үзіліс жасалынады, екінші топ студенттері мәтіндерді әріптесіне оқиды, 1-топ студенттері қате сөйлемдерді түзейді. Фильмді студенттер қайта көреді. Ол туралы өз ойларын айтады.
Dialogue Reconstruction. 1. Фильмнен диалогы бар кадрды бөліп алып, студенттерге дыбыссыз көрсетіп, жұптарымен сол көргендері туралы диалог құруға тапсырма беріледі. Дауысын шығарып диалог екі немесе үш рет көрсетіледі. Оқиға туралы хабардар болғаннан кейін, студенттер қажетті сөздерді қолдана отырып қайтадан диалог құрады.
2. Студенттер диалогтың немесе әңгіменің басын көреді де, оны өздері әрі қарай жалғастырады.
TV ads. Студенттер өздері жақсы білетін тележарнаманы талдап, сол туралы өз ойларын айтып, клип түсіруге дайындалады.
Олар тележарнама туралы сценарий жасайды, сол бойынша бейнекөрініс түсіреді. Сөйтіп бейнекамераның көмегімен әрбір студентті сөйлетуге болады. Міне, осылай өмір шындығына сай сөз ситуацияларын жасайтын клиптар түсіруге болады.
Студенттердің өздіктерінен істейтін жұмыс белсенділігін арттыру үшін бейнефильдерді көрсету арқылы шығарма, мазмұндама жаздыруды ұйымдастыруға да болады. Мұндағы мақсат студенттер көрген фильмдерінің мазмұнын сақтай отырып, жаңа сөздерді кірістіріп, оқиғадан алған әсерлерін, ойларын еркін білдіруге дағдыланады. Сондай-ақ, шығарма жазу студентті шығармашылыққа баулиды, тілін ұстартады, коммуникацияға жетелейді.
Cooper, Richard, Lavery, Mike and Rinvolucri, Mario. 1991. Video. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hammer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
Коменский Я.А. Избранные педагогические сочинения. Великая дидактика, Москва, 1939, стр.207.
СОӨЖ жүргізу үшін әдістемелік нұсқау
- наборы текстов домашних заданий,
- материалы самоконтроля по каждой теме,
- задания по выполнению текущих видов работ, рефератов и других домашних заданий с указанием трудоемкости и литературы
Жұмыс түрі
Тапсырманың мақсаты, мазмұны
Ұсынылатын әдебиет
The educational system in Kazakhstan.
Подготовка к устному опросу
My working day
Работа в группе
The educational system in Great Britain.
Подготовка к устному опросу
Free time
Работа в группе
My family.
About myself
Работа в группе
Темы 1-8
Подготовка к тестирование
My future profession
A student’s day
Our University
Работа в группе
Seasons and weather
Подготовка к устному опросу
At the Seaside
Работа в группе
Написание реферата
8. Типтік есептеу, графикалық жұмыс, лабороториялық жұмыстар, курстық жобалардың орындалуы бойынша әдістемелік нұсқаулар
ПОӘК- те жүктемеде көрсетілмеуіне байланысты бұл тармақ қарастырылмаған!
9. (a) III- семестр бойынша студенттеррдің өздік жұмыстарын (СӨЖ) орындау және тапсыру графигі
Темы занятий
Занятия на СРС
Реком. литература
Виды контроля
Сроки сдачи
Макс. балл
About myself
Подготовка к устному опросу.
My future profession.
Работа в группе.
A student’s day.
Подготовка к устному опросу.
Western Kazakhstan.
Работа в группе.
Eastern Kazakhstan.
Northern Kazakhstan.
Southern Kazakhstan.
Работа в группе.
Central Kazakhstan.
Подготовка к тестированию.
1-ый рубежный контроль.
Traditions and holidays.
The Kazakh Music.
The Kazakh Literature.
Работа в группе.
Kazakhstan and Russia.
Подготовка к устному опросу.
Kazakh dishes.
Работа в группе.
Sports in Kazakhstan.
(additional materials)
Написание реферата.
(защита работы)
Astana, Almaty
(additional materials)
Подготовка к тестированию.
2-ой рубежный контроль
Темы №1-16
Написание реферата.
(защита работы) 15-нед.
Подготовка к экзамену.
Итоговый контроль.
