Студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың «фараби әлемі» атты халықаралық ғылыми конференциясы

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Сборник конф Фараби Әлемі 2023 химфак-печать

Jumadilov T. et al. Anomalous Sorption of Neodymium and Praseodymium Ions By Intergel 
System Polyacrylic Acid Hydrogel – Poly-4-Vinylpyridine Hydrogel // Chem. Chem. Technol. – 2022. – 
Vol. 16(1). – P. 7-14.
2. Wójcik G. Sorption behaviors of light lanthanides(III) (La(III), Ce(III), Pr(III), Nd(III)) and Cr(III) 
using nitrolite // Materials (Basel). – 2020. – Vol. 13, № 10.

«Фараби Әлемі» атты студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың халықаралық конференциясы
Sarsenbayeva A.M., Zhaksylyk A.K., Serikbayeva U.T. 
Supervisor: PhD, associate professor Kudreyeva L.K. 
al-Farabi Kazakh National University
One of the most serious life-threatening diseases in women is breast cancer. Based on the data 
of the world health organization's international center for research on cancer, the number of cancer 
deaths could exceed 13.1 million in 2030. Hence, early cancer detection is essential and one of the 
key elements that helps to improve both the clinical prognosis and survival rates. 
Electrochemical sensors work by transferring electrons between analytes and electrodes, 
frequently after analyte-receptor recognition. Electrochemical approaches have several advantages 
over other analytical techniques, including quick response times, low costs, ease of use, clinically 
relevant sensitivity and specificity, and the capacity for miniaturization. 
The accurate analysis of ctDNA is important because the circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is 
one of the particularly informative cancer biomarkers for disease diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis.
Hongli Zhao and others were developed a novel sandwich-type electrochemical biosensor 
through a facile way for sensitive detection of ctDNA using nanocomposites (MWCNTs-PDA-Au-
Pt) as signal probes’ label (SPs-label) for signal amplification. Shibsankar Dutta and others 
developed an electrochemical platform for highly sensitive DNA detection using MoS2 - 
polyaniline nanocomposites. Gold nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) have been modified into GCE to obtain a 
DNA probe through the Ag-s bond, and an electrochemical sensor that can be used to detect stdna 
using methylene as an indicator has been proposed by Mohammad Mazlum-Ardakani, etc. In 
YiFang Huang’s presented work, a novel electrochemical biosensor based on nest hybridization 
chain reaction was proposed for the sensitive and specific detection of PIK3CA E545K ctDNA with 
a simple process. The developed biosensor exhibited good analytical performance for the detection 
of target ctDNA with the linear range from 5 pM to 0.5 nM and the detection limit of 3 pM. 
In practical application, researchers can choose appropriate detection methods according to 
their own experimental conditions and experimental purposes. In the future, ctDNA testing can help 
cancer patients better manage and treat cancer. 

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