Байланысты: Сборник конф Фараби Әлемі 2023 химфак-печать
POLYMER AND THEIR APPLICATION IN MEDICINE Safar S. Supervisor: PhD Ospanova G. Suleyman Demirel University Safarsabina1707@gmail.com Polymers are high-molecular compounds, consisting of a large number of repeating groups
(units) of the same structure, for example, polyvinyl chloride (-CH
-CHCl-) polyester, polyacrylate,
etc. As a rule, polymers are substances with a molecular weight from several thousand to several
Polymers are widespread in the 21st century and are used in almost all industries. The
applications of polymers in biomedical field are highly significant and more effective. These are
safe, less toxic and comparatively simple. The role of polymers is a suture materials, tissue
adhesives, and vascular grafts, materials for cosmetic implants, dental composites, contact and
intraocular lenses, etc. The very first reported synthetic polymer for medical use is poly (methyl
methacrylate) (PMMA) for making an intraocular lenses. Nowadays specialists distinguish two
main directions in the practical application of polymeric materials for the needs of medicine. First,
by encapsulating a conventional drug in a slow-dissolving polymer shell, it is possible to extend the
duration of the drug's stay in the body. Another group of examples of the use of polymers in
medicine is prosthetics. Today, dentists most often use polyacrylates, polyesters and polyamides are
used for skin prosthetics. For a long time, polysiloxanes, polyesters, polyvinyl chloride and
polyacrylates were used for internal
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