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″Білім әлемінде″ журналы 2005 жыл №5 
Дьюи ДЖ. «Школа и общество»(1925)- цит. По «Педагогическая лоция. 2003/04 
учебный год. Метод проектов в школе» / Спец. прилож. К журналу «Лицейское и 
гимназическое оброзование», вып. 4, 2033 – с14. 
Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования / 
под ред. Е.С.Полат – М.:2000 
Пахомова Н.Ю. Проектное обучение – что это? // Методист, №1, 2004-с.42 
″Информатика негіздері″ журналы 2009 жыл №6 
″Қазақстан мектебі″ журналы 2007 жыл № 5-6 № 12 
Ясребцева Е.Н.″Как рождается проект″ М. 1995г.
Монахов В.М. Проектирование и внедрение новых технологий обучения // Сов. 
Педагогика. – 1990. - №7. 
Лебедов О.Е. Эффективное управление школей в современных условиях. – СПб,: 
Изд. КАРО, 2006. – С.96-254. 
Қалиева С.Н. Қазіргі әлеуметтік жағдайларындағы жалпы білім беретін қазақ 
мектептерін басқаруды жетілдіру. - Қарағанды, 2008. – 6.78 
Педагогика / под ред. Хмель Н.Д: курс лекция. Авторский колектив 

Tolepbay S.Sh.- 
student of the group 1702-90 
Scientific adviser: Berdybekova A.L. - 
Ph.D.in economics 
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Shymkent
Бұл мақалада ақпараттық-талдау жұмысының әдіснамасы, ұйымдастырылуы және 
технологиялары мәселелерінің кең ауқымы қарастырылады. 
System (Greek - systema - made up of parts) - a set of elements that are in 
interconnection and communication. 
The system theory was first developed in 1968 by the Austrian biologist Ludwig von 
Bertalanffy (1901-1972). 
And the information system is an ordered organized set of documents and 
information technologies, as well as the use of computer technology and 
communications, the implementation of information processes. 
Information systems is a system that provides implementation, output, storage, 
processing to create functional information processes. 
The information system is intended for collection, storage and processing.[1] 
Enterprise management, in modern terms, business management, in turn, has 
undergone various changes. But the version of the bottom has not changed. 
The manager makes a decision based on the information that he knows at that 
moment, and subordinates execute the decision from the moment it is received. In 
2019, the Ministry carried out the integration of Information and 
analytical system of the transport database and monitoring of traffic safety dynamics 
(IAS TBD) with Information and analytical 
SmartDataUkimet system (IAS SDU). 
The main thing is corporate information systems (KIS) - this is not just a system, it is 
a powerful and effective weapon in the hands of specialists who can set goals and 
strive to achieve them. 
According to this definition, information technology includes algorithmic tasks, as 
well as providing information and technical devices and software. Corporate 
information systems are not only the corresponding hardware and software device, 
but also the subject area.[2] 
The research also shows that, over the next three years and beyond, 71 percent of 
global enterprises predict their investments in analytics will accelerate. 
At this time, the World Complex standard is distributed as a quality enterprise 
system. Launched the ISO (International Standards Organization) system, and the full 
name ISO/TC 176. The generic name for this comprehensive ISO 9000 standard. 
To implement and maintain a quality enterprise system, the family standard divides 
ISO 9000 into 3, assuming the use of a Prague product: 
Comprehensive enterprise management system 
2. Electronic document management system 
3. creation of a functional model of the institution through products 

A quality ISO 9000 system and the implementation of corporate information 
systems in an enterprise are closely interrelated.
Looking at the global level, in 2017, the combined value of platform-based 
companies with a market capitalization of more than $100 million was estimated to 
exceed $7 trillion, up 67% from 2015. [3] 
Another author, Zabbarova O.A., referring to the Mid-term Concept for the 
Development of Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation, approved by 
Order No. 180 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 1, 2004, writes that 
purely informational function. 
The architecture of the corporate information system is built on the following 
1. information-logical level. 
This level has shown itself in the order of data flow and information output 
environment, areas of use and modification. It can be displayed as a model. The data 
is based on the basic structure, system agreement and organization rules. The purpose 
of creation is to provide an applied software system. 
2. application level. 
It proved to be in the form of information and logical models, functionalized with 
the help of application programs and software systems. 
These are a document management system, a control system, a planning system, 
automated process control systems, CAD systems, accounting systems, office 
packages, financial control systems, personnel, etc. 
3. system level. 
Operating systems and network equipment. 
4. hardware level. 
Computing technology, equipment. 
5.Transport level 
Active and passive network device, network protocol and technology.[4] 
This analytical report has been prepared in accordance with paragraph 9 of the action 
plan (“road map”) for the implementation of the Main Directions and Stages of the 
Implementation of the Coordinated (Agreed) Transport Policy of the Member States 
of the Eurasian Economic Union for 2018-2020, approved by the Decision of the 
Eurasian Intergovernmental Council of October 25 2017 No 3. 
The research also shows that, over the next three years and beyond, 71 percent of 
global enterprises predict their investments in analytics will accelerate.[5] 
In conclusion, corporate information systems develop the method of enterprise 
management. Due to the growing level of competition between entrepreneurs, 
company leaders at different times are looking for ways to stay on the market and 
maintain its profitability. The development of computer systems, network 
technologies, the process of increasing the production and capacity of document 
transportation systems make it possible to constantly improve corporate information 
systems - their products and functionality.
More enterprises are provided with computer networks. Enterprises will be mobilized 
to improve the quality of products to provide for the prisoners. It improves the quality 

of corporate information systems - it has more features. Distributors and product 
vendors will be transferred through the integration. At the same time, corporate 
information systems after their delivery after certification are their documents. As a 
result, corporate information systems turned out to be beneficial for both the 
customer and the enterprise.In national conditions, the enterprise receives through 
corporate information systems.

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