1.Казарьянц К.Э., Кочарова Е. Интерактивные технологии обучения //
Материалы всероссийской конференции: Молодая наука Ч. 14. Пятигорск,
2009. С.153-154.
2.Красножонова Е.С. Использование интерактивной доски на уроках
иностранного языка в средней школе // Иностранные языки в школе № 9, 2011.
3.Гальскова Н.Д., Гез Н.И. Теория обучения иностранным языкам.
Лингводидактика и методика. – М.: Издат.центр «Академия», 2004.
4.Никишина В.О. Интерактивные методы обучения иностранному языку
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5.Китайгородская Г.А. Интенсивное обучение иностранным языкам.
Теория и практика: монография. 2 изд., пере-раб. и доп. М., 2008.
6.Салтовская Г.Н. Теоретические основы новых технологий обучения
иностранным языкам // Материалы международного научно-методического
симпозиума: Лемпертовские чтения VIII. Пятигорск, 2006. С.192-197.
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7.Бим-Бад Б. М. Педагогический энциклопедический словарь / Б. М.
Бим-Бад. – М. : Большая рос.энцикл., 2002. – 528 с.
8.New English File. Upper Intermediate. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-
Koenig. – Oxford University Press, 2014.
Zhanabekova M., Moldassanova A.A., Seidikenova A. S.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
В данной статье говорится о существовании бесконечно множество
способов преподавания или изучения любого интеллектуального или
физического мастерства; но независимо от того, какая используются методика,
потребности обучающегося должны быть соблюдены, если мы хотим чтобы
обучение было успешным.
Берілген мақалада кез-келген интелектуалдық немесе физикалық
шеберлікті үйреткенде немесе үйренгенде түрлі шексіз амалдардың бары
және бірақ қандай әдіс қолданылғанымен біздің көздеген мақсатымыз дәріс
бергенде жоғары жетістіктерге қол жеткізу болса, дәріс алушының
қажеттіліктері ескерілуі тиіс екені айтылады.
In the last few years considerable attention has been paid to the aspects of
education. One of them is known as educare. When learning a specific skill or
ability, physical or intellectual, the learner has certain learning needs. These needs
are called: explanation, ‘doing-detail’, use, check and correct, aide-memoire, review,
evaluation and questions (or queries). They can be remembered by the mnemonic
educare. These needs or elements are present in the learning of any well-defined
skill. Let’s look in detail at each of the learner’s needs in turn, to see why each of
them is so vital to the effective learning of a skill or ability.
Learning without understanding is shallow learning indeed – but it is
attempted more often than you might realize. There is, for example, a widespread
myth that training does not require understanding. Some teachers leave out the
explanation because they think it is ‘obvious’. However, what is obvious to the
teacher is rarely obvious to all the students. Let’s take one of the examples of
explanations represented in computer manual! Does it explain, or does it just tell the
student what to do as a sequence of orders? Computer manuals need not to give the
learner every detail about the electronics, but they do need to include simple
explanations such as: ‘Now press the return key; this tells the computer that you have
finished entering the name.’ Only students who understand what they are doing, in
terms of previous knowledge and experience, will be able to go on learning and
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developing after your teaching input ends. If some teachers do not remember the
explanation, others believe this is all they need provide. A university-style lecture
on its own cannot teach a skill or ability; this requires corrected practice, and
fulfillment of the other needs represented in the mnemonic educare Explanations
are a learner’s need, not a teaching method. It is not necessary for the teacher to do
the explaining, if the students get the explanation in some other way – for example,
by reading or by discovering for themselves. [1,98]
Why do learners feel a need for a demonstration when they are learning a
skill? It is because they want to know, preferably in concrete terms:
• what they are expected to do
• how they can best do it
• how they can tell when they have used the skill or ability correctly
and perhaps:
• when and where it is appropriate to make use of their skill.
In short, they need ‘doing-detail’: a concrete definition of their learning task.
This can be provided in many ways, but most learners prefer a concrete example of
good practice to copy or to adapt. For example, it is almost impossible to imagine
being taught how to strip down a carburetor without being shown how to do it at
some stage. Discovering ‘doing-detail’ is vital in any skill learning; it can be done
in many ways. Some examples:
By demonstration
• demonstrating how to wire a three-pin plug
• demonstrating how to solve quadratic equations ‘on the board’, before
expecting students to do it for themselves
• demonstrating how to pronounce a word in a foreign language.
By case study
• A teacher in retail training might ask students to watch a video of a salesman
dealing with a difficult customer.
• A teacher of accounting might give students examples of bad practice, asking
them to deduce good practice from these.
By exemplar
• A teacher of computer programming might show students a correctly
constructed program, and discuss this with them to provide ‘doing-detail’on program
• Later, the students could be asked to find the faults in bad programs.
• A history teacher wishing to teach essay-writing skills might show students
examples of good and bad essays, and discuss these with the class.
