5. Match the names of the scientists with their inventions.
Outstanding Inventors
Gottlieb Daimler
(1834 – 1900)
This men was a great inventor, being fond of engi-
neering, astronomy, aeronautics,
mathematics and
more. His drawings include a number of various inven-
tions, the basics of which more or less can be found in
different technologies today.
He is considered to be the
father of modern science. Some of his most important
inventions include the hydraulic machine, the boat and
design of a flying machine.
This scientist is a representative
of German intel-
lectuals, being an engineer, industrial designer and
industrialist. He was the
first to develop internal-
combustion engine and a pioneer in the field of auto-
mobile development. Daimler is the author of the first
high-speed petrol engine and the world's first four-
wheel vehicle.
Thomas Edison
(1847 – 1931)
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