(б). II –ші курс бойынша өзіндік жұмыстарға ұсынылатын мәтіндер: (Шығармашылық жұмыстар – буклеттер, рефераттар)
The Arrow and the Song. (Стрела и песня)
By Longfellow
I shot an arrow into the air-
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in it`s flight.
I breathed a song into the air-
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of a, song?
Long, long afterward, in an, oak
I found the arrow, still unbroken;
And the song from beginning to, end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
«To be, or not be»… (William Shakespeare)
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether `tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles;
And by opposing end them? – To die; - To sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart, ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, - it`s a consummation
Devoutly to be wish`d
*That flesh is heir to – которые унаследовали наше тело
* Сonsummation – уничтожение, смерть
* Devoutly – благовечно
O, My Love`s Like A Red, Red Rose
By Robert Burns.
O, my luve is like a red, red rose.
That1s neuly sprung in June
O, my luve is like the melodie
That`s sweetly play`d in tune
As fair art thou my bonnie lass
So deep in love am I.
And I will luve thee still, my, dear
Till a`the seas gang dry.
Till a`the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi`the sun!
And I will luve thee still, my, dear
While the sands o`life shall run
And I will come again, my, luve
Tho`it were ten thousand mile!
*Luve – Love ****wi` - with
**a` - all *****o`- of
***gang – go ******tho – though
Don`t believe the flatters.
By Abai.
Don`t believe the flatters for they
Are certain to betray you one, fine day.
Trust only in yourself. A sober mind and toil
Will happiness and weal for you purvey.
Don`t believe in sweetly flowing praise
Let it should make you blind and leave you dased;
And vainly proud of your ostensible success
Your worth you should be able to appraise.
If trouble comes stand up to it, be strong
If happiness – then welcome it with song.
Look deep into your heart, you will discover pearls,
To you alone these precious gems belong.
*weal – благосостояние
* purvey – поставлять
* Daze – ошеломлять, изумлять
* Ostensive - очевидный, мнимый
* Gem – драгоценный камень
* Sober – рассудительный, спокойный
About myself
Let me introduce myself. My name is Boris. I am seventeen. I was born in 1979 in Volgograd. Now live here with my parents. My father is an engineer. His name is Alexander. He is forty four. My mother is a doctor. Her name is Svetlana.
I’ve got a brother. His name is Dmitry. He goes to school. He is pupil of the 9th form. He is also fond of fishing.
Fishing is our family hobby. All men in our family are fond up fishing both in summer and in winter.
As for me I read a lot in my free time. I like to go to the country in summer. I swim in a river and play various games with my country friends. My grandparents live in small village not far from Volgograd and every summer I go to see them.
Both my younger brother and I can play guitar. We play guitar very often especially in winter evenings. All my friends say we play guitar very well.
Western Kazakhstan
Its territory covers 736 thousand square km.. Its population is about 2 mln. people. 4 oblasts are situated on the territory of Western Kazakhstan: Western Kazakh, Aktyubinsk, Atyrau and Mangystau are big centres of oil and chemical industry; there are deposits of phosphorites here. In the Western-Kazakh area agriculture is developed, mainly grain farming and pasturable sheep breeding. Quite recently the oblast has been give a powerful incentive in the development of industry. It is connected with the development of great Karachaganak gas condensate deposit. Heavy industry is developed in Aktyubinsk oblast –mining, chemical, machinery, oil. There is a chromium deposit in the oblast, which is exploited by the powerful company “Karachome”.
Cities and administrative centres of Western Kazakhstan have a very interesting historical past. The city of Uralsk used to be called Yaitzky town, it was founded in 1613. it saw ataman Stepan Razin’s Cossacs; in the XVIII century it was one of the centres of revolt under Yemelyan Pugachev, after which it was renamed into Uralsk. During the Civil War legendary V. I. Chapaev fought here. Now the city is the administrative centre of Western-Kazakh oblast. The centre of Aktyubinsk oblast was founded in the XIX century as a fortress Aktyube. Gaining the status of a city it began to be called Aktyubinsk. After Kazakhstan had got its independence, the city was renamed into Aktobe. The administrative centre of Atyrau oblast is the city of Atyrau. The former name of it was Guriev. The city was founded by the Russian merchants Gurievs. At first it was used as a fortification to protect sea-trading ways. Its streets remember ataman Razin;s Cossacs. The youngest city is Aktau, former Shevchenko. It appeared and grew due to the oil-extracting industry on the peninsula of Mangystau.
