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cbe2fe65cd0b606800cdaf2a0daaa25b, ОЖЖ 2 лекц

Тақырып: Адам организмі қызметтерінің жүйкелік-эндокриндік реттелуі: Симпато-адренал жүйесі. Физиологиялық қызметтердің жүйкелік-гуморалдық реттелуіндегі бүйрек үсті бездерінің орны. АПУД жүйесі.

Task №1. Fill the scheme «hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland system».
Using the given diagram, briefly explain the role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system on neurohumoral regulation of human body functions.


TRH (theriotropin-releasing hormone) is released not only by neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus, but also by neurons of other structures of the CNS, namely, by the amygdaliod and brain stem cells. The synthesis and release of TRH in the hypothalamus is influenced by a negative feedback mechanism, in addition to the level of T3, T4 in the blood, and other factors, for example: exposure to severe cold activates the release of TRH

Stimulates the synthesis and release of TRH, TSH and prolactin in the adenohypophysis. In addition, TRH acts as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator in the central nervous system. TSH is a glycoprotein, a glandotropic hormone of the adenohypophysis, which regulates the processes of synthesis and secretion of the thyroid gland and its metabolism. TSH synthesis is activated by TRH, and somatostatin of the hypothalamus inhibits it. According to the negative-feedback mechanism, the production of TSH is regulated by hormones containing iodine in the thyroid gland. Glucocorticoids inhibit the production of TSH. It has been shown that TSH release decreases during injury, pain, and anesthesia. Increases the release of TSH, the body's resistance to cold, like TRH. TSH is released in a daily rhythm, and is released in large quantities before going to sleep.


TSH increases the blood supply to the adrenal gland, including the thyroid gland, affects the growth and development of the follicular epithelium of the thyroid gland, activates all stages of the synthesis and release of iodine-containing hormones, as well as the absorption of iodides. An increase in the amount of TSH is manifested by hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, that is, an increase in hormone secretion.

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