Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины базавый основной английский язык «5В011900» «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка»

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түріУчебно-методический комплекс
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Редакция № 2 от 13.09.2012 г.

взамен ред. №1 от.30.09.2009

страница из

Факультет Филологический

Кафедра Иностранная филология


Базавый основной английский язык

«5В011900» – «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка».



Курс 2 Форма обучения очное




Учебная программа дисциплины составлена на основании _____________________________


Кафедрой иностранной филологии

Семипалатинского государственного университета г. Семей

Руководитель работ

(должность, степень, звание)_______«____»________2013г. Ташимова А.А., преподаватель


Учебная программа рассмотрена на заседании кафедры

Зав. кафедрой ______ «__3_»___09____2013г. Г.К. Исмаилова

Протокол № 1от «__3_»_ __09____2013 г.


Учебная программа одобрена учебно-методическом бюро факультета

Председатель УМБ ______ «_11_»___09____2013г. К.К. Муканова

Протокол № 1 от «_11__»__09_____2013 г.

  1. Рецензенты

(Ф.И.О. ученная степень, звание, название организации)


Проректор по

учебно-методической работе,

председатель УМС ______ «__18_»___09____2013г. Г.К. Искакова



Қолдану аясы



Жалпы мағлұмат






Оқытушыға арналған жұмыс бағдарламасы (Syllabus).

Пән мазмұны. Сабақ түрі бойынша сағат санын белгілеу

Курсқа қойылатын талаптар. Студент білімін бағалау жүйесі және критериі






Курстың тақырыптық жоспары



Жалпыевропалық стандарт біліктілік деңгейлері



Әдістемелік ұсыныстар



ОСӨЖ және тәжірибелік сабақтар жоспары



Әдістемелік ұсыныстар



СӨЖ тапсырмалары



Емтиханға дайындыққа қойылатын талаптар



Бақылау түрлері


«Базалық негізгі шетел тілі (В2 деңгейі)» пәнінен


1. Қолдану аясы
«Базалық негізгі шетел тілі (В2 деңгейі)» пәнінен оқу-әдістемелік комплексі «5В011900» – «Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі» мамандығы бойынша оқитын студенттерге арналған. Ол студенттерді курс мазмұнымен, өзектілігімен және пайдасымен, курс саясатымен таныстырады. Оқу-әдістемелік комплексі пәнді оқудағы негізгі материал болып табылады.

2. Жалпы мағлұмат

  • Ташимова А.А оқытушы;

Шетел филологиясының кафедрасы

  • Байланыс құралдары – тел. 42-28-15,

№ 8 оқу ғимараты, кабинет № 321

  • Сабақтың өткізілу орны – № 1 оқу ғимараты;

  • Пән атауы – « Базалық негізгі шетел тілі (В2 деңгейі) »;

  • Кредит саны – 3

Жұмыс оқу жоспарынан:




Тәжіриб сабақ



Бақылау түрі








Пән мазмұннының қысқаша сипаттамасы.

Пререквизиттері: пәнді меңгеру үшін студент «Ағылшын тілі» пәні бойынша орта мектептік болуы қажет.

Постреквизиттері: ағылшын тілі, педагогика, психология, филология.

Қысқаша сипаттамасы:

Курс мақсаты:

  • Студенттер дайын диологтық және монологтық тілді меңгеруі қажет (мысал, мәтін негізінде, жзоспар, тезис немесе тақырыпқа сүйене отырып) және көру арқылы дайын емес тілді, яғни мәлімет қоры негізінде (кітап, мақала, сурет, теле және кино фильмдер).

  • Әртүрлі жанрлардағы аутенттік мәтіндерді оқу стратегиясына сәйкес ақпаратты танып білу қабілетін дамыту қажет.

  • Студенттердің , сөйлеу тематикасына сәйкес диалогтық және монологтық аутенттік мәтіндерді не дыбыстап айту, не сөйлесу кезінде түсіну қабілетін дамыту.

  • Өзекті сұрақтарды табу, талқылау, мысалдар және қорытындылау үстінде өз ойыңды жеткізу арқылы оқу тақуырыбына байланысты дұрыс құрастырылған мәтіндерді жасау қабілеттілігін жетілдіру қажет.