The Republic of Kazakhstan is located at the center of the Eurasian continent. Kazakhstan borders on Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and the Caspian sea.
The independent status of Kazakhstan was proclaimed by the national Parliament on December 16, 1991. The landscape of Kazakhstan is diverse. The northern forest – steppe becomes steppe, semi – desert and desert in the south. The climate of Kazakhstan, typically for land – locked regions, varies widely throughout the country.
National currency of Kazakhstan: tenge. Over the last century the population of Kazakhstan has enriching 16 mln. Today. More than 100 nationalities are represented in Kazakhstan. The main ethnic groups are Kazakhs (more than 50%) and Russians (over 30 %). Others include Ukrainians, Germans, Tetars, Uzbeks, Belorussian and Koreans.
The constitutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan guaranties equal rights and freedoms to all citizens. According to the constitution, the state language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh language. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana.
The president is N.A. Nazarbaev. The total area of some 2,7 mln sq.km. The Republic is the largest state in the Central Asia. Kazakhstan is a country with a rich historical and cultural past. The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.
The highest representive body of the country is the Parliament. The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of two chambers: the Senate and the Majilis. The national output of uranium is 40%, cronium 97%, lead 70%, zink 50% and copper 30%.
Kazakhstan occupies the first place among the former Soviet republics in locating deposits of lead, zink, bismuth and the second place in deposits of copper, bauxites, oil, phophorites. The leading brunches of industry are mining industry, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, oil refilling and petroleum, chemistry industries, building materials manufacture. The main exporting products are ores, fuel, oil and petroleum products. The oil companies agreements were signed by Kazakhstan in the field of the oil extracting branch of the economy in the nearest 40 years.
On the ten’s of December 1997 the city of Akmola was declared the capital of the sovereign Republic of Kazakhstan.
Akmolinsk was founded in 1830 as a military fortress. In 1862 it become the city of Akmolinsk because of its ever growing importance as it was on the trading way from Tashkent to the Urals. During the October Socialist Revolution in 1917 Akmolionsk was a revolutionary center. The famous Kazakh writer and poet Saken Seifullin lived and worked here. For a long time akmolinsk was a small provintional town. Only in the period of virgin lands development Akmolinsk became known all over the world. The whole Soviet Union helped our Republic to build Akmolinsk was renamed into Tselinograd. From 1962 to 1965 Tselinograd was the administrative center of Tselinnyi Region which consisted of 5 northern provinces of Kazakhstan. The wheat grown in the fields of these provinces was highly valued on the London stock exchange. In the Soviet time Kazakhstan produced 1 milliard poods of high quality wheat due to the virgin lands development
At present many different branches of industry such as machine-building, food, consumer goods production and building materials industries are well developed and are further developing here. Wheat and cattle breeding are also well developed. There are 5 institutes in the city, among them the State Euro-Asian University named after N. Gumilev. There are two theaters – the Russian Drama Theater named after Stanislavsky and the Kazakh Music Theater.
Astana is a big center of automobile, rail –road and air transport communication. It connects The Central Kazakhstan with its southern and western regions, with Siberia, Urals and Volga and other regions. Astana is on the banks of the Ishim River and its population is about 500 thousand people.
In 1997 – 1998 the Government House, the Parliament House, the Palace of Congresses were reconstructed in Astana. The new President’s Residence and many new social buildings and dwellings were and are built here too. The government of Kazakhstan started removing to the new capital in 1997. Astana is 1200 km away from Almaty. Akmola was formally renamed as Astana in May 1998. on the 10th of June 1998 the International presentation of the new capital-Astana took place. Astana will become the center of business contacts, as it is situated in the center of the Asian Continent.
Nowadays Astana – is a big construction side and soon it will become one of the biggest and beautiful cities of the XXI century.
Almaty is the southern capital of Kazakhstan. It has a long history. It was called “Verny”. The town was founded in 1853. Almaty is situated at the foot of the Alatau mountains. For a long time its name was “Alma-ata”-“the father of Apples”. It is a city garden.
Almaty is the modern city of the Republic of Kazakhstan and one of the most important cities in the central Asia. It is located at the foot of Alatau mountains and the green areas within the city have afforded it a reputation as one of the most beautiful cities in the Commonwealth of Independent States.
