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Supplemental Essays Doc

Types of supplemental essays
There are 8 types of supplemental essays that you need to know about to write a solid essay that will get you into your dream college. Each of the types has its own intended style and contents, so that’s why knowing this puts your application forward. Make sure you make notes on this document – it’s truly useful.
Why Us?” type essay
Other parts of your application give us a sense of how you might contribute to Northwestern. But we also want to consider how Northwestern will contribute to your interests and goals. In 300 words or less, help us understand what aspects of Northwestern appeal most to you, and how you’ll make use of specific resources and opportunities here.”
> Northwestern, essay prompt
This is the most common supplemental question asked by universities. Everyone wants to feel special, and admissions departments are no different. The point of this essay isn’t just to tell the college how great they are (they presumably already know that), but to explain why you would be a great fit for this particular college.
To illustrate your compatibility, first determine what makes a college a good fit for you, beginning with academics. What specific programs do they offer? What majors? Are there specific faculty members with which you might want to work? What research opportunities does the school provide?
After you determine the answers to these questions, you have the first piece of the essay, and can then add in the second: how does the school fill your specific needs?
In effect, you want the reader to be able to clearly understand the following formulation: “I want to major in X, so program Y at your school is great for me because…”
The “great fit for me, because is key: MIT knows they have a great engineering program, so if you want to study engineering, it’d be a great place for you. The point of this essay is to be specific about why that program, in particular, would be a great fit for you because of your unique interests, talents, and abilities. The more specific you are when writing this essay, the more likely the school will agree with your assessment.

You can – and should – also mention non-academic factors, but they should not be the core of the essay. Berkeley and Brown both have strong programs, but are very different schools; Brown is a small, private college with no core curriculum in the Ivy League, while Berkeley is on the opposite coast, a large public institution, with a strong athletic tradition; there are myriad factors to consider outside of academics. You do not have to mention all of them, but again, determine what matters to you, and describe how the school fills those desires.

That said, you do not have to write different “Why Us” essays for all your schools. Why? Because, most schools have similar programs or opportunities that overlap; thus, you can simply find each school-specific opportunities and fill them in accordingly. The important factor in a “Why Us” is the specific reason that the program or opportunity is a fit for you and the reason why such an opportunity is a good fit for you is unlikely to be different across the board for most schools. This is especially true if the programs and opportunities between schools are similar.

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