Түсінік хат және сабақтың суреттелуі Аңдатпа

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Сабақтың әдістемелік талдамасы

Түсінік хат және сабақтың суреттелуі


Бұл кеңейтілген сабақ талдамасы жалпы білім беретін мектептің 8-сыныбына арналған «Ағылшын тілі» пәні бойынша өтуге лайықталып жасалды. Талдауға алынып отырған сабақ 2015-2016 оқу жылына арналып жасалған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар көлемінде оқу жылының II- жарты жылдығында өтіледі. Сабақ күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспарындағы «Mass Media» атты үлкен тарауынан алынды. Сабақ тақырыбы: «Computer in our life». Сабақтың жалпы өту барысы этаптармен тақырыпты түгелдей қамтиды. Сабақтың тақырыбын ашу мақсатында арнайы презентация жасалды. Бұл сабақта қарапайым сөз тіркестерінен бастап, күрделі жаттығуларға дейін компьютерлік тематика қамтылды. Олар оқушылардың сөйлеу дағдысын дамытуға, өз ойын жеткізе алуға және өзара топпен пікір алмастыруға бағытталды. Сабақ барысында қамтылған тілдік материалдар: сабақ тақырыбына байланысты мәтіндер мен оларға арналған жаттығулар, сөзжұмбақ, ойлауды дамытуға арналған түрлі жаттығулар тізбегі мен оқушы білімін тексеруге арналған тест материалдары. Сабақ барысы түгелдей интерактивті тақтада өткізілуге бағытталған.



The theme of the lesson:

Unit VI. Mass Media.

Step 7. Computer in our life.

Type of the lesson:


Aims of the lesson:

1. Develop the pupils’ language skills in reading and speaking. Teach to discuss about a computer and using vocabulary on computer topics. Teaching the pupils to work on the text and guess the main idea of it.

2. To help the pupils associate the knowledge on theme and get more information about computers. Teaching the correctly using of new words to answer the questions on theme.

3. To build on the pupils interest to the subject and motivation and purpose of language as well as the rules.

Bringing up the pupils respect and love to the native and foreign languages.

Objectives of the lesson:

1. The pupils should be able to develop the language skills that are effective in communication.

2. The answers are given by the pupils should be short and clear. Some specific terms and expressions might be used in orally speech of the pupils.

3. The pupils can work in small groups and make sure to help each other. Be more positive and able to decide any problems when they are in different situations.

4. The pupils have come to agreement about having decisions. It can possibly be successful in establishing of good social relationship.

5. Be ready to be agreed or not agreed and have own points of view.

Types of control of the lesson:

Discussion. Divide the class into small groups (in each group five children maximum). Ask them to choose the leader (or speaker) for each group. Give them to respond to the questions like these:

Group 1:

1. What is a computer?

2. What means the word a printer?

3. Do you like working on a computer?

4. What tasks do you usually do on it?

Group 2:

1. What can you say about computer?

2. What means the word the Internet?

3. How often do you use a computer?

4. Can you imagine your life without a computer?

Group 3:

1. What computer programs do you know?

2. What means the word a scanner?

3. Is computer very important in your life?

4. How long do you work on a computer?

As a whole class have the groups to report on their collective answers to the questions.
Work on vocabulary. 1) Below are the words on theme and names of the devices that are scrambled.

Scrambled words:

1. ECIDVE device

2. PMUORCET computer

3. RETGASO storage

4. DAAT data

5. ARWDAHER hardware

6. IGLDITA digital

7. INOMRTO monitor

8. AORFWETS software

9. CERENS screen

10. REPNRTI printer

2) Match the following words and statements:

1. Computer

It is a device for processing information.

2. hardware

The devices composing a computer system

3. data

They are all of the materials in different programs and symbols.

4. software

They are the programs that tell the hardware how to perform a task.

5. processing

It is the process of operating information.

6. scanner

It is used to input text and graphics from a printed page.

Test yourself.

1. Computers are the ______ machines.

A reading and scanning

B general purpose

C processing information

D identifying the items

2. Many films and graphics _______ by a computer.

A are purchased

B are controlled

C are used

D are produced

3. A word processor program allows the computer _________ text.

A to process

B to read

C to reflect

D to scan

4. ____________ is used for looking at pages on the Internet.

A A database program

B A spread sheet

C A browser program

D Word process program

5. Barcodes __________ in industry, shops and supermarkets.

A are invented

B are used

C are produced

D are found

6. __________ is known as hardware programs.

A Computer equipment

B Computer devices

C Programming

D Database program

7. __________ tells the computer what to do and when to do it in a specific sequence.

