Филология факультетінің

What would happen if you ______ to work tomorrow?

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What would happen if you ______ to work tomorrow?

  1. didn’t go +

  2. hadn’t gone

  3. don’t go

  4. will not go

  5. wouldn’t go

36. Choose the correct form of the verb.

If I ________ that you were ill last week, I should have gone to see you.

  1. knew

  2. had known +

  3. should know

  4. should have known

  5. didn’t know

37. Choose the correct form of the verb.

I wish it ______ so much in England.

  1. hadn’t rained

  2. wouldn’t rain

  3. didn’t rain +

  4. have rained

  5. will rain

38. Choose the correct form of the verb.

He wished he ______ to set the alarm clock yesterday.

  1. hadn’t forgotten +

  2. didn’t forget

  3. haven’t forgotten

  4. will have forgotten

  5. doesn’t forget

39. Choose the correct form of the verb.

It is time he ______ here.

  1. were +

  2. has been

  3. had been

  4. will be

  5. is

40. Choose the correct form of the verb.

You had better _____ it at once.

  1. did

  2. do +

  3. have done

  4. would do

  5. will do

41. Choose the synonym of: to fry

a) to cook

b) to boil

c) to roast +

d) to stew

e) to bake

42. Choose the antonym of: a full-time student

a) a graduate

b) a part-time student +

c) a junior student

d) an undergraduate

e) a senior student

43. Choose the correct translation.

She couldn’t help telling her everything.

a) Она не могла рассказать ей всё.

b) Она не могла помочь рассказать ей всё.

c) Она могла рассказать ей всё.

d) Ей нельзя было удержаться от того, чтобы не рассказать ей всё. +

e) Она не может рассказать ей всё.

44. Choose the correct preposition.

The meal is “washed down” _____ tea.

a) by

b) on

c) with +

d) in

e) to

45. Choose the correct article.

Officially ___ head of Great Britain is ________ Queen.

a) a/the

b) the/the +

c) an/a

d) -/the

e) a/-

46. Choose the proper variant:

Great Britain is a ______ .

  1. federation

  2. parliamentary republic

  3. sovereign state

  4. parliamentary monarchy +

  5. unitary state

47. Complete the sentence.

_______ is a machine for cleaning carpets, floor, and upholstery.

a) Cleaning room

b) Clearance

c) Vacuum cleaner +

d) Washing machine

e) Washing powder

48. Complete the sentence.

What … you … at the moment?

a) are / does

b) are / do

c) is / doing

d) are / doing +

e) am / doing

49. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice.

The exercises ---by him yesterday.

a) do

b) are done

c) done

d) is done

e) were done +

50. Choose the proper modal verb.

Tomorrow I shall go out of town with my friends, we ______ meet at the railway station.

a) can

b) are to +

c) have to

d) need

e) ought

51. Choose the correct variant:

The man said: “Will it rain soon?”

a) The man asked if it was rain soon.

b) The man said it was raining soon.

c) The man said it would rain soon.

d) The man asked if it would rain soon. +

e) The man asked if it will rain soon.

52. Choose the correct variant.

If the weather is fine tomorrow, we ____ for a walk.

a) will go

b) should go

c) shall go +

d) shouldn’t go

e) are going

53. Choose the correct form of the verb.

I _____ him since Monday.

a) hasn’t see

b) hasn’t seen

c) didn’t see

d) haven’t seen +

e) haven’t see

54. Complete the sentence.

I’ll call you just as soon as ______ .

a) he will arrive

b) he arrives +

c) he is arriving

d) he had arrived

e) he would arrive

55. Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: a smoker

a) курильщик

b) курить

c) паровоз

d) вагон для курящих +

e) пароход

56. Choose the correct variant. They are planning a _____ of some Baltic resorts.

a) travel

b) tour +

c) voyage

d) trip

e) hitch-hiking

57. Choose the correct variant.

We wish our exams ____ over.

a) were +

b) are

c) be

d) is

e) will be

58. Choose the proper articles.

I’d like to have ____ hamburger for ____ breakfast.

a) the / a

b) - / the

c) a / - +

d) a / the

e) - / -

59. Choose the proper preposition:

The bank closed ____ 7 o’clock ____ the evening.

a) at / in +

b) in / at

c) in / on

d) at / on

e) on / in

60. Choose the correct variant.

The children were afraid of making any noise as their mother ______ .

a) slept

b) was sleeping +

c) would be sleeping

d) had slept

e) were sleeping

Аудиоматериалдар каталогы

    1. Т.Н. Игнатова «Английский язык для общения»(10 уроков)

    2. «Повседневный Английский в ситуации общения» (2кассеты) Графова

    3. «Английский в диалогах» (2 кассеты)

    4. Сборник песен на английском языке.

    5. Паркер.

    6. «Streamline English Departures».

    7. «Stress-time» (2 кассеты)

    8. «Say it with us.»

