Маслова А. М., Вайнштейн И., Плебейская ji. С

-ize: general, local, sterile, character; -en

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Английския язык для студентов-медиков

-ize: general, local, sterile, character;
-en: thick, wide, deep, strength
П.* Определите, какой союз опущен. Предложения переведите:
1. When the urinalysis was ready the physician received all the findings he had insisted on. 2. The surgeon considered the appendix had to be removed immediately because its rupture might cause peritonitis. 3. Almost everything the physician had determined by physical methods of examination was confirmed by laboratory findings. 4. In all the patients except the one the cardiologist has not yet examined the diagnosis of cardiac insufficiency was made.
III.* Выберите нужную форму причастия для самостоятельного причастного оборота. Предложения переведите:
1. The abdominal pain ... by nausea and vomiting of 20 hours' duration, the patient was hospitalized for an emergency surgery. ( a) accompanied; b) being accompanied; c) having accompanied; d) having been accompanied) 2. There ... permanent dryness in the mouth, nausea, and constipation, the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis may be suggested. (a) being; b) been; c) having been) 3. The severity of jaundice..., a considerably elevated amount of bilirubin was found in the blood on the following analysis. ( a) increasing; b) being
8 A. M. Маслова increased; с) having increased; d) having been increased) 4. The postoperative course was smooth for a week, no recurrence of bleeding .... a) observed; b) being observed; c) having observed; d) having been observed)

          1. Переведите, используя самостоятельный причастный оборот (письменно):

1. Когда врач пальпировал печень, болезненность отмечалась на три пальца ниже реберного края. 2. Иногда желчнокаменная болезнь сопровождается осложнениями, причем развитие холецистита является наиболее частым.

          1. 1. Прочтите текст Б. 2. Скажите, при каких заболеваниях может наблюдаться желтушность. 3. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следу­ющих словосочетаний:

принимают желтоватую окраску, сильный зуд, в запущенных случаях, обычное осложнение
Text Е. Jaundice
Jaundice is a symptom common to many disturbances and diseases of the liver, such as obstruction of the bile ducts, cancer, etc. In jaundice the skin and the sclerae take on a yellowish colour which may vary in its intensity. Even the serum of the blood is bile coloured. Jaundice is frequently accompanied by severe itching. The pulse is usually slow, and there is a tendency to haemorrhage. In advanced cases nervous symptoms may develop. Jaundice being caused by obstruction, the bile cannot pass to the intestines and the stools are of a white colour. The urine is deeply coloured. In toxic jaundice the stools may be of normal colour or deeply bile coloured.
Infectious jaundice in adults has been found to be due to a virus. It is characterized by fever, vomiting, jaundice and haemorrhage from the nose, intestines, etc., Jaundice is not a rare complication in case of severe intoxication.

          1. Приготовьте сообщение на тему "Infectious Hepatitis" на основании текстов А, В, Е.


          1. Translate the words with the same root:

strong, strength, strengthen, strongly; continue, continuous, discontinue, discontinuous, discontinuation; digest, digestive, digestion, indigestion; sense, sensitive, sensitivity, senseless, hypersensitivity; thick, thickly, thickness, thicken, thickened; local, locate, localize, localized, localization, location, locality; wide, widely, width, widen, widened

          1. Memorize the reading and meaning of the medical terms: diabetes [,daia'bi:tis] диабет, сахарная болезнь

biopsy ['baiapsi] биопсия (диагностическое исследование ткани, взятой из живого организма)

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