Патогенез атеросклероза (обзор) Т. Т. Мельдеханов, С. Р. Есиргепова, Б. Т. Пиржанов, Т. Н. Эльхенди, М. Т. Уразаева, Е. А. Кабдыгалиев, Р. А. Табанова, К. К. Елешева

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Патогенез атеросклероза

List of literature:

  1. Chazov E.I. A look from the past to the future. Ter. arch., 2004; 6: 8 – 15. ( in Russian)

  2. Pathophysiology. Textbook: in 2 volumes / edited by V.V.Novitsky, O.I.Urazova. - 5th ed., reprint. and additional. -M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2020. p.2. - 592 p. (in Russian)

  3. Cardiovascular Diseases. [(accessed May 31, 2020)]; Available online: https://www.who.int/health-topics/cardiovascular-diseases/#tab=tab_1 . (in English)

  4. Chazov E.I. History of the study of atherosclerosis: truths, hypotheses, speculations. Therapeutic Archive. 1998; 9: 9 – 16. ( in Russian)

  5. Titov V.N. Atherosclerosis - a problem of general biology: violation of biological functions of nutrition and endoecology. The successes of modern biology. 2009; 129 (2): 124 – 43. ( in Russian)

  6. Titov V.N. , Khokhlova N.V., Shiryaeva Yu.K. Glucose, glycotoxins and protein glycation products: role in pathogenesis. Clinical medicine. № 3 2013, ; 15 – 24. ( in Russian)

  7. Nagornev V.A., Voskanyants A.N. Modern ideas about the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, № 9 – 10, 2006; 66 – 74. ( in Russian)

  8. Bowei Li, Yuanpeng Xia, Bo Hu. Infection and atherosclerosis: TLR-dependent pathways// Cell Mol Life Sci. 2020; 77(14): 2751-2769. Published online January 30, 2020 doi: 10.1007/s00018-020-03453-7/ PMCID: PMC7223178. (in English)

  9. Taisiya Shemyakova, Ekaterina Ivanova, Andrey V. Grechko, etc. Mitochondrial dysfunction and DNA damage in the context of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis //Biomedicine. June 2020; 8(6): 166. Published online on June 18, 2020. doi: 10.3390/biomedicine8060166/PMCID: PMC7344998. (in English)

  10. Benditt E.P., Benditt J.M. Evidence of the monoclonal origin of human atherosclerotic plaques. Proc. Natl. US Academy of Sciences 1977; 70: 1753-1756. (in English)

  11. Klimov A.N., Nagornev V.A., Denisenko A.D. Immunoreactivity and atherosclerosis. Soc. med. Reverend A. Cardiol. 1987; 1: 337-356. (in English)

  12. Nagornev V.A., Maltseva S.V. Autoimmune and inflammatory mechanisms of atherosclerosis development. Arch. Pat., 2005; 67 (5); 6 – 15. ( in Russian)

  13. Nilson J., Hansson G. K., Shah P. K. Immunomodulation of atherosclerosis. Implications For vaccine development. Arteriosclerosis. A blood clot. Vask. Biol. 2005; 25: 18-28 (in English)

  14. Cardiology, Cardiology/Cardiology, 2010; 6:88-91. (in Russian)

  15. Basta G. Receptor for end products of glycation and atherosclerosis: from basic mechanisms to clinical implicatin. Atherosclerosis 2008; 196: 9-21. (in English)

  16. Voynov V.A. Pathophysiology of the heart and blood vessels. Study guide. - St. Petersburg, 2017. - 208 p. (in Russian)

  17. Spagnoli L.G., Bonanno E., Sangiorgi G., Mauriello A. The role of inflammation in atherosclerosis. J. Nutsi Med 2007; 48: 1800-1815. (in English)

  18. Libby P. Modern ideas about the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes. Circulation 2001; 104: 365-372. (in English)

  19. Libby P., Ridker P.M., Mazeri A. Inflammation and atherosclerosis. Circulation. 2002; 105:1136. (in English)

  20. Libby P. Molecular foundations of acute coronary syndromes. Circulation. 1995; 91: 2844-2850. (in English)

  21. Virkhov R. Phlogosis and thrombosis in the Gefass system. In: Virchow R., ed. Gessammelte Abhandlungen zur Wissenschaftlichen Medicine. Berlin: Weidinger Son and Co. 1856. (in English)

  22. Ross R. Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis: a perspective for the 1990s. Nature 1993; 362:801-809. (in English)

  23. Libby P. (2002) inflammation in atherosclerosis. Nature 420: 868-874. (in Russian)

  24. Pedrigi R.M., de Silva R., Bovens S.M., Mehta V.V., Petretto E.E. (2014) Rupture of thin-walled fibroateroma is associated with a subtle interaction of sand wall stress. Arteriosclerothromb Vaskbiol 34; 2224-2231. (in Russian)

  25. Collins, R., Armitage, J., Parish, S., Sani, P., Peto (2003) R: MRC/BHF study on protecting the heart while lowering cholesterol with simvastatin in 5963 people with diabetes: a randomized placebo-controlled study. Lancet 361: 2005-2016. (in English)

  26. Aziz M., Yadav K. S. Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Medical Clinic Rev. 2016, 2:22. doi:10.21767/ 2471-299X. 1000031. Medical Clinic Rev. 2016, 2:22. doi:10.21767/ 2471-299X. 1000031. (in English)

  27. Pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system / edited by L.S. Lilly; trans. From English - 4th ed., ispr. And reprint - M. : BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2016– - 735 p. (in Russian)

  28. Libby P. Libby P., Ridker PM6 Mazeri A. Inflammation and atherosclerosis of the circulatory system. 2002; 105:1136 (in English)

  29. Young J.L., Liddy P., Shonbekr U. Cytorins in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. A blood clot. Heredity. 2002; 88: 554-567. (With reference by L.S. Lilly, 2016) (in English)

  30. Zips D., Libby P., Bonow RO6 et al., ed. Braunwald, Heart disease. Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders, 2005: 925. (in English)

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