На английском языке:
Harrison’s Principle’s of internal medicine, 19-edition, 2016
Graber and Wilbur's. Family Medicine Examination and Board Review, Fourth Edition 4th Edition by Jason Wilbur, Mark Graber Brigit Ray
Textbook of Family Practice. 5th edition. I.Rakel, Robert E.
Essentials of Family medicine. 3th edition. Philip D.Sloane, Lisa M. Slatt, Peter Curtis, Mark H.Ebell
Kaplan USMLE STEPS: # STEP 1 (Basic Medical Sciences); # STEP 2CK (Clinical Knowledge); # STEP 2CS (Clinical Skills)
Электронные источники:
Oxford handbook of clinical specialties. 9nt edition Judith Collier. Murray longmore. Keith Amarakone Oxford University Press inc. 2013
Acute Coronary Syndromes .A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease
SECOND EDITION" Pierr Théroux978-1-4160-4927-2Saunders, Elsevier Inc. 2011
Heart failure: a companion to braunwald’s heart disease, second edition. Douglas L. Mann Elsevier Inc. 2011
"HARRISON’S Endocrinology Second Edition"J. Larry Jameson "The cGraw-Hill. Companies, Inc." 2010
HARRISON’S Gastroenterology and Hepatology "Dan L. Longo Anthony S. Fauci" "The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc." 2010
HARRISON’S Nephrology and Acid-Base Disorders "J. Larry Jameson Joseph, Loscalzo" "The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc." 2010
HARRISON’S Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine"anthony s. Fauci Dennis l. Kasper Dan l. Longo Eugene braunwald Stephen l. HauserJ. Larry jameson, Joseph loscalzo""The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc." 2010
"HARRISON’S Rheumatology Second Edition" anthony s. Fauci"The McGraw-Hill mpanies, Inc." 2010
First Aid for the family medicine boards. 2nd edition. Tao Le. Michael D. and others. "The McGraw-Hill mpanies, Inc." 2013
Oxford handbook of general medicine. 4th edition. Chantal Simon. Hazel Everitt. Francois van Dorp. Oxford University Press inc. 2014
"ECG from Basics to Essentials Step by Step" "Roland X. StroobandtS. Serge Barold Alfons F. Sinnaeve" "John Wiley & Sons, Ltd" 2016
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