Сборник научных статей научно-практической конференции «Байтанаевские чтения-Х»

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baytanaev 2022 zhinak 1 tom gotov

Qiuyun Zhao, Zhi Zhang, Reflection on Classroom Teaching Method of Scratch 
Programming//3rd International Conference on Economics and Management, Education, 
Humanities and Social Sciences.-2019ю- v. 325.- p. 60-64 
2. Zhu, ZT., Yu, MH. & Riezebos, P. A research framework of smart education// Smart Learn. 
Environ. -2016.- v.3.- p. 4. 
Нуржауова А.Б.-
тобының студенті 
Ғылыми жетекшісі:
Султанова Г. Ф.-аға оқытушы, магистр 
Оңтүстік Қазақстан педагогикалық университеті, Шымкент


Қазіргі кезде білімді мұғалім мамандарын даярлау қай елдің болсын 
міндеті.Мұғалімдік жол өте қиын жол , әрдайым ізденісті, уақытты талап 
етеді.Мұғалімнің рөлі тек сабақ жоспарларын жоспарлаудан және орындаудан гөрі анық . 
Мұғалім оқушылармен көп уақыт өткізгендіктен, кейбір сезімдерде ол студенттің үшінші 
ата-анасы бола алады. Мұғалімдер өздерінің оқушыларына, әсіресе отбасылық негізі 
жетіспейтін балаларға тұрақты оң рөл үлгі болуы тиіс.Мектеп қабырғасында болсын, 
жоғары оқу орындарында болсын,мұғалім өз бойындағы асыл қасиеттерін білім алушы 
бойына дарытуы керек .Қоғамдағы мұғалім дәрежесін жоғарылату мақсатында 
мұғалімдердің кәсіби біліктілігін арттыру бойынша іс шаралар жүргізуде
The role of the teacher in the education system. 
The teacher is the basis, soul and heart of the entire education system. Considering 
the student as a subject, opening the way for his self-knowledge, the development of 
personal qualities, the formation of the mentality of «I», the orientation of education 
and upbringing to the individual is an urgent task of today's teacher. Impossible The 
purpose of the modern education system is to train competitive professionals. School 
is a learning environment, the heart of which is the teacher. A special feature of the 
work of an aspiring teacher is his ability to transform the lesson and find a way to the 
heart of the person. It is the duty of every teacher to be a teacher, to respect him, to 
keep him clean. He is a person who loves his profession, his subject, all students, 
school. A teacher of a new formation in a changing society is a competent person 
who has mastered all pedagogical tools, strives for continuous self-improvement
spiritually developed, mature. Developed. Requirements for teachers in market 
conditions: competitiveness, high quality of education, professionalism, skill in 
methodical work. XXI century – the century of intellectuals. Therefore, we must not 
forget for a moment that we need a highly developed, intelligent, well-developed, 
intelligent generation. In the XXI century, our country is moving into the process of 

globalization and globalization. The knowledge and skills of the younger generation 
play an important role in the revitalization and development of this process. «In 
today's world, young people are in dire need of new information technology-related 
education that meets international standards,» the President said in his message. «A 
teacher is a teacher only when he is constantly improving his knowledge, and when 
he stops learning and searching, his teaching disappears,» said KD.Ushinsky.
Increase students' interest in the subject and cognitive curiosity. 
It is the teacher's duty to recognize the special abilities and talents of young people, 
to guide their further development, to lead them in that direction. The great 
philosopher Plutarch once said: “Many natural talents are destroyed by incompetent 
teachers. That's why every teacher shouldn't allow it. « The teacher should be able to 
use the methods in the lesson, allowing children to freely express their opinions, 
sharpen their thoughts and increase their self-confidence. Each method-based lesson 
is based on students' thinking and imagination, developing the child's deep thinking 
and teaching them to speak. It is the task of every teacher to find and work with a 
gifted child from among children with different abilities, using different 
methodological approaches, to think about his comprehensive recognition, to monitor 
the level of creativity of students. 
The role of the teacher is to use classroom guides and presentations to help students 
learn and apply concepts such as mathematics, English and science. Teachers teach, 
work in classrooms, lead classrooms, meet with parents, and work closely with 
school staff. Today, teaching is a multifaceted profession; Teachers often play the 
role of surrogate parents, class discipline, mentor, counselor, accountant, role model, 
planner and many other roles. Primary school teachers play an important role in 
student development. Students can form men and women in their formative years. 
The role of the teacher is clearer than just planning and implementing lesson plans.
Because the teacher spends a lot of time with students, in some ways he or she can be 
the student's third parent. Teachers can be a role model for their students, especially 
children with poor family backgrounds.Of course, the role of the teacher as a half-
parent often depends on the age and class of the children they teach. A kindergarten 
teacher develops the basic skills their children need to succeed next year, and an 
intermediate class teacher teaches specific information about a particular subject. 
Teacher standards.In the United States, standards for teachers are enshrined in state 
and federal law and implemented by public education organizations and with the 
support of national educators such as the National Education Association and the 
American Federation of Teachers. There are mother-teacher organizations where 
parents can discuss their concerns about the role of teachers in schools today. I think 
that such a system should be introduced in Kazakhstan. 

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