    9. «In the USA.» (2 кассеты)

    10. «In Britain» (3 кассеты)

    11. HEADWAY elementary (2 кассеты)

    12. New HEADWAY (2кассеты)

    13. Н.А. Лукьянова «Аудиокурс по грамматике»

    14. «CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH for SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA» (Starter)–2 кассеты.

    15. «CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH for SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA»(Level One)–3 кассеты.

    16. «CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH for SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA»(Level Two)–3 кассеты.

    17. Виза в АНГЛИЮ (1 кассета)

    18. Inside Out Pre-Intermediate (3 кассеты)

    19. Inside Out Intermediate (3 кассеты)

    20. Inside Out Upper-Intermediate (1 кассета)

    21. Business Basics (2 кассеты)

    22. TRUE COLORS An EFL Course for Real Communication

    23. К. Петренко, А. Чужакин «Мир перевода–4»

    24. ENGLISH FOR ME (3 кассеты)

    25. SEVEN OF NOTE. Brief Biographies of Famous American Authors.

    26. OLD FAVORITES FOR ALL AGES (songs for learners of American English)

    27. CUTTING EDGE pre-intermediate (3кассеты)

    28. CUTTING EDGE intermediate (3кассеты)

    29. CUTTING EDGE elementary (4кассеты)

    30. CUTTING EDGE upper-intermediate (3кассеты)

    31. CUTTING EDGE advanced (2кассеты)

    32. CUTTING EDGE starter (3кассеты)

    33. Английский в вашей будущей карьере. С.А. Шевелева, М.В. Скворцова (1 кассета)

    34. Вводно-коррективеый фонетический курс учебника АВС. (1 кассета)

    35. ENGLISH for International TOURISM intermediate (2кассеты)

    36. ENGLISH for International TOURISM pre-intermediate(1 кассета)

    37. English for International TOURISM workbook (1 кассета)

    38. English for International TOURISM course book (2 кассета)

    39. More Dialogues for Everyday Use. (1 кассета)

    40. How about…(1 кассета)

    41. RIGHT READING (1 кассета)

Бейнематериалдар каталогы

  1. «Самоучитель английского языка»

  2. «Путеводитель по Великобритании»

  3. «Путеводитель по Европе»

  4. «Английский язык для повседневного общения» (2 кассеты)

  5. «Английский язык для общения по телефону»

  6. «Английский язык для общения в офисе» (4 кассеты)

  7. «Английский язык для повседневного общения» (2 кассеты)

  8. «Family album»(3 части)

  9. «Follow me»

  10. «White House»

  11. «Reference Package for Teacher Education»

  12. «American Business English/ESL» (2 кассеты)

  13. «Context» (2 кассеты)

  14. Window in Britain

  15. «Six feet under season two»

  16. Funny thing about the future of Europe…

La gracia del futuro de Europe…

Художественные фильмы:

  1. “The Mummy”

  2. “Sleepless in Seattle”

  3. “Chicken Run”, “Men in Black”

  4. Redford/Hoffman “ALL THE PRESIDENT MEN”

  5. “Legends of Fall”


  7. “STAND and DELIVER”

  8. “HENRY V”

  9. “Майк Тайсон”

  10. “The Naked Gun”

  11. “METRO”


  13. “Gladiator”

  14. “Mission impossible”

  15. “HAMLET” (2 кассеты)

Компьютерлік материалдар каталогы (компакт- дискіде).

  1. “Учите английский” (американский вариант)

  2. Политехнический словарь (англ. Немец.)

  3. “Английский для бизнесменов” (25 кадр)

  4. “Английский технический” (25 кадр)

  5. “Английский для газет и журналов” (25 кадр)

  6. “ Бриллиантовый английский”

  7. “Tell me more”

  8. Гиганты машинного перевода

  9. “English Course” (Лингафонный курс английского языка )

  10. “English Platinum 2000”

  11. “explore America”

  12. “Английский для11 класса”

  13. “Talk to me” (мультимедийный курс обуч. англ. языку)

  14. “MARKET LEADER” intermediate business English

  15. “MARKET LEADER” pre-intermediate business English

  16. “MARKET LEADER” upper-intermediate business English

  17. “MARKET LEADER” elementary intermediate business English

  18. “ TRUE COLORS” An EFL Course for Real Communication (5CD)

  19. advanced GOLD exam maxi miser Cd1 & Cd2

  20. «Виза в АНГЛИЮ»

  21. «TOEFL»- (Обучающая программа)

  22. Альфа-Лекс. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь

  23. Тренажер английского языка

  24. СЛОВАРИ и ПЕРЕВОДЧИКИ + разговорная лексика и сленг, словарь по бизнесу

  25. AUDIO курсы английский язык для делового общения mp3

  26. английский язык экспресс – курс

13. Мамандандырылған кабинеттер мен аудиториялар тізімі

Кабинеттер мен дәрісханалар

Мамандандырылған мақсаты



Шет тілін оқытудың теориясы мен методикасы кафедрасы: көптеген көрнекі құралдар, таблица, постер және ағылшын тіліндегі газет-журналдар сақталынған.



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