Қазақстан Республикасы, Астана қ., Президенттің «Ақорда»
резиденциясы | 2024 ж.
Коровникова Н.А. Искусственный интеллект в образовательном пространстве:
проблемы и перспективы // Социальные новации и социальные науки.
ИНИОН РАН, 2021.
- Nº 2. - C. 98-113.
Анталик А.А. Использование инструментов с применением технологий
искусственного интеллекта сервиса Experiments with Google в инклюзивном
образовании (2022 г.)
Указ Президента РФ от 10 октября 2019 года Nº 490 «О развитии искусственного
интеллекта в Российской Федерации».
THE ROLE OF AI LEARNING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Даниярова М.Н. шет тілі пәні мұғалімі,
№17 И.Трубицын атындағы жалпы білім беретін мектеп
Меркі ауд., Жамбыл обл.
Abstract: In this work,I tried to understand the problem of learning a foreign language in
the context of the development of AI.
This work aims to analyze the capabilities of AI in learning a foreign language from different
areas of professional training.
When talking about the methods of research,theoretical and empirical research methods were
used in this project. An analysis was carried out of scientific and methodological literature devoted
to the study of the use of artificial intelligence in language education from the point of view of
prospects and possible risks. Artificial intelligence services were analyzed for functionality and
potential for implementation in the process of learning a foreign language. To use the tasks based
on AI, empirical experience of working with AI services in practical foreign language classes from
different areas was used.