• A law teacher might demonstrate the skill of recognizing libel and slander
by describing a scenario and then arguing aloud to the class whether or not it
involves libel, slander or neither.
By being told how
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A teacher may give an ordered list of instructions, for example on how to
change an air filter (but ‘telling someone how’ usually only works if students already
have substantial relevant experience).
By discovery
Information technology students can be asked to experiment until they have
discovered by themselves how to change the margin settings on a piece of text.
Learning by imitation is one of the main forms of learning, in and out of the
classroom, because it is an excellent way of obtaining ‘doing-detail’. However,
sometimes it is not enough. For example, students may need the teacher’s help if
they are to learn general rules of composition or colour use from a painting; or how
to write a report from an exemplar.
Unfortunately, many teachers, especially of academic subjects, miss ‘doing-
detail’out of their teaching. As a result, learners are left to discover for themselves –
or from each other – what is expected of them. Here are just a few examples:
• A math’s teacher says, ‘These equations are solved by squaring both sides
and then rearranging to make the unknown the subject of the equation’, without
‘doing one on the board’ – that is, without showing how it is done.
• An inexperienced geography teacher expects his students to answer complex
map interpretation questions, never having shown (in contrast to told) his students
how these questions are best approached.
• A computer teacher says, ‘Using the File menu, you can change the printer
options to suit your purposes’, without gathering the students around a computer
screen and demonstrating how this is done.
If you are usually teaching physical skills rather than intellectual skills, you
may invariably give ‘doing-detail’ by means of a demonstration. If this is so, you
might like to remember the D element in the mnemonic as‘demonstration’ rather
than as ‘doing-detail’. Students will find ‘doing-detail’ useful even if it only
confirms their expectations.[2,132]
It gives them confidence that they have understood, and that they really are
doing the right thing when they do it for themselves.
Sometimes, when teaching a simple skill, or a skill very like one taught earlier,
the ‘doing-detail’ has already been provided and need not be repeated. For example,
a teacher may decide to teach how to poach haddock without demonstrating, if the
class has already been taught to poach cod. But beware: most novice teachers
overestimate their students, so play safe! When a teacher explains how to find the
unknown angle in a triangle by using the fact that the angles add up to 180°, this
may as well be demonstrated, even though it only involves simple addition and
subtraction; the demonstration gives the students confidence that they have
understood, and is more likely to be remembered.
We hardly have as much time as we would like to teach what our students
must learn. But this does not mean that we should modify the proportion of total
time spent on each of the individual educare elements. How should we divide the
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time between these activities? Of course, it will depend on the circumstances, but
student practice will frequently be the single most time-consuming activity, often by
a very wide margin. According to our aims and objectives, we will see that even
academic teaching involves teaching learners how to do something (if only
answering exam-style questions). This, of course, needs practice.
The ideal is that every student’s work should be checked a number of times
every lesson, and corrected with extra explanation and demonstration where
necessary. A main aim is to prevent the student from repeating incorrect methods,
and thereby learning those rather than the correct version. The check shows the
student what needs correcting. It needs to be detailed and specific. The overall
intention is to give students an ability to check and correct their own work, so
whenever possible let the learners ‘check and correct’ themselves. The more
responsibility learners take for their own correcting, the better. However, some
caution is needed. Though self-checks can save a teacher considerable time, high-
order skills do need also to be checked by the teacher; and in any case, only rarely
can students independently check their own (or each other’s) work in the early stages
of a new area of activity. The ‘check and correct’ phase also provides vital feedback
for the teacher. Is learning taking place? Am I teaching too quickly? Are they doing
it properly? The importance of this feedback cannot be over-stressed. The ‘use’ and
‘check and correct’ phases together form a repeatable feedback cycle which must
continue until mastery of the learning has been achieved. Students should have their
work checked and corrected as quickly as possible after its completion, and ideally
while it is being done. Wherever possible this phase should be continuous, student-
led and teacher-supervised; but this ideal is often difficult to achieve in
If you were about to set off to find your way through the Sahara, you would
almost certainly want to take a book, notes or some other reminder to make sure you
could deal with a mental block or some other unexpected event. Your students also
will need a record of what they are supposed to know. Notes compensate for the
failure of human memory, but they also have other functions. They can summarize
a learning session, and indicate the key points students are expected to understand
and remember.
Many teachers seem to follow a ‘teach it in September and forget it till June’
strategy. Learning needs to be reinforced by recall and practice, not left to be revised
right at the end of the course.
It is one thing for learners to be capable of a skill or ability when the teacher
and other learners are available to help, but can they do it by themselves in realistic
conditions? Going through learning experiences does not guarantee learning.
