Ж. И. Намазбаева Бас редактордың орынбасары


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2019 4(61)


Бұл мақалада нашар еститін балалардағы сөз аралық байланыс сөйлеуінің даму ерекшеліктері қарастырылады. Есту қабілеті зақымдалған балалардың сөйлеу қарым-қатынасы әртүрлі қызмет түрлері жағдайында қалыптасады. Тілді меңгеру үрдісі сөйлеу әрекетінің әртүрлі түрлерін (ауызша, жазбаша, дактильді) қалыптастыру үрдісі ретінде түсіндіріледі, бұл ретте оның екі жағы да дамиды – сөйлеу, дактилдеу, жазу. Сөйлеу әрекетінің барлық түрлері бірлікте қалыптасады. Нашар еститін балаларда сөз аралық байланыс сөйлеуінің мәселесі бойынша шетелдік және отандық авторлардың еңбектері талданады.
Түйін сөздер: сөйлеу және ойлау, ауызша сөйлеу, сөйлеу қызметі, жазбаша сөйлеу, фразалық сөйлеу, дактильді сөйлеу, қарым-қатынас.
An important feature of the mental development of children with hearing impairment is almost simultaneous mastery of several different types of speech: verbal (oral and written), dactylic and gestural, that is, a peculiar polyglossia, as L.S. Vygotsky called it [1,2]. Speech communication of children with hearing impairment is formed in the conditions of various activities. The process of language acquisition itself is understood as the process of formation of different types of speech activity (oral, written, dactylic), while developing its both sides - speaking, dactylation, writing. All types of speech activity are formed in unity.
Imperfection of skills and abilities associated with the use of speech as a means of communication is a characteristic feature of students with hearing impairments due to secondary deviations.
Today, people are searching for new ways of social adaptation, the directions of this work, the forms of its organization, and methods for bringing children with hearing problems and their hearing peers closer together, which are reflected in the system of integrated education for children with special educational needs on the basis of educational institutions.
A special role in the development of special teaching methods for interphrase communication of children's speech with hearing impairments was played by L.S. Vygotsky on the meaning of the word, on the relationship of generalization with communication, on the patterns of development of verbal meanings, speech thinking and the semantic side of speech. An understanding of the dynamic laws of the development of speech and thinking is very important for audiopedagogy in order to theoretically substantiate a complex and peculiar process of teaching children's speech. The features of the development of coherent speech of deaf and hard of hearing students were studied by scientists R.M. Boscis [3], S.A. Zykov [4], L.M. Bykova, J.I. Shif et al. Based on the skills that schoolchildren should master in the process of learning a language, L.M. Bykova points to specific features that are manifested in deaf and hard of hearing students in mastering the interphrase linking speech.
The means of interphrase communication include language means of two types. Some means (A) are used both to connect simple sentences as a part of complex ones, and for connecting separate, simple and complex sentences in a text. These include:
– conjunction;
– pronoun;
– particles;
– introductory modal words;
– the unity of species-tense forms of verbs-predicates;
– numerals;
– order of a sentence.
Other means (B) are means of interphrase communication, since they connect parts of the text - simple and complex sentences (phrases) and complex syntactic whole in its composition. These include:
– words and phrases that do not reveal their semantics within a single sentence. As a rule, these are words and phrases with spatial, temporal and other meanings used in the beginning of the text. The following is a description of what happened at this time or place;
– lexical repetition;
– synonymous replacement;
– specific types of sentences:
a) non-distributed, two-part;
i) one-part;
c) interrogative;
d) exclamation points
The given types of sentences turn out to be means of communication of parts of the text, contain a certain conclusion from the previous part or / and indicate the beginning of the next semantic part.
Recent studies have shown that there is an important connection between the sentence and the whole text, which represented the connection between sentences. This is a complex syntactic whole (CSW) (otherwise - super-phrasal unity, component, prosaic stanza).

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