Planned Activities
I. Organization moment:
Answer the question
1. Атомдар қандай бөлшектерден тұрады?
2. Изотоп деген не?
3. Реттік нөмірдің физикалық мәні неде?
Asks the learners to complete the subject-specific vocabulary and terminology table.
II. Introduction of new topic:
What does electron arrangement mean..?
I have a question on a past years that says.
Give the electron arrangement of C02 (carbon dioxide).
What should i write in that space what does it mean...?
Update: --Extra points for these--
1) State which particle in the nucleus of an atom is responsible for the position of an element in the periodic table.
2) State which particle in the nucleus of an atom is responsible for the isotopes having different mass numbers.
3) State how the position of an element in the periodic table is related to its electron configuration, and give an example. the number of PROTONS in an atom determine its atomic number and therefore its position
4) Neutron. to get the number of neutrons in the main isotope of an atom its atomic weight - atomic number
5) for any atom WITHOUT a charge the number of electrons = number of protons which equals the atomic number.
the group (column) that a element is in determines the number of valence electrons (in outer energy level) that element has.
Eg chlorine has an atomic number of 17 therefore has 14 electrons. it is in group 7 therefore has 7 valence electrons the period (row) that each element is in also determines it but this gets complicated if you don't know about orbitals (as in 1s2 2s2 2p6 etc.)
this site isn't bad
ok now to the actual question...
when drawing electron arrangements (also known as electron dot diagrams) you only consider the valence electrons.
the main rule for doing these is to make sure every atom has 8 electrons (only in non-metal to non-metal bond
there are three sorts of bonds that can be used
single bonds (one electron from each atom is shared)
double bonds (2 from each atom shared)
triple bonds(3 from each atom)
as long as you stick to the main rule it hard to go wrong.
-Reviews previously learned concepts and check for preconceptions about the lesson content by asking question:
What do you know about atoms and molecules?
Students answer the question;
Do you know that things:
All matter consist of small particles (atoms and molecules)
The particles are in ceaseless irregular motion
The particles interact with each other?
Let’s read and translate together.
Барлық заттар шағын бөлшектерден тұрады (атомдар мен молекулалар)
Бөлшектер әрдайым қозғалыста
Бөлшектер бір-бірімен өзара әрекеттеседі