  • Коммуникативті компетенцияны дамыту процессіндегі студенттердің үлкен көлемде грамматикалоқ материалдарды қабылдауы қажет.

  • Нормативтік және функционалдық грамматика және тілдің грамматикалық системасы жайлы білімді жетілдіру қажет.

Пәнді оқу барысында студенттер келесіні меңгеруі қажет:

  • Әртүрлі тақырыпқа байланысты өз ойыңды жеткізе білу: жалпы, оқу профессионалдық және бос уақытты өткізуге байланысты;

  • Грамматикалық қате жібермей, әртүрлі стилге байланысты сөйлесе білу;

  • Анық логикалық құрылымдағы, диалог немесе монолог формасындағы ойды түсініп ұғу;

  • Жазбаша түрдегі өз ойыңды анық және түсінікті жеткізу және өз ойыңды анық көрсетуы.

3. Пайдаланған әдебиет

1. Haines S, “Projects for the EFL classroom” London: Nelson

2. Fried-Booth D, “Project work” Oxford: OUP

3. Wicks M, “Imaginative projects”

4. Longeran J “Video in Language teaching” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

5. Johnson K, Morrow K “Communication in the classroom” London, Longman

6. Asher J, “Learning another Language through actions” Los Gatos

7. Alan M, “Teaching English with video” England: Long

Heroes and Villains:

Character and appearance: nervous, gloomy, suspicious, selfish, irritable, shy, lost, lacking self– reliance,talented,trusting,wavery,weak–willed,conflict,irresponsible, unpunctual, lazy, indifferent, non industrious hard-working, active. attentive, responsible for work, concentrate on main things, friendly, faithful, frank, generous, open – hearted, brave, kind, sensitive, creative, hopeful, gifted, genius.

Build: powerful, slight, slim ,solid.

Height: tall, short, medium.

Age: young, middle age, old.

Shape of face: oval, square, round, thin.

Complexion: dark, fair, swarthy.

Hair: red, fair, chestnut, black, short, curly, long, thin, thick, straight, bald patch, bald head.

Forehead: broad, narrow.

Nose: snub, straight, hooked.

Eyes: blue, brown, hazel, wide-set, close-set, deep-set.

Eye-brows: straight, bushy, thin.

Eye-lids: heavy, drooping.

Lips: full, well-cut.
Parents, father, mother, sister, brother

Son, daughter

Grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter

Grandchildren, grandparents

Great-grandfather, great- grandmother, great-grandchildren, great-grandparents

Uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece

Husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law

Stepfather, stepmother, stepchildren, stepbrother (son, daughter, sister)

Worker, mechanic, turner, locksmith, farmer, engineer, teacher, doctor, surgeon, dentist, soldier, sailor, pilot, officer, salesman, saleswoman (shop-assistant, shop-girl), research worker, architect, lawyer, journalist, typist, driver, actor, actress, composer, painter, writer, poet, playwright, musician, conductor, chemist, physicist, accountant, book-keeper

What’s your age? How old are you?

An only child

I am seventeen. I am seventeen years old. I am under seventeen.

I am over seventeen.

I am under age yet. I am not eighteen yet.

She is in her (early, mid, late) teens. She is a teen-ager.

She is a middle-aged person.

She is an elderly person.

What’s your occupation?

What do you do?

To be interested in

To go on living

To be optimistic (pessimistic, indifferent) about the future

To be positive

To look back at the past

To see smth as a spectator

To play a musical instrument

To go in for sports

Likes /dislikes

job, profession, occupation

employment agency

employ, employer, employee

apply to smb for smth

To be tired of

Get everything arranged

Indoors; out-of-doors

Outdoor game; indoor game

Watch television

Weekend; tourist

To visit a museum

A picture gallery

I’d rather (I would rather); you’d better (you would better)

Place of interest; attraction; sights; views

To go sightseeing; to go shopping

To make an impression on smbd

To have a (birthday) party

To invite guests; to accept the invitation (present); to receive visitors

To have a walk; to go hiking; to gad about; mountain climbing

Seat (in the stalls; in the orchestra stalls; in the pit stalls; in the pit; in the dress-circle; in a box)

To play the part of; leading part; applause; a storm of applause

Curtain call; the first night; rehearsal; refreshment room; concert hall

Could you tell me how to get to the bank?