A Software

B Memory

C The program

D The processor

8. The program ___________ in a permanent memory, which is referred to as Read Only Memory (ROM).

A is printed

B is stored

C is located

D is output

9. The microprocessor _________a ROM (Read Only Memory) and a RAM (Random Access Memory).

A produces

B provides

C carries
D contains

10. A programmer is a person who _____________ with a computer.

A thinks

B deals

C stays

D plays

Қажетті білім мен шеберлік

1. Pronunciation

Pay attention to the following words:

a) Computer, processor, scanner, data, microphone, printer, Internet, hardware, software, memory, program;

b) Devices, input devices, output devices, storage devices, information technology (IT), central processing, memory;

2. Working on the text.

Read the text.

Everyday Uses of Computers

Most machines are designed to do one job. Computers are different: they are general purpose machines. Computers can be used to process information. A word processor program allows the computer to process text, a spreadsheet enables the computer to perform calculations, a database program is used for searching and sorting records, and a browser program is used for looking at pages on the Internet. Computers can be found everywhere. Computer equipment is known as hardware program and data are called software.

A variety of devices can be attached to a computer. Input devices are used to enter data into the computer for processing. An optical input device is called a barcode reader. Barcodes are used in industry, shops and supermarkets for stock control and to allow a computer to look up the price of items being purchased.

Most television advertisements and many films use graphics, produced by a computer. In hospitals bedside terminals connected to hospital’s main computer. In libraries and bookshops computers can help you to find the book you want as quickly as possible. We also use computers to control the production process.

3. Doing exercises.

1) Translate into English using the text:

Есептеу машиналары, интернет парақшаларын қарап шығу, компьютер жабдықтары, енгізу, шығару және сақтау құрылғылары, зерттеу, сұрыптау, штрихкод, ақпараттық бағдарламалар.

2) Read the words and phrases then write their translations into Kazakh.

Computer equipment

Computer languages

Produce by a computer

Use a computer

Work on a computer

Be attached to a computer

To allow a computer

Connect to a computer

Types of a computer

To process information by a computer

Personal computers

3) Fill in the gaps:

Advertisements, films and many other things are ____by a computer. An optical input device is called_______. Barcodes are used in ______ . A database program ______ for searching and sorting records. _______ enables the computer to perform calculations. A browser program is used for looking at pages _________ .
4) Answer the questions:

a) What kind of machines are computers?

b) Name some of the main programs of the computer.

c) Explain the words «hardware» and «software».

d) Do we use computers in many spheres of our life?

e) How often do you use a computer?

5) Find the English equivalents:

a) сандық принтер; мәліметтер алу және оларды өңдеу; жаңа мәліметтер салу және оларды сақтау;

b) компьютермен жиі жұмыс істеу; ақпараттық бағдарламалар; компьютерді түрлі мақсаттарға пайдалану;

c) түрлі салаларды компьютерлендіру;

портативті компьютерді қолдану; бағдарламаларды енгізу, шығару және сақтауды іске асыру;


1. Speaking on the following situation:

Suppose, you are asked by one of your friends to explain him what the computer is and what kind of advantages it has.


2. Let us making crosswords and doing them.

Do them as quickly as possible.


3. Learning activities or games storm the brain.

a) Game: Finding the pairs from the given below.

Computer ………………. ;

Output ………………….. ;

Digital ………………….. ;

Operating ………………. ;

Printed ………………….. ;

Internet …………………. ;

Barcode ………………… ;

Personal ………………… ;

Hard …………………….. ;

Tape ……………………. ;

Operating ……………….. ;

Electronic ………………. ;

Computer programs; output devices; digital camera; operating information; printed page; internet pages; barcode reader; personal computer; hard disk; tape recorder; operating system; electronic mail;

b) Game: True or False.

There are different types of computers.


Some types of them are not popular.


In all kind of computers you can find CD ROM drive.


Desktop computers are very popular among the users.


There are large and small computers.


Microphone is the main part of the computer.


c) Game: Match the words and statements.

Computer It is the process of operating information.
Hardware They are all of the materials in different

programs and symbols.

Data It is used to input text and graphics from

a printed page.

Software The devices composing a computer

Processing They are the programs tell the hardware

how to perform a task.
Scanner It is a device for processing information.

d) Game: Say what item you see and write it down and say what function it has.

Picture electronic mail letter

(e-mail letter)

Picture keyboard

Picture microphone

Picture printer
Picture monitor
Picture motherboard

Picture CD-ROM

e) Game: Read the definition and say what thing it is.