The city occupies the territory of 16,2 thousand hectares. The population of Almaty is over 1,5 million. Today Almaty is a major cultural center of our Republic. It has many theatres, cinemas, parks, museums, shops and other places of culture. The most famous theatres are the Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abai Kunanbayev, a Drama theatre named after the Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov and also Russian, Uigur and Korean theatres.
The well–known museums are the Central Republican museum, the Museum of Kazakh Folk Instruments, the State Art museum and others.
As Almaty is an educational centre there are many kinds of schools of general education, gymnasiums, colleges and other Higher Educational Establishments including the Academy of Sciences. Almaty is a business, finance and trade centre with many banks, trade houses, enterprises, foreign firms and Embassies of different countries.
Sports in Kazakhstan
People in the whole world like sports. Sports improves health, keeps a good form. Finally, it is an excellent pastime. International matches and tournaments unite nations, they play an important role in establishing good relations between countries.
In Kazakhstan people always paid much attention to sports. Since 1991 the country has been participating in international sports contests as a sovereign state. For the development of the Olympic movement the National Olympic committee was founded in the Republic. At the XVII the first time. In the country there are many sportsmen of international class. Great attention is paid to the preparation of the reserve for national combined teams of the country. In Petropavlovsk, Shymkent, Kyzylorda, Stepnogorsk boarding schools for talented children have been founded. Different sports facilities are being built. In Astana there is the sports Palace, tennis courts, a stadium. In the Republic there is a system of preparing the sportsmen of higher class. There are 291 sports schools of sports mastership. About 140 thousand children, teenagers and young people study here. The sportsmen of Kazakhstan are among the strongest in Asia. They represent powerful competition for the sportsmen of China, Japan and South Korea. The combined team of Kazakhstan is quite successful at the Asian Games. The achievements of boxers are especially noticeable. Who doesn’t know the Olympic champions Vassiliy Zhirov, Bekzat Sattarkhanov and Yermakhan Ibragimov? There are also achievements in track and field sports, Greek and Roman wrestling, chess. Judging by the results of the Olympic Games in 2000 in Sydney the sports delegation of Kazakhstan took the 22 place among 199 paerticipating countries.
After acquiring sovereignty measures for revival And development of national kinds of sports were taken in the country. The results of these measures immediately influenced everything. Now more than 20 thousand people go in for national wrestling Kazakhstan kures. The ancient table game togyz kumalak became popular among the population. More than 2 thousand people are fascinated by the national horse game kokpar. There are fans of such kinds of sports as baiga, zhorga zharys, tenge alu, kyz kuu. Annually the official championships and republican tournaments of the most of national kinds of sports are held.
Traditions and holidays
Kazakh folk customs are discovered in the wedding ritual. The attitude of the bride’s parents to the bridegroom was free from many customs dictated by islam. After the engagement and the first payment of kalym the bridegroom had a right to visit the bride “secretly”, usually at the brother’s place or at the house of the bride’s relatives. The second visit was open. When islam didn’t have great influence on the family life of Kazakh people the family ties were secured by the people’s common approving, singing chorus songs “zhar-zhar” performed at the wedding celebration. “Zhar-zhar” is a song-competition. It is usually sung by two groups of young people. The men’s group is headed by the bridegroom and the women’s one by the bride. The tradition demanded that the bride accompanied by her friends and singing a farewell song should visit yurta of aul and the neighboring ones.
In the bridegroom’s aul the bride was greeted by traditional singing, which was called “betashar” (opening of the bride’s face). Besides kalym the bridegroom’s relatives. The bride’s parents were not in debt either. During the engagement they had to give the pledge of the engagement’s validity and presents for proposing people. The bride’s trousseau cost very dear, sometimes exceeding the cost of the kalym.
Folk celebrations. Folk celebrations played a great role in the cultural life of Kazakh people and they were dedicated to the most important events in life–wedding, birth of a child, funeral. At the celebrations different games were arranged: horse races – baige, wrestling – kures, fighting of the horsemen who had to throw each other down from horses – saiys, or snatch the goat’s carcass one from another – kokpar. Valuable prizes were prepared for the participants of these games.
