Современная наука: новые подходы и актуальные исследования

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U.G. Gaipova, 
 2nd year postgraduate master student, 
Ye.N. Tsay, 
PhD in Pedagogic Sciences, 
University of international business, 
Almaty, Kazakhstan 
pronunciation is amongst the most important 
components of communication, as evidenced by the current surge in 
a study into pronunciation instruction. The presence of difficulties in 
teaching pronunciation in EFL leads to the search for a variety of 
ways, methods and techniques that activate pronunciation skills. The 
article discusses modern approaches to teaching pronunciation with a 
focus on intelligible pronunciation, spelling, phonics, suprasegmental 
units of English speech. The use of effective methods in teaching 
allows acquiring the skills of correct pronunciation of learners since 
it is based on tasks that form positive motivation to communicate in a 
foreign language 
intelligible pronunciation, spelling, phonics, 
sound, ESL learning. 
Intelligible pronunciation is a crucial component in improving 
communicative ability and it is one of the essential components of 
oral communication. English proficiency becomes one of the most 
advanced techniques to learn, and students should devote a 
significant amount of time to practicing it. Actually, students 
learning a second language frequently face the influence of their first 
language as well as the difficulty of understanding a native speaker's 
utterance. This is due to a simple lack of correspondence between the 
spelling and pronunciation systems. It is critical to propose a new 
methodological framework within Cognitive Phonology that can aid 
in the presentation of a new approach to teaching learners to 
pronounce sounds and understand word meanings [1].

It’s obvious to think that everyone should be aware that a 
native-like way of pronunciation may be a desirable objective for 
some but not all learners. For the vast majority of students
intelligence is a logical goal. They like to keep their foreign accent 
because it is a part of who they are. For most learners, achieving 
native-like pronunciation may be an unattainable objective. Tabula et 
al. mention that one of the primary goals of language learners should 
be to achieve understandable speech [2]. In order to improve 
communicative competency, pronunciation education should 
emphasize some realistic goals. 
Knowing how to pronounce words entails understanding 
phonological forms and general conditions on phonological-phonetic 
structure, the ability to perceive pronunciations differently, and the 
ability to form new phonetic plans from lexical structure to 
morphological operations. It is general knowledge that a single 
sentence can be delivered in a variety of ways by a single speaker.
The problem of the importance of proper pronouncing English 
words is rising nowadays. Therefore, the main objectives of the 
present article are to give the reasons why intelligible pronunciation 
is important and to give some methods how to introduce teaching 
pronunciation through activities in the foreign language classroom. 

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