В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Примеры деловых писем
Деловая переписка
Mr. A.K. Stepanov
Russian Computer Corporation
Phone: 157-2045
Fax: 255-8208
From: Frank 
Company: Hewlett 
Phone: (713) 
Fax: (713) 
Mr. Stepanov,
The discussed milestones (линейные позиции) have been com-
pleted in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions 
of Contract №... and are hereby accepted.

The discussed milestones are closed, based on a protocol signed 
between Hewlett Packard and Russian Corporation which states 
that a joint plan will be developed by a joint working group.
If there are any questions, please contact me at (713) 
Yours faithfully,
Frank Coldman
Письмо-приглашение (I)
Mr. S.F. Novikov 
New-York, August 2003
Leading specialist
Russian State University
42 Lesnaya St.
Moscow 129712
Dear Mr. Novikov,
On behalf of the International Program Committee for the 48
IEEE Congress you are cordially invited to participate in the 48
Congress to be held in New-York, USA, November 6-11, 2003.
Sincerely Yours,
Письмо-приглашение (II)
Dear Mrs. Grishina.
You are Welcome to Britain and a Particularly Warm Welcome 
to Oxford!
We hope your month’s stay here will be happy and we shall do 
everything we can make it so. The administrative arrangements 
for your stay are in the hands of Mrs. Sybil Beaton, Deputy Direc-

tor of the local British Council office but any questions should be 
directed to the resident Course Officer Stephen Page in the first 
instance. Queries about the academic content of the programmed 
should be made either to your tutor or to the Director of studies, 
Dr. David Brazil, who will also be resident at St. Antony’s.
It has been agreed that you should receive 
300 pocket money 
while you stay here. Mrs. Beaton will therefore call at St Antony’s on 
the evening of your arrival in Oxford to pay you the first installment 
150. She will also give you a special book grant of 
20 which you 
may wish to spend when you visit Parkers Bookshop. The remaining 
150 will be paid later in the course, on a date to be agreed.
The Regional Director of the British Council, David Hand forth 
will give a small informal reception in your honour St. Antony’s 
from 6.30 p.m. when you will meet some College members and also 
local representatives from the GB/Russia Association.
Have a good visit.
Yours sincerely,
Daniel Thomas

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