The New Year Day – Nauryz– was celebrated by the Kazakhs as a beginning of spring. During the celebration of Nauryz relatives made up at the festive table, exchanged presents and wished prosperity to each other. The main ritual dish of this ancient holiday is Nauryz Kozhe. It includes 7 compulsory elements, each standing for a vital beginning: water, meat, flour, millet (rice, wheat), milk, salt, butter. These components symbolize happiness, luck, youth, health, wealth, guick growth, the heaven’s patronage. In spring people try to get renewed physically and spiritually – give debts, throw away old things, brush clothes, housing, canals. They apologize to their close people for the past sins, make up with neighbours, invite guests, prepare presents for the relatives. Everybody should visit seven houses and accept seven guests.
Nowadays Nauryz is celebrated in the streets, avenues, stadiums. People watch oral competitions of akyns – poets, contests in national kinds of sports. Every such celebration is accompanied by such games as “kek beri” – a grey wolf, “kyz beri” – a wolf girl. The mass character is a feature of the sports game zharys – a horse competition. The more important kind of sports contests is altyn tabak – shooting into a golden disc. All these holidays and knowledge of customs and traditions make people closer to each other, teach them to respect national culture and native land.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of the Island of Ireland, the Island of Great Britain and a number of small islands especially to the west of Scotland. The country is usually called simply Great Britain.
Great Britain is separated from the European Continent by the English Channel. The narrowest part of the Channel is called the Strait of Dover. From the west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and from the East by the stormy North Sea.
The Island of Great Britain is divided into England, Scotland and Wales. Scotland and Wales are hilly and mountainious. Ben Newis being 1343 metres in height is the highest mountain in Great Britain. Rivers in Great Britain are not very long as compared with the longest rivers of the world. The Thames and the Severn are the principal rivers. The Thames is the most important river. It is rather wide and deep. It is very suitable for navigation.
The climate in the UK is mild. Summer is usually cool and rainy. Winter is not cold. Snow is rare in winter. The country is famous for its fogs. The weather in Great Britain is very changeable.
The population of Great Britain is over 58 million people. London, Birmingham and Glasgow are the biggest cities in the UK.
Great Britain is an old naval and highly developed industrial power. It is rich in coal, iron ore, granite, building stone, markble, lead and industry, heavy and light engineering.
As a rule the climate of a country depends on its geographical position. Great Britain is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and by the North Sea. So its climate is much milder than that in a continental country. It is usually rather warm in winter but cool in summer. The Gulf Stream, a warm oceanic current, influenses the climate in Great Britain most of all. Due to the Gulf Stream the climate differs in different parts of the UK. The Western part of the country is cooler and drier than the Eastern part. It is due to the nearness of the continent and to the fact that hills and mountains shut out the mild winds blowing from the Atlantic.
It is never too cold or too hot in Great Britain. It doesn’t often snow in winter especially in the south of the UK. But it often rains all the years and there are few sunny days in winter.
Great Britain is a very often in winter and autumn. Sometimes they are so dense that navigation and traffic are stopped. At the fog the air is hardly fit for breathing.
The USA is a big country lying in North America between Canada and Mexico. The country extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the East to the Pacific Ocean in the West. The total area of the USA is more than 9 million square kilometers. The population is about 230 million people.
The USA is the country of 50 states. All of them except the state Hawaii are located in North America. The state Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean.
The rivers in the USA are deep and long. Many of them are very suitable for navigation. Among the main rivers of the USA we can name the Mississippi and the Missouri, the Colorado and the St. Lawrence River.
There are 5 so called “Great Lakes” in the north of the country. The lakes make a chain. All five lakes are linked by natural and artificial channels.
The USA is one of the most developed industrial countries. It is very rich in minerals such as coal and iron are, oil and gas, copper and non ferrous metals.
The USA produces a lot of machinery, automobiles, planes, TV-sets, tape-recorders, fridges and other consumer goods.
The North-East of the USA is the most industrialized part of the country. New-York and Chicago, Detroit and Philadelphia and other big industrial cities are situated in that part of the USA.
10. Оқу, өндірістік және дипломдық сараманды өткізу жөнінде әдістемелік нұсқаулар.
ПОӘК- те жүктеме бойынша бұл тармақ қарастырылмаған!
1. Choose the word or the word-combination closest in meaning: idea (мысль)
a) thought +
b) point of view
c) decision
d) opinion
e) view
2. Choose the word or the word-combination closest in meaning: supervisor
tutor +
3. Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: snack
основательная еда
закуска +
4. Choose the proper English equivalent to: выпускник
graduate +
full-time student
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