Could you tell me the way to the bank?

Do you know where the bank is, please?

Can you show me on the map?

Take the first turning on the right/left.

Go straight on until you get to the traffic lights.

Turn left/right into Wall Street.

Is there post office near here?

Is it far?

Does this bus go to 86th street?

Is this the right stop for the art gallery?

Can you tell me where Millennium Hotel is?

Go up this street.

Go past the church.

Turn right into Nassau Street.

Go along this street for about 600 meters.

Take third turning on the left.

At the end of Fulton street.

On the left next to the bank.

Go straight on through the park and pass the fountain

Get off at the next stop, cross Pine Street

It’s on the corner, opposite the theatre

Go down West Street

Get a bus number 75

Get off after 7 stops. cross the road

go straight

take a turn on the left

a five minute walk

get (take) a bus


traffic lights

traffic jam

rush hours

get off

it takes me an hour to get to …
Fit for a life. Healthy lifestyle:

Aerobics, athletics, back trouble, backache, baseball, billiards, bowling

To eradicate disease,

to keep fit,

to prevent ill health,

to promote teamwork,

to relax,

to diagnose illness,

to impose self discipline,

to cultivate a competitive spirit,

to improve quality of life,

to increase life expectancy, conventional medicine,

inflamed joints, blurred vision,


to catch a cold,


to flick through.

Holidays. Celebrations:

To have a (birthday) party

To invite guests; to accept the invitation (present); to receive visitors

To have a walk; to go hiking; to gad about; mountain climbing

To laugh at; to tell jokes

Seat (in the stalls; in the orchestra stalls; in the pit stalls; in the pit; in the dress-circle; in a box)

To play the part of; leading part; applause; a storm of applause

Curtain call; the first night; rehearsal; refreshment room; concert hall

Amusing, attract

Barbeque, bizarre, bouquet,


Wedding, get married ,couple, to marry smb, to kiss, to fall in love, marry for smth, bachelor, bride, groom, matrimonial happiness, to hurry into marriage, to make a date for smb.

go to the cinema

go to the pictures

go to the movies

go to the theatre


act with brilliance

book a ticket



be at one’s best

be bored to death

a sheer waste of time

the leading part




horror film


adventure film

fantastic film

feature film

documentary film


action film




take photographs (pictures)

collect stamps/coins
Eating out:

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, first course, second course, dessert, for the first course

A plate, a glass, a cup, a saucer, a tea-pot, a kettle, a fork, a spoon, a knife

Bread, meat, fish, butter, eggs, cheese, sugar, sausage, bacon, herring

Potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, beets, peas

Salt, mustard, pepper, water, milk, tea, coffee, cocoa, beer, wine, fruit-juice, honey

Soup (clear, cabbage, pea, fish), porridge, macaroni, salad, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, chops, cutlets, beefsteak, chicken, goose

Pudding, cake, sweets, pie, ice-cream, jam, jelly, stewed fruit

Apples, pears, plums, oranges, tangerines, grapes, bananas, berries, cherries, peaches, nuts

To have (to eat, to drink), to dine, to cook, to fry, to boil, to taste, to prefer

To lay the table, to sit down on the table, to be (to sit) at the table, to clear the table (to take away the dirty dishes)

Help yourself to (smth, some food), Have some more, No more, thank you!

