Байланысты: Сборник конф Фараби Әлемі 2023 химфак-печать
USAGE OF ECO-FRIENDLY HYDROGEL IN AGROCULTURE Uspanova A.M. Supervisor: PhD Ospanova G. Suleyman Demirel University, 2023 uspanovaasel2004@gmail.com With their three-dimensional network structure, hydrogels are polymers that can hold a lot of
water. Both the scholarly and industrial communities have paid close attention to the special
qualities of hydrogels. Mainly, hydrogels are excellent materials because they can simulate a two-
phase (water and polymer) natural environment in biological systems; biocompatibility and
biodegradability make hydrogels ideal for use in tissue engineering; in the agricultural industry and
in medicine.
Hydrogels are used in agriculture and forestry to retain moisture in the soil, and its content
directly affects the germination of seeds. Fertilizers are also introduced into them, and due to the
fact that the gel does not allow fertilizers to evaporate quickly, they can be applied in a smaller
volume. "Thanks to hydrogels, plants need to be watered less often and less fertilizers can be used.
This is important for the rational use of fresh water on the planet and reduces the harmful effects of
fertilizers on the soil. The majority of hydrogels sold today are composed of polyacrylamide and
polyacrylonitrile. The difference between eco—friendly hydrogel from other developments is that it
is made entirely from natural components and decomposes in the soil into non-toxic components for
humans, animals and plants.
The agricultural sector is very well developed in Kazakhstan. In my opinion, the use of such
eco-friendly hydrogels can contribute to a positive effect on the yield of plants, while improving the
taste and commercial properties of fruits, helps to conserve water resources.
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