There is only one way to be sure, and that is to evaluate the learning, which in
this context means ‘assess’, ‘test’ or ‘examine’. Suppose you were in a class of
students who were being taught to navigate by the stars. What would you need to
give yourself confidence that you were sufficiently competent in navigation to let
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your life depend on your skills? After your programme of lessons you would want a
realistic practical test of your skill. You would want to navigate from one place to
another without help from the teacher, and you would want this performance
evaluated by the teacher. If you managed on your own, and your teacher was happy
with your performance, that would give you confidence in your learning.
If this evaluation takes place during a course, then remedial action can be
taken where learning is not up to standard. This is a crucial aspect of the teaching
process. Tests to evaluate learning can be structured in any number of ways; in very
sensitive areas the students may not even know that their learning is being tested. A
teacher of adult literacy may just give the student an unfamiliar piece of text to read,
and evaluate the student’s reading of it. A woodwork teacher may, after teaching the
use of the plane, ask the students to make something and evaluate the planning on
this. Evaluation can be done surreptitiously, and it can be done with flags and
trumpets; but it must be done, otherwise the teacher will not know if learning is
taking place. Novice teachers are nearly always surprised by the results of
evaluation; it is not easy to guess who is learning and who is not.
The solution requires that the last element in the educare mnemonic is the
question mark. When one is learning, one may want to ask questions at any stage
during the learning process. It is important to realize that some students are too shy
to ask questions in front of their classmates; the teacher needs to give such students
the opportunity to ask questions in a one-to-one situation. This opportunity is often
best provided during the ‘use’ phase of the learning process, where the teacher
usually moves amongst the students, checking and answering individual queries.
One of the major difficulties for students studying on their own – for example, on
correspondence courses or in ‘open learning’ – is that this questioning facility is
absent much of the time. [4,167]
Learning can be said to fall into three broad categories or ‘domains’. These
domains were first suggested by B. S. Bloom and are now widely accepted. The
three domains are:
• The cognitive domain: learning intellectual or thinking skills, e.g. how to add
fractions, how to write a report, how to recall specific facts, how to use learning to
solve problems or be creative.
• The psychomotor domain: learning practical skills, e.g. how to use a wood
chisel, or how to do a somersault.
• The affective domain: developing values, feelings and attitudes, e.g. learning
to value people who are elderly, or learning positive attitudes towards a particular
subject. Suppose your students needed to be able to recall a diagram of the structure
of the heart, along with the names and the functions of its parts. This is a specific
skill which, like all skills, can only be learned by corrected practice. The students’
needs are:
• Explanation. They need to understand the events they are learning about.
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• Doing-detail. They need to know exactly what you expect them to be able
to recall, and in what detail. This is obvious to you, but not to them. If an aide-
mémoire is too detailed, then a revision summary could do this for them.
• Use. It is not enough to read the notes over and over, as many students
They must practise the skill of recall. This can be done with written and verbal
questions, quizzes, tests, games such as ‘tennis’ and so on.
• Check and correct. Once students have drawn their diagram, their recall
needs to be checked and corrected so that it can be improved. This is often done best
by the learner.
Learner’s practical and emotional needs. The need for the other
educare elements is self-explanatory. We intuitively use the educare pattern when
trying to learn by heart a poem or some lines in a play. We use a ‘study–cover–
recall–check’ method. However, students very rarely use corrected practice of recall
in order to learn factual material, unless they are prompted to do so.
Suppose you were teaching your students to solve quadratic equations, write
a précis, or answer examination-style questions on a given topic. Choose any one of
those three examples before reading on. How would you start? Perhaps by
demonstrating how to ‘do one’ on the board, explaining the process at the same time
by thinking out loud. This provides some ‘doing-detail’, and the explanation. You
may then ask the class to ‘do one’ collectively. You could use question and answer
to step through an example, gradually writing the class’s solution on the board as
they decide upon it. Students can then examine exemplar solutions in order to find
‘deliberate mistakes’, or to discover good practice. [5,78-80]
It is an effective way to see a worked exemplar solution for a task one has just
attempted oneself. If the task is complex, learners can draw up a checklist of criteria
for success. All this provides ‘doing detail’. The students are discovering exactly
what they are expected to be able to do, and how to do it. Once the skill is clear, the
learners must of course ‘do one’ by themselves, and this work must be checked and
corrected. The ‘check and correct’ phase will probably involve you, but students can
also check their own or each other’s work. Ideally, the correction itself should be
done by the student. The need for an aide-memoire, and for review, evaluation and
to be able to ask queries, is self-explanatory. There is an infinity of ways of teaching
or learning any intellectual or physical skill; but whatever methods are used, the
learner’s needs must be met if learning is to be successful.
Based on the results, it can be concluded that above mentioned methods can
be readily used in practice to bring out the values which are inherent in a human
being. Practically, educare refers to all educational Programmes of teaching aimed
at helping humanity draw out the qualities of goodness inherent in man, and to
understand the inner makeup of a human being in relation to the outer physical
world, in order to keep a perfect balance.