Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса

1 Fill in the missing letters.

  1. The level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, is their level of 'mo …………….e' (slightly different to 'motivation', which is linked to doing things).

  1. When we have the recognition and respect of others, it adds greatly to our 'self-es……………m' (= feeling that we are valued and important).

  1. When we have been successful, it is good to have the 'ac…………………nt' (= public recognition and thanks) of others.

  1. Developing to our fullest potential was called 'self-actualization' by Maslow. A more common term is 'self-ful…………………..ment.

  2. Being successful after a lot of effort gives us a 'sense of a…………………..nt'.

  3. Giving people more control over their work is called 'emp………nt.

  4. Giving someone the tools and skills to do something is called 'en……………..ing' them.

  5. Successful managers are neither passive nor aggressive. Instead, they are 'ass……………………ve'.

  6. Business leaders need to have vision and 'comm………………nt' (= enthusiasm, determination and a strong belief in what they are doing).

2 Read the text then answer the questions below.
"The work of Maslow and Herzberg has been developed 1 into the theory of 'job enrichment'. This theory states that there are five characteristics affecting an individual's motivation and performance:

  1. Skill variety. The extent to which a job demands different skills.

  2. Task identity. The degree to which a job has a visible outcome.

  1. Task significance. The degree to which a job has an impact on the work of others.

  1. Autonomy. The degree of freedom and choice that people have in scheduling work and determining procedures.

  2. Feedback. The amount of direct and clear information that is received about performance.

The first three factors above contribute to the meaningfulness of the job. The fourth gives a feeling of responsibility. The fifth contributes to a feeling of achievement and recognition.
Job enrichment tries to maximize the above five factors within the constraints of the organization. It also includes two specific strategies:

  • job enlargement - combining a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment

  • job rotation - moving employees from one job to another.

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