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Бухина пособие автоматизация и управление (1) (1)

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  • To feed
by Meriam J.L.

It is well known that since ancient times people have tried to construct automatic toys. Those toys were put into motion by hidden mechanisms of automatic devices. The mechanical wonders of the past indicated the road for developing automatic systems later. Clocks and watches, being the first automatic systems, suggested to people an idea of producing automata in industrial manufacture. The Frenchman Vaucanson built a weaving loom replacing fifty weavers. The talented Russian mechanic Ivan Polzunov invented a float-type controller for his steam engine. Steam engine found universal application due to the invention of the centrifugal speed governor, designed by the English inventor James Watt. Soon automation spread to all technological spheres and became a moving force of technological advance.

So, automation deals with the theory and construction of control systems which can function without man’s participation. It should be noted that modern automatic industrial process involves four independent components, each component becoming more powerful in the presence of the other. They are: transfer machining, automatic assembly, communication engineering and control engineering. These four components are linked together into a single process called automation. When two or more automatic machines are connected together with automatic controls, which may be mechanical, electrical or a combination of them, an automated control is formed. This system creates a self-feeding, self-initiating and self-checking process.
It should be noted that electronics has greatly extended the range of automatic control and has made the processing of information rapid and automatic. Electronic devices are able to respond very quickly to signals and take measurements and detect faults very accurately. So, they can effectively control many processes and machines working at high speeds. Due to the above – mentioned advantages automatic control systems find wide application in many fields of technology. Automatic controls relieve man of many monotonous activities. Besides, they can perform functions which are beyond the physical abilities of man.
People make great use of automation in industry; it is especially effective in continuous cycle production. Various kinds of electronic devices are applied in automatic aircraft pilots, as radio aids to air and marine navigation. Owing to automation special devices make precise calculations for space vehicle movement, help to launch missiles and to direct them to the correct path. Automatic interplanetary stations and space rockets are equipped with orientation systems, photo-television apparatus, special soft landing radio systems and movement control systems of high precision. These systems ensure safe returning and safe landing.
Automation to be developed successfully has become one of the main factors of engineering progress today.
6. Answer the questions:
1) How were the first automatic toys put into motion? 2) What were the first automatic systems? 3) Who was the first to show the advantages of automatic devices? 4) Due to what did steam engines find wide application? 5) What is automation? 6) What components does an automatic process include? 7) What conditions can an automatic control system be formed under? 8) What process does such system create? 9) What extended the range of automatic control? 10) What fields of technology are automatic control systems used in?

7. Translate and memorize the following word combinations:
To invent a float-type controller; centrifugal speed governor; to put into motion; self-initiating and self-checking process; to extend the range of automatic control; a steam engine; control engineering; mechanical wonders; transfer machining; to create a self-feeding; to extend the range of automatic control; to respond to signals quickly; to take measurements; to detect faults accurately; continuous cycle production; automatic aircraft pilot; radio aids; air and marina navigation; owing to automation; to make precise calculations; space vehicle movement; to launch and direct missiles on the correct path; to be equipped with orientation systems; movement control systems of high precision; to ensure safe returning and safe landing.

8. Find out the English equivalents for the following word combinations:
1) Автоматическая сборка; автоматизированные системы управления; натолкнуть на мысль; механическая перестановка; диапазон автоматического управления; создавать процесс автоматической подачи; обнаруживать погрешности с высокой точностью; автоматическое включение; техника регулирования; быстро реагировать; непрерывный производственный цикл; выполнять вычисления; направлять ракеты по заданной траектории; системы управления полетом высокой точности; приводить в движение; благодаря изобретению регулятора скорости; промышленное производство; автопилоты; радиосредства; паровой двигатель; техника связи.
2) Прибор по обнаружению ошибки; управляемая величина; задающее устройство; поддерживать физические переменные величины; подавать сигнал обратной связи; чувствительные приборы; периодическое намагничивание сердечника; усиливать; менять величину напряжения; подаваемого к нагрузке; любая погрешность; желаемый уровень; управление производственными процессами; принцип действия; переменное сопротивление.

9. Translate the verbs and their derivatives:
To feed – feedback; feed forward; feeder; feeding.
To indicate – indicated; indication; indicative; indicator; indicatory.
To transfer – transferable; untransferable; transferability; transferring; transference; transferor.
To govern – governor; governable; ungovernable; government; governmental.
To vary – variable; variability; invariability; variant; variation; variety; various

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