Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

Change each adjective describing people into its opposite

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пособие для 4 курса

4 Change each adjective describing people into its opposite.

  1. accurate

__ __ accurate / __ __ precise

  1. careful

care __ __ __ __

  1. conservative

inn __ __ __ __ __ve / ra __ __ __al

  1. decisive

__ __ decisive / hes __ __ __ __ __

  1. efficient

__ __ efficient / wa __ __ eful

  1. enthusiastic

__ __ enthusiastic / b __ __ ed

  1. flexible

__ __ flexible / r __ __ id

  1. hands-on

l __ __ __ __ ez-f __ __ __ e

  1. lazy

h __ __ __-w __ __ __ ing

  1. patient

__ __ patient

  1. polite

__ __ polite / r __ __ __

  1. reliable

__ __ reliable

5 Complete each sentence using either sensible or sensitive. These adjectives are often confused.

  1. He reacts to things in an emotional way and is easily offended, he's very sensitive / sensible.

  2. He is reasonable, practical and mature, he is very sensitive / sensible.

  3. Yesterday it was a sensible / sensitive increase of temperature.

  4. Do not shout at her – she is very sensitive / sensible.

  5. This is such a sensitive / sensible issue that perhaps the press should not be told.

  6. It was very sensitive / sensible of you to bring your umbrella.

  7. “I want to buy this dress”. “Be sensible / sensitive, dear. You have not got much money.”

  8. Have you got a sun cream for sensitive / sensible skin?

  9. Do not be so sensitive / sensible – I am not criticizing you.

  10. She is very sensitive / sensible about money.

11 We will be doing a lot of walking, so you’d better bring some sensible / sensitive shoes with you.


Discussion topics

1 All this Maslow and Herzberg stuff is garbage. There's only one thing that motivates people: money.
О Agree О Disagree

3 The best communicator inside an organization that I have ever known is __________________. (name) He / She is such a good communicator because…

2 All this stuff about teamwork is garbage. If you want to do a job properly, do it yourself.
О Agree О Disagree

Task 2. Graphs and Diagrams

A Types of diagrams

Diagrams are visual ways of presenting data concisely. They are often also called figures. In an academic article they are usually labelled Fig. (Figure) 1, Fig. 2, etc. A pie chart is a circle divided into segments from the middle (like slices of a cake) to show how the total is divided up. A key or legend shows what each segment represents. A bar chart is a diagram in which different amounts are represented by thin vertical or horizontal bars which have the same width but vary in height or length. A histogram is a kind of bar chart but the bar width also varies to indicate different values. A table is a grid with columns and rows of numbers.

A cross-section is something, or a model of something, cut across the middle so that you can see the inside. A cross-section of the earth's crust, for example, shows the different layers that make it up. A label gives the name of each part of the cross-section. Cross-section can also be used to mean a small group that is representative of all the different types within the total group (e.g. the survey looked at a cross-section of society). A flowchart is a diagram which indicates the stages of a process.
A graph
The graph presents data relating to teenagers and pocket money. A random sample of 1,000 teenagers were surveyed and the average pocket money received at each age has been plotted on the graph. The x axis or horizontal axis indicates age and the у axis or vertical axis shows the amount of money received per week. The graph shows that 15-year-olds receive twice as much pocket money as 13-year-olds. From the graph we can see that the amount received reaches a peak at the age of 18 and then starts to decline. This decline can perhaps be explained by the fact that many teenager s start earning and stop receiving pocket money at the age of 18.
Graphs are drawn by plotting points on them and then drawing a line to join adjacent points. If there are two lines on a graph - separate lines, for example, to indicate boys' and girls' pocket money - then the lines would probably cross or intersect at various points. Lines that run parallel to one another never intersect.
Graphs show how numbers increase or decrease. The nouns increase and decrease have the stress on the first syllable, but the verbs have the stress on the second syllable. Numbers can also be said to rise or grow and fall, drop or decline. The nouns rise, growth, fall, drop and decline, like increase and decrease are followed by in (to explain what is rising) or of (to explain the size of the change), e.g. a rise of10% in the number of cars. Other verbs used about growth include double1, soar2, multiply3, appreciate4 and exceed5.
1 grow to twice the size; opposite = halve 2 (dramatic word) rapid movement upwards; opposite = plummet 3 grow rapidly to a very large number 4 used about the value of something, e.g. a painting or car; opposite = depreciate 5 go over, expresses a number in relation to another number; opposite = fall below

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