A full meal,plain food

A sociable time

Layer cake

A big eater

To be overfond of

To have a starter before dinner

Be eaten with


To have smh for dessert

To fry,to roast,to stew,to flavour


Poached eggs,fried eggs,soft-boiled eggs,hard boiled eggs,scrambled eggs



Porridge, oatmeal,buckweat, semolina

Fish:millet,trout, haddock, pike, perch, kipper, cod, salmon

To make the mixture stiff

To spill some liquid on the table cloth

To sprinkle with sugar

Remove the crust

Pint of milk

Be accompanied by smth

A light snack

To cover up

Poultry (Fowl): chicken,turkey,duck

Soups: cabbage soup, broth, clear soup, pea soup, fish soup, soup with noodles

Meat:mutton, veal, beef, pork, lamb

To have smth for dessert

main course


be on the menu

a four-course meal

be disappointed

be satisfied


high, low, reasonable prices

fast, slow, poor, excellent service

tasty, spicy, plain, tasteless, traditional food

modern, luxurious, simple, unusual decoration

relaxed, romantic, friendly, formal atmosphere

Fit for life. Healthy lifestyle:

Aerobics, athletics, back trouble, backache, baseball, billiards, bowling

To eradicate disease,

to keep fit,

to prevent ill health,

to promote teamwork,

to relax,

to diagnose illness,

to impose self discipline,

to cultivate a competitive spirit,

to improve quality of life,

to increase life expectancy, conventional medicine,

inflamed joints, blurred vision,


to catch a cold,


to flick through.
Education system.:

Attend lessons

Play truant

Suspension (suspend)

Expulsion (expell)

Favourite subjects



Keep in touch

National curriculum


Portable stereo

PC (personal computer)

Flexible timetable (schedule)

Obtain degrees

Pocket calculator

To have high (low ) grades

Scientific experiment

Get qualification

Floppy disc

Chat room

Disc tray


A wide range of


Surf the Net

Text messaging

Hang around the home

Be busy

Part (full) time job


Be on time

Plot summary


To hand in projects

Do well at smth

To fail examinations

To pass examination

Browse the Net

Keep up with

Miss classes

Get mobile phones

Use a computer

Play computer games

Talk in chats rooms

New trends in technology

To socialise

Question in a survey

Personal stereos and CD’s make new friends

Built-in video cameras

Spend cash on sweets and cigarettes

Take photos

Send over the Net

To wear school uniform

Designer labels

Technology in education

To enter he University

To graduate from the university

Education system

Advantages and disadvantages

Advanced technology

Well-equipped rooms

Advanced course

Qualified teachers

Basic course

Preparatory course

Advanced, intermediate level


To fail examinations

To pass examination

Means of communication

Watch documentaries

Do sums
Environment. Climate:

Environmental problems and solutions

Endangered animals and protected species

Petrol station

Traffic congestion


Water (air) pollution

Environmental group

To protect the nature

Join “Green Peace”

Be a member of the environmental union

Animal adoption

Factories smoke

Stray animals

Bottle banks

Clean-up campaigns


Wildlife parks

Recycling centers

To plant trees

Dirty beaches, rivers, streets, parks

to improve the place

to take par in the programme

to make a difference

protect natural habitat of local animals

be actively involved in

ability to survive

Going out



Box office

To get tickets


Upper circle

Perfomance times

15 minute interval

matinee perfomance

running time

seting prices

reduce prices

title of the fdilm

main subject




to have a good (bad) impression

to leave an unforgettable impression on

type of the film

cast/ characters

plot summary

set up

broadcast on BBC

to value

famous artists

Лингвистикалық компонент: грамматикалық және лексикалық минимум


Дұрыс және бұрыс түрлері;

I.Модальды етістіктер

Cаn - (рұқсат, мүмкіншілік)

Could - (рұқсат, мүмкіншілік)

Would - өтініш)

Will - (ұсыныс)

Shall - (ақыл, ұсыныс)

Should - (ақылды ілдіру)

May - (мүмкіншіліктер)

Might - (may етістігінің өткен шағы, мүмкіншілікті білдіру)

have to - (обязанность)

ought to - (выражение обязанности, долга)

must - должен (неизбежность, обязанность)

mustn’t - (қатал )

need - (қажеттілік)

needn't - (қажетсіздік)

used to - инфинитив (өткен привычкалар)

II. Шақ формалары

1. Осы жалпы шақ:

2. Осы созылыңқы шақ:

3. Осы аяқталған шақ: just , already, never, ever for, since;

4. Өткен жалпы шақ:

5. Өткен созылыңқы шақ:

6. Өткен аяқталған шақ:;

7. Келер шақ going to:

8. Келержалпы және созылыңқы шақ;

9. Келер шақ will / shall

III.Етістік формалары

Сұраулы, болымды, болымсыз;

Бұйрық рай;


Герундий ;

Герундий, сөйлемдегі қызметі:

Пассивті формалар

So/ nor көмекші етістіктермен,

Күрделі етістік түрлері

Предлогты етістіктер;

IV. Шартты сөйлемдер

0 Тип: An iron bar expands if/ when you heat it.