1) Supermarkets use them for paper.


2) It reads and writes to disks.


3) It controls all the other boards in a computer.


4) It reads data from CD-ROM disk.


5) It can hold 1.44 Mb of data.


6) It allows access to a computer system.


7) It contains the main electronic components.


8) It adds features to a computer.


9) It’s about a size of a piece of paper.


f) Game: Read the sentences and write a missing word.

1) The interface is the connection between the user

and the _____________.

2) A password is a _________ set of characters.

3) A monitor is an output __________.

4) _____________ give the user a list of choices.

5) The pointer is the arrow you use to select icons or

to choose options from a _________.

6) You click the button on the ________ to use the

object selected by the pointer.

7) An operating system is a group of ___________.

g) Game: Read the word-combinations and write

their Kazakh equivalents.

Floppy disk, hold data, store data, have a limited

capacity, a colour inkjet printer, a touch-sensitive

area, to be available, CD-ROM disks, an Internet

Service Provider, file transfer, WWW, the CNN

Website, search engine, see Hollywood movies;

4. Some rules about using a computer.

You may be carefully when you use a computer:

1) Respect each other and the equipment.

2) You may not modify any setting on the computer.

3) Gentle use of keyboard, mouse and headphones.

4) Do not download programs without permission.

5) Do not change any settings.

6) If your computer freezes or does something unusual,

notify the teacher immediately.

7) Keep food and drinks away from the computer.


Сабаққа ұсынылатын оқу материалдары

1. Presentation.

2. Texts for reading and translating.

a) «Everyday Uses of Computers»

b) «Types of Computers»

с) «About history of a computer»

d) «Bill Gates»

3. Discussion.

4. Exercises.

a) Warm up. Pay attention to the following words.

b) Scrambled words.

c) Match the following words and statements.

d) Read the words and phrases and then write their

translations in Kazakh.

e) Translate the word-combinations into English using

the text.

f) Fill in the gaps.

g) Answer the questions.

h) Find the English equivalents.

5. Speaking on the following situation.

6. Learning activities or games storm the brain are performed on an interactive board.

a) «Finding the pairs from the given below»

b) «True or false»

c) «Match the words and statements»

d) «Say what item you see and write it down and say

what function it has»

e) «Read the definition and say what thing it is»

f) «Read the word-combinations and write their

Kazakh equivalents»

g) «Read the sentences and write a missing word»

7. Test yourself.

8. Crosswords on the theme.

a) crossword №1 «»

b) crossword №2

c) crossword №3

d) crossword №4

9. Some rules about using a computer.

Әдебиет тізімі

1. English, Т.Д. Кузнецова, П.Г. Козлов Жалпы білім беретін мектептің 8-сыныбына арналған оқулық. Алматы. «Мектеп» 2012

2. English for Computing. Учебно-практическое пособие. Е.В. Кожевникова, Н.Н. Махрова. «Флинта-Наука». Москва. 2007

3. Английский язык для технических вузов.

В.А. Радовель. Учебное пособие «Дашков и К» Москва. 2009

4. Английский язык для студентов автомобиле-строительных специальностей. В.А. Шляхова. Учебное пособие для средних профессиональных учебных заведений «Высшая школа» Москва. 2008

5. Инновационные методы обучения, или Как интересно преподавать. А.К. Мынбаева, З.М. Садвакасова. Учебное пособие. Алматы. 2009

6. English-Russian, Russian-English Dictionary.

V.K. Muller. «Эксмо» Москва. 2009

7. Интернет материал.

Интерактивті ресурс пен жабдықтардың суреттелуі

Оқыту сабағының бөлімі

Practice. Learning activities or games storm brain.

Practice to do the learning activities on an interactive board.

1) Game: Finding the pairs.

2) Game: True or False.

3) Game: Match the words and statements.

4) Game: Say what item you see and write it down.

5) Game: Read the definition and say what thing it is .

6) Game: Write the Kazakh equivalents.

7) Game: Write the missing word.

Ресурсты қолдану механизмі

Let’s find the pair of the given word.

1) Game: Finding the pairs.


2) Game: True or False.

There are different types of computers.


Some types of them are not popular.


In all kind of computers you can find CD ROM drive.


Desktop computers are very popular among the users.


There are large and small computers.


Microphone is the main part of the computer.


3) Game: Match the words and statements.


4) Game: Say what item you see and write it down.


5) Game: Read the definition and say what thing it is.


6) Game: Read and write their Kazakh equivalents.


7) Game: Write the missing word.



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