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Our team’s successful example on this prompt

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Our team’s successful example on this prompt
5AM. Wake up. Quickly drink a glass of water and brush your teeth. Put on your workout clothes… oh they are already on. Meditate. Drink your usual smoothie before the workout. Read your affirmations... already done? Going ahead of schedule today, buddy! Send the morning picture to the group chat. Have they already woken up? Yeah, they should have.
6AM. Leave the home to get to the park on time. Do a little stretch during the ride in the elevator. Concentrate. Feel that fresh air. Turn on your Nike Run Club app, “morning vibing” playlist and go. Today is the 3rd, 8th, 15th, 47th, 96th consecutive day of your #100DaysChallenge, don’t you dare to give up! Come on, finish the last rep, you have a run home remaining!”
Summer past unnoticed. It was May when we signed this crazy challenge resolution, and on September 17th we finished. We strengthened our willpower, enhanced our purpose, and grew muscles. We signed up for a one-way ticket out of the comfort zone. My prior habits merged into this longest eye-opening resolution. The summer changed my personality and connected me with many, not necessarily peers, challengers. I felt at home with people who always were happy to “think out of the box” or simply, and respectfully, challenge social norms.
I found the reason: my mother and father had a 35 years age difference. Unique, right? Yet, their story doesn’t fall into the “marriage of convenience” category simply because my dad wasn’t really rich. On the contrary, he was a professor and a scientist: things that, I believe, played a major role in my mom’s choice. Their relationships withstood criticism and misunderstanding, their genuine love successfully challenged many social standards, whereas my easy-going and convivial nature became a mere tribute to their strength. It was me who often spent a great portion of my time between the two worlds: I interacted with both mom’s and dad’s friends, gaining deep insights into ranging topics. On each occasion, I polished my knowledge in current political situation, science, finances, textile, and toasts. Foremost, I learned to think like a challenger.
My community expanded slowly yet steadily. I prompted people to join my #ReadOneBookAWeek, #TakeContrastShowers, and #PlanEveryMinute incentives, motivating them to be better and vice versa. My love for resolutions echoed in my habits and interests, whereas all these topics oftentimes were the subjects of my public speeches—TEDx, iQanat, Masterclasses, and Tutoring. I could gradually increase the scope of value I share: from my close friends to the school, from 20 to 200 visitors on our #7PMSaturdayMasterclasses. I have met many mentors, startuppers, professors, and partners that played a major role in my learning and becoming. Today, our community is each other’s shelter in the hardest times, guiding voice in the darkest moments, and apricity in the coldest days.
I am building and seeking a community that cares. I want to exchange experiences, perspectives, and ideas with people at Rice; the community of challengers, thinkers, and game-changers.

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