1 Тип: If you do that again, I'll leave.

2 Тип: I would tell you the answer if I knew it.

If I were you, I wouldn't do that again.

V. Төлеу сөз

Хабарлау, сұрақ, бұйрық: say, ask tell;

Не said that he felt ill.

I asked her if I could leave.

No one told me what to do.

Do you know what he said ?

I wondered what he would do next.
VI. Сұраулы түрлері:

What, What ( + зат есім)

Where; When

Who; Whose; Which

How; How much; How many; How often; I low long;

Зат есім

1. Жекеше және көпше түрлері (стандартты және стандартсыз түрлері)

2. Саналатын және саналмайтын зат есімдер someжәне any

3. Абстракті зат есімдер

4. Құрмалас зат есімдер

5. Күрделі атаулық топтар

6. Тәуелділік зат есім (генитив): 's және ,s'

7. Қосарлы генитив: о friend of theirs


1. Жіктік, тәуелділік есімдіктер

2. Өздік және күшейтпелі: myself (сам(а)) и т. д.

3. Жансыз: it, there

4. Сілтеу есімдіктері: this, that, these, those

5. Жалпылама: one, something, everybody,!* т.д.

6. Белгісіздік: some, any, something, one, и т.д.

7. Қатынасты есімдіктері: who, which, that, whom, whose

Анықтауыш сөздер (артикль)

1. a - белгісіздік

2. the + белгілік
Сын есім

1. Түс, көлем, ұлт, сапа

2. Предикативті және анықтауыш

3. Есептік және реттік

4. Тәуелділік: ту, your, his, her, и т.д.

5. Сілтеу: this, that, these, those

6. Сандық: some, any, many, much, a few, a lot of, all, other, every, и т.д

7. Салыстырмалы және үшейтпелі шырай: (not) as... as, not... enough to, too...to

8. Сөйлемдегі орны .


1. Жай және туынды формалары

2. quickly, carefully и т. д.

3.Жиілік: often, never, twice a day. и т. д.

4. Белгілі уақыт: now, last week, и т.д.

5. Белгісіз уақыт: already, just, yet, и т.д.

6. Дәреже: very, too, rather, urn. д.

7. Мекен жай: here, there, и т. д.

8. Бағыт: left, right, along, и т.д.

9. Кезектілік: next, и т.д.

10.Фразалық үстеу: too, either

11. Салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі түрлері

Орынды білдіретін: to, on, inside, next to, at(home).

Уақыт: at, on, in, during.

Бағыт: to, into, out of from.

Арқылы: by, with

Басқалар: like, as, due to, owing to.

Предложные обороты: at the beginning of by means of, и т.д.

Зат есім және сын есім алдында қойылатын предлогтар: by car, for sale, at last, и т.д.

Зат есім не сын есімнен кейін қойылатын предлогтар: advice on, afraid of, етістіктен кейінгі предлогтар: laugh at, ask for.
Соединительные союзы

and, but, or, either... or

when, while, until, before, after, as soon as


because, since, as for

so that, (in order) to

so, so... that, such ... that

if unless

although, while

7. Methodolocal r ecommendations for students

Methodical recommendations for reading, listening and writing.

Good pronunciation helps you to communicate better.

You can easily improve your pronunciation.
Tip 1. Concentrate on English sounds, which you don’t have in your language.

Try to recognize phonetic symbols. Then you can check the pronunciation of words in dictionary.

Tip 2. Many letters have more than one pronunciation. Try to see the spelling and pronunