1. Ушинский К.Д. О первоначальном преподавании русского языка. Собр. соч. –М., 1950
2. Сухомлинский В.А. Интерес к учению–важный стимул учебной деятельности учащихся.
«Советская педагогика», -М., 1952, №4,
3. Ысқақ Б. Тіл дамыту негіздері. -Алматы:Рауан. 1997. -192 б.
4. Ысқақ Б. Қазақ тілінен сыныптан тыс жұмыстар. -Шымкент, 2014. -160 б.
5. Сухомлинский В.А. Мектептің жас директорымен кездесу. - Алматы, 1987.
Мирполатова Ирода
Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік педагогикалық университеті,
Шымкент, Қазақстан
Данная статья направлена на раскрытие национально-культурной специфики образов,
изображающих мужчин и женщин в английских и русских пословицах.
Бұл мақала ағылшын және орыс мақал-мәтелдерінде ерлер мен әйелдерді бейнелейтін
образдардың ұлттық және мәдени ерекшеліктерін ашуға бағытталған.
Proverbs and sayings are considered culture-relevant units, since they reflect cultural
values and concepts (S.G.Vorkachev, V.I. Karasik, O.G. Potcheptsov). According to
Palmer proverbs and sayings are regarded as cultural texts which fix knowledge,
experience and expertise of generations, they manifest basic concepts and, thus,
reflect the specific cultural knowledge, and associations, which underlie the
perception of the world.
Proverbs conveying cultural information and expressing cultural values constitute an
essential part of the culture specific layer of the national world picture. Being created
in different historical conditions, proverbs contain images, which do not correspond
in different cultures.
The images of women are related to their social roles in the family. Let us consider
first the specifics of not a married woman. In the English linguoculture the word
“maid” represents this image. In accordance with the stereotypes of the English
culture, this type of woman strives to get married:
«Her pulse beats matrimony.
Marriageable foolish wenches are troublesome troops to keep.»
Positive characteristics of an unmarried woman (timidity, mildness):
«A maid that oft seen, and a gown oft worn, are disesteemed and held in scorn.»
«Maids must be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow to speak».
The image of a married woman is of great importance for English linguoculture, and
it gets positive evaluation, in case:
A married woman spends most of her time at home:
«The wife that expects to have a good name is always at home as if she were lame».
«A good wife and a good cat are best at home».
Not very beautiful and talented:
«There is many a good wife that can not sing and dance well».
«A wife knows enough, who knows the good mans breeks from weilycoat
«If you marry a beautiful woman, you marry trouble».
с) She is economical and good at house holding:
«The wife is the key to the house.»
«Men make houses, women homes.»
«Husbands can earn, but only wives can save.»
«The foot on the cradle and hand on the distaff is the sign of a good housewife.»
She is loyal towards her husband and timid:
«A king is that poor man whose wife is obedient and chaste».
«An obedient wife commands her husband».
«A good and virtuous wife is the most precious jewel of ones life.»
«A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband».
The image of the woman is negative when:
She rules the home:
«The grey mare is the better horse.»
«It is a sad house where a hen crows louder than a cock.»
She betrays her husband:
«When the good man is from home, the good wives table is soon spread.»
She is mean and grumbling:
«It is a good horse that never stumbles, and a good wife that never grumbles.»
«He fasts enough whose wife scolds all dinner-time.»
Another image is the image of a mother, which is of great importance as well. This
role is always positively assessed:
«What the mother sings to the cradle goes all the way down to the grave».
«The mothers’ heart is the child’s schoolroom».
«The good mother says not, will you? But gives.»
In the English culture, the mother is negatively assessed when she spoils her
children by pampering:
«A pitiful mother makes a sclad (scabby) head».
«A child may have too much of his mother’s blessing».
«Mother’s darlings make but milksop heroes».
«Nothing like mammas darling for upsetting coach.»
Stepmothers are always negatively assessed:
«He that will not hear mother-hood shall hear stepmother-hood».
«Who that of his moders doctrine hath disdayne, shall by his step dame endure we
care and pane».
The image of a daughter is connected with expenditure in the English culture:
«Two daughters and a back door are three arrant thieves» (SBP).
The image of a widow is usually described negatively:
«Sorrow for a husband is like a pain in the elbow, sharp and short».
«A good occasion for courtship is when the widow returns from the funeral».
«The rich widow cries with one eye and laughs with the other.»
A widow presents a danger for the man who marries her:
«Take heеd of a person marked and a widow twice married.»
«He that marries a widow will often have a dead man’s head thrown in his dish.»
The role of a mother-in-law is well explicated in the English proverbs:
«Happy is she who marries the son of a dead mother» (SBP)
«Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are a tempest and a hall storm.»
«The goodman’s mother is always in the goodwives way.»
«The mother-in-law remembers not that she was a daughter-in-law.»
«There is one good mother-in-law and she is dead.»
As one can see the image of the mother-in-law is always negative, it can be explained
by the fact that she is seen in terms of danger towards daughters –in-law.
Personal characteristics of woman can be reflected through the description of her
appearance and features of character. To negative features we refer:
talkativeness and being not able to keep secrets:
«There’s no music when woman is in the concert.»
«A silent woman is better than a double-tongued man.»
«A woman’s tongue wags like a lamb’s tail.»
«Three women and a goose make a market.»
An evil and scolding woman:
«Fleas and grinning wife wakeful bedfellows.»
«Every evil but not an evil wife.»
«Husbands are in heaven whose wives scold not.»
«Women are like wasps in their anger.»
A stubborn woman:
«As the goodman says, so it should be; as the goodwife says, so it must be.»
«Women and their wills are dangerous ills.»
A pretending and lying woman:
«A woman laughs when she can and weeps when she will».
«Nothing dries so fast as a woman’s tears.»
«Women are like wasps in their anger.»
«Women are necessary evils.»
A capricious and hysteric woman:
«Another thing stranger than fiction is woman.»
A woman wasting much:
«A fair wife, a wide house, and a back door, will quickly make a rich man poor.»
«He that will thrive must ask leave of his wife.»
A sexually dissolute woman:
«A dishonest woman cannot be kept in, and an honest one will not.»
«When a goodman is away, a goodwife’s table is soon spread.»
«Woman and a glass are ever in danger.»
A creature of evil:
«Woman is the snares of Satan.»
«Women are saints in church, angels in the street and devils at home.»
«A woman is an angel at ten, a saint at fifteen, a devil at forty and a witch at
«Thrеe daughters and their mother, four devils for the father»
Instability of women:
«Women are as fickle as April weather.»
«Women are as wavering as the wind.»
Intellectual women:
«Men have many faults, poor woman only two: There is nothing right they say, and
nothing right they do».
«Women in state affairs like monkeys in glass-shops».
«When an ass climbs a ladder, you may find wisdom in women».
« Because is a woman’s reason».
«A woman’s mind and winter-wind change oft».
«Women have long hair and short brains».
«A woman cuts her wisdom teeth when she is dead».
« Between a woman’s yes and no there is not a room for a pin to go».
A woman distinguished with high intellectual abilities is assessed negatively:
«Guard yourself from the learned woman.»
«A morning sun, a wine-bred child, and a Latin-bred woman seldom end well.»
Beauty of a woman is evaluated negatively as well:
«The excellence of a wife consists not in her beauty, but in her virtue.»
«Over the greatest beauty hangs the greatest ruin»
Now let us consider how the image of a woman is explicated in the Russian culture.
The image of a married woman is of great importance for Russian linguoculture, and
it gets positive evaluation, in case:
She is pure and attractive:
«Если бы женщины были и вправду хороши, Бог был бы женат.»
She is good at house holding:
«Без жены дом – содом»
«Добрая жена дом сбережет, а плохая рукавом разнесет.»
«Семейный горшок всегда кипит.»
«С милым дружком и на льду хлеба найду.»
«С милым рай и в шалаше.»
«Добрая жена да жирные щи – другого добра не ищи.»
«Добрая жена дом сбережет, а плохая рукавом разнесет (растрясет).»
«Добрая жена мужа на ноги поставит, а злая и щей на стол не поставит.»
She is good as a wife and her role is important in the family:
«Мир в семье женой держится»
«При солнце тепло. А при матери добро.»
«Муж без жены, что гусь без воды.»
«Мужик без бабы пуще малых деток сирота.»
«Муж без жены, что конь без узды.»
« Без отца - полсирота, без матери - и вся сирота.»
«Вдовец детям не отец: сам сирота.»
Her Intellectual abilities:
«Женский ум лучше всяких дум.»
«Чем умнее жена, тем сильнее семья».
«Умную взять - не даст слова сказать.»
«Волос долог, да ум короток.»
According to the Russian lifestyle every man can demandhis wife to be a good
woman, so the proverbs are based on comparison of positive and negative features
(by means of contrast):
«С плохой женой состаришься, с хорошей помолодеешь.»
«От нашего ребра нам не ждать добра.»
«Кто с бабой свяжется - сам баба будет.»
«У бабы да у пьяных слезы дешевы.»
«У девки догадка, а у парня свой смысл.»
«У черта и жена ведьма.»
«Муж задурит - половина двора горит; жена задурит - весь дом сгорит.»
«У батюшки промеж пальчиков, у мужа в руках».
«Адам Евы послушал, да яблоко скушал».
The image of the woman is negative when:
She is talkative and not able to keep secrets:
«Женщину молчание еще никогда не подводило.»
«Женская лесть без зубов, а с костьми сгложет.»
«Женщина без разговора, что двор без забора.»
«Завел жену, забудь тишину.»
«Женское слово - как стрела. »
She betrays her husband:
«Муж - в дверь, а жена - в Тверь. »
«Муж - за волками, а жена - за молодцами. »
«Муж по дрова, а жена - была такова. »
«Неверная жена - чужой человек в доме. »
The analysis of the proverbs shows that the image of men in both English and
Russian cultures is rather positive than negative. Besides, the image of a son, a son-
in-law, a brother are negatively perceived in both cultures. It is noteworthy that the
description of men is often contrasted with the description of women`s image in both
English and Russian languages.
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