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Sattorov Ulugbek Fayzullaevich, 
Candidate of Philological Sciences, 
Chairman of the International 
public association 
named after Alisher Navoi 
For many centuries, history has been created. Great people - scientists and warriors, heroes and sages - bit by bit made 
our life what it got to us. And every moment of this life is possible only because there were centuries before it. We must 
constantly remember this, that we must be clearly aware in order to continue to live, to remain a full-fledged person - a 
connecting link in a continuous stream of time. 
The memory of our great ancestors is the main wealth of our souls. This memory of prominent figures of the past is 
sacred. ―There is world history under each gravestone,‖ said Heine. Indeed, each person is unique in his individuality, 
each leaves his mark in life, the memory of his affairs, thoughts, life aspirations. 
It was past generations that created our present, elevated our thoughts and feelings to the heights of human wisdom. 
Therefore, we must always keep in our memory a trace of that human beauty, that fire that illuminated the life of the 
departed, the fire that they transmitted to us, and we will transmit to our descendants. After all, man is affirmed in the 
world not only as a thinking and feeling creature, but also as one of the links in a strong eternal chain connecting the 
past and the future. The more a person cherishes the memory of his fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the 
better he realizes his place in this world, the deeper he feels his responsibility for the future. In our ancestors - the root 
of our present existence, the origins of our honor, conscience, dignity, ideals. 
Along with such great historical figures as Amir Temur, Suvorov A.V., Kutuzov has the right to be an outstanding ruler, 
military leader and politician, who had a huge impact on world history Zhalantos Bahadur. His name "Zhalantos 
Bahadur" literally translates as "a hero with an open chest." Many scientists believe that the nickname Zhalantos (naked 
chest) was assigned to him because the batyr, entering the battle, took off his chain mail and walked on the enemy with 
open chest. In addition, other names appear in the sources: Nizamiddin and Abdulkarim. Historical texts, including the 
work of Malik Shah Hussein Seistani ―Taarihi ihya al muluk‖, indicate that Zhalantas Bahadur was signed in official 
documents by Nizomuddin Zhalantosbiy Atalik. 
Due to his personal qualities and determination, Zhalantos grew up to the level of commander-in-chief in Bukhara, 
Samarkand and Herat as a young man. Zhalantos knew perfectly Persian and Arabic. All legal documents drawn up on 
his behalf, including the inscription on one of the madrassas in Registan Square, are written in Persian. 
The article by the doctor of historical sciences, professor Uteubay Kozhakula ―Zhalantos Bahadur - the last tiger of 
Asia‖ says that he was born in 1576 in the family of Seitkul haji, who became a khan. Came from commoners. It is said 
that his distant ancestor Oraz Haji was the chief vizier and adviser to Lame Timur. 
When Zhalantos was five years old, the people of the tribe suffered drought, deprivation and starvation. His father 
Seitkul, together with Khan Shigay, chose the mountainous area of Nurata close to Bukhara for living. There were two 
reasons for migrating to its foothills. First, Shygay Khan specially called Seitkul to Samarkand. The second - 
Shakhrukh, fearing a raid by the Kyzylbash, suggested that Seitkul be near him. 
From the age of 12, Zhalantos was brought up surrounded by the Bukhara sovereign Dinmukhammed Khan. In the 
mosque, he received his first education. He also studied at a special military school, where future rulers and military 
leaders were trained. As a result, the future batyr learned early on the science of management and military affairs. 
At the age of 17, Zhalantos is elected as a bee of a part of the ―alimula‖ clan that wandered in the territories of the cities 
of Bulangar, Laiysh, Kattykorgan. For three years he has been studying in Baghdad with the then-famous scientists and 
military leaders. Under Khan Bekmuhammed, Zhalantos became a member of the Khan council-kengash, an adviser on 
military affairs. After the death of Bekmuhammed, Zhalantos did not recognize the legitimate pretender to the throne of 
the Bukhara Khanate Abd al-Mumin Khan and contributed to the ascension to the throne of Khan Imam Kuli. In 

gratitude for this and for great organizational skills, in 1612 the new khan appointed Zhalantos the emir (ruler) of the 
city of Samarkand (known under the name Zhalantos-Bahadur). 
Zhalantos was distinguished by his staunchness and military pragmatism and received the batyr title for this, and for 
successful battles with the Dzungars he was awarded the highest honorary title - ―atalyk‖. In the future, Zhalantos 
Bahadur made many victorious campaigns, subjugating Kabul, Mashhad and Tashkent. Zhalantos Bakhodur Khan 
saved the peoples of Central Asia from destruction and massacre in the country, protecting them from the invasion of 
the Dzungars. This is his worldwide service to the people of Central Asia. 
His artistic image in folklore is called "Jalantos Bahadur Seytkululy", where various myths and legends about warrior 
heroes are created. 
Jalantos Bahadur was also known as a skilled builder. The architectural structures of the Sher-Dor Madrassah (Lion 
Madrassah) and the Tilla-Kori Madrasah (Decorated with Gold), world-famous madrassahs, occupy a special place in 
the history of oriental architecture, striking with their beauty and grace of execution. 
The entrance to the Sher-Dor Madrasah is made in the form of a huge portal, high towers stand along its edges, and 
ribbed domes adorn the sides of the building. The carpet mosaic, which covers all the walls of the madrasah, is admired 
for its harmonious and subtle pattern. 
In the translation ―Sher-Dor‖ means ―The Abode of the Lions‖, there really are lions in it - they are depicted on the 
facade. Inside the madrasah is no less magnificent. Many balconies both in the building and in the courtyard, where the 
students gathered, are also covered with mosaics, and the arches are decorated with gold. Classrooms are much simpler, 
students had to learn modesty, and all the splendor was dedicated to God. All walls of the madrasah are covered with 
quotes from the Koran. The exterior and courtyard facades are decorated with great imagination: the splendor of 
precious mosaics, ribbed turquoise domes and glazed brick cladding attract many tourists to the walls of the madrasah. 
Many curly flowers forming a complex openwork ornamental pattern adorn the mosaic panel of the courtyard arches. 
At the same time, the interior of the hujir-cell, unlike the external decoration, is strict and ascetic. The room with 
smooth white walls was divided into three parts: a study room, a small pantry and a separate sleeping area. 
The decoration at Sher-Dora Madrassah is a complex composition. To analyze the design, the scientist must have a high 
level of knowledge of the ornament, as well as knowledge of two branches of history: astrology, psychology
physiognomy (the science of the image), color psychology, symbolism, history, philosophy, logic and the invisible. 
Zhalantos Bahadur did not spare any money for his people. A patriotic person is visionary and encourages his people to 
seek knowledge. He promotes the philosophical idea that through cognition people achieve ―spiritual purity‖, and 
through ―spiritual purity‖ - perfection. Therefore, the task of the architect was to create for the future madrasah an 
image that reflects the beauty of a ―pure‖ heart. The Holy Quran contains the philosophical idea that "God loves 
beauty." This explains why the environment is also designed to be beautiful. Secondly, Zhalantos Bahadur has the task 
to show people how to become rational, to achieve perfection through spiritual purity, and thirdly, to tell his 
descendants about his time in the language of patterns and symbols, about the image and his personality. The architect 
Abdujabbor, in consultation with a group of famous architects, creates a perfect, irresistible composition and achieves 
its goals. 
All the walls of the Sher-Dor Madrasah are covered with inscriptions, mainly quotes from the Koran. 
The mosaic section on the portal of the madrasah reads: ―

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