Narxoz Student Research-2021
Ауыз сумен қантамасыз ету өзекті мəселесі Қазақстан елінің
тұрақты дамуына кедергі болып тұр. Мақала сумен жабдықта-
удағы проблемаларға жəне Қаратау қаласы мысалында су
бұру жайында шолу жасайды. Жағдайды жақсарту жолдары
Проблемы в водоснабжении в Казахстане все еще являются
препятствием для устойчивого развития страны. В статье пред-
ставлен обзор существующих проблем в водоснабжении и водо-
отведении на примере малого города Каратау. Даны пути по улуч-
шению ситуации.
Currently, the provision of access to clean drinking water is surely
to remain global challenge. According to United Nations forecasts,
by 2025, 1.8 billion people will live in countries or regions with
water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world population may appear in
conditions of water stress [1]. Therefore, SDG 6 aims to full coverage
of safely managed drinking water by 2030 not only for low- and middle-
income countries, but for all over the world. The commitment “leave
no one behind” requires a focus on rural areas and small cities, which
interests are typically neglected [2].
Following the collapse of the former Soviet Union and the
independence of Kazakhstan in 1991, the majority of mono-cities
experienced the issues connected with unsatisfactory state of engineering
infrastructure, particularly, degree of wear of water supply and waste
water disposal (hereinafter – WS&WWD) systems reaches 60%. Water
supply sustainability is complicated by high water loss which stands at
30% of the volume supplied. Cold water supply is intermittent, however,
the indicator of specifi c water consumption per person remains at the
level of cities with steady water supply - 7.5 m³/month.
In order to eff ectively implement the Strategy-2050, the government
of Kazakhstan adopted the “Strategic Plan for the Development of the
Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025”. One of the goals of the Plan is to
increase the quality of life of the population of small towns by providing
access to drinking water of appropriate quality and quantity by means
of the construction of new water supply and sanitation facilities and the
reconstruction of existing ones [3,4,5]. However, fi nancial constraints
of water utilities, low water tariff s and an inadequate management are
some of the various problems that still exist in the mono-cities’ water
supply sector. The poor conditions of the water supply and sanitation
infrastructure is one of the key problems hindering the overall
development of small towns.
A large foreign and domestic literature has been devoted to various
aspects of current water resource systems in Kazakhstan and Central
Asia including water availability and quality of water supply [6-9], as
well as studies that focus on current water management in Kazakhstan’s
mono-cities and rural areas [10-12] and analysis of economic
instruments in water supply and sanitation in Kazakhstan [3,13]. In
contrast to the numerous scientifi c studies on the reforming urban water
and waste water systems in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the number
of publications of the current situation of drinking water supply system
in rural areas and small cities is rather limited.
Although offi
cial data generally demonstrating problems in small
towns are available, however, the complex realities of the situation is
not refl ected. Therefore, a case study of the typical mono-city Karatau
as well as expert interviews were carried out to identify the causes of
the problems and to compare the collected data with the offi
cial one.
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