Economy of the production sphere
Prerequisites of the course: Economic theory
Postreguisites of the course: Organization of production, Basis of business activity, Competitiveness perdpriyatiya Purpose: to give the chance to study deeply theoretical bases of economic concepts and categories, to reveal their economic essence, to define the general strategy and the priority directions of a state policy in the field of the production sphere of the country.
Content of discipline: The production sector of any country plays the major role in economy development, defines a level of development of productive forces, scales and terms of the decision social economic tasks. In implementation of a production activity new economic legal mechanisms of state regulation are developed and established. Studying of this course gives the chance to arm students with knowledge of the new mechanism of functioning of production in the developed legal, economic, financial and administrative environment.
Competences: the student has
To have idea of a role and structure of production sector of economy;
Nobility and understand questions of economic activity in the production sphere in the conditions of market economy taking into account branch specialization;
To be able to carry out the economic analysis of functioning of branches of production sector;
To own skills of performance of calculations of functioning of branches of production sector;
To gain practical skills in the field of the solution of the specific objectives connected with the organization and management of production sector.