Руководство для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения

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This is the first lesson of the unit but the students know the cardinal numbers 
Scheduled activity 
of the lesson 
5 minutes 
Warm up: 
For drills in pronunciation we recommend playing the 
following tongue-twisters with learners for the sounds 
[h], [d], [t], [æ], [p]: 
The hippos heard the hunter’s hiccups and hurried 
home to hide. 
Ken Dodd’s dad’s dog’s dead. 
Tacky tractor trailer trucks 
Tacky tractor trailer trucks 
Tacky tractor trailer trucks 
Bad money, 
Mad bunny. 
You can use the 
following resources for 
tongue – twisters: 

1. Poor pure Pierre. 
2. Popcorn popped with a loud pop. 
3. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. 
Main part of 
the lesson 
25 minutes 
Exercise 1.Listen and learn the new words. 
To introduce the new words, use toys. Then play the 
audio and make a pause after each new word. Show the 
toy and ask the students to repeat. To check 
understanding ask general questions: Teacher: “Is it a 
cat? Is it a dog?” etc. SS: “No, it isn’t. It’s a parrot. /No, 
it’s a parrot”, etc. 
Track 26. 
A cat, a dog, a parrot, a hamster. 
Exercise 2. Count, learn and say. 
To introduce nouns in plural, show the children the 
classroom objects they know and comment: a pen – 
pens. To revise numbers, you can say the number of the 
objects, e.g.: two pens, three books, etc. Draw their 
attention that in singular form we use an indefinite 
article which means “one”, and in plural we can use 
Then ask them to look at the pictures of the exercise 
and name pets they see in singular and plural forms, 
following the given model. You can suggest them 
saying the number of the pets.   
Students’ answers. 
Dynamic pause 
Here are Grandma’s glasses (Make little circles with 
fingers over eyes to resemble glasses). 
Here is Grandma’s hat (Circle your head and pretend to 
be tying ribbons underneath your chin). 
This is the way she folds 
Her hands and puts them on her lap (Fold your hands 
sweetly on your lap). 
Here are Grandpa’s glasses (Make circles bigger than 
grandma’ s). 
Here is Grandpa’s hat (Make a big hat overhead the 
grandma’s one). 
This is the way he folds 
His arms and sits like that (Fold your arms across the 
chest, lean back to the chair and cross one knee over the 
Exercise 3. Listen, learn and repeat. 
Introduce the verb to have. If it seems difficult for the 
children to understand its meaning, then it is possible to 
translate into the first language.  
Ask the students to listen to the audio and repeat after 
the speaker, following the words in the pictures. For the 
further practice ask the children to work in pairs and 
You can use the 
following resources for 
rhymes and songs which 
can be used for dynamic 

say each other about their possessions.  
Students’ answers.   
Track 27. 
Batyr: I have a dog.  
Dana: I have three parrots. 
Ira: I have a cat.  
Misha: I have two hamsters.  
Exercise 4.Say. 
Encourage the children to describe the pictures using 
the given model.  
Students’ answers: 
Picture 3. I have a hamster. Picture 4.  I have 2 cats. 
Activity book 
Exercise 1. Colour and name the pictures. 
The children should colour the pictures and name their 
pictures according to the given model.   
Exercise 2. Match the pictures. 
The children should correctly draw lines from the first 
column to the second matching pets in singular and 
End of the 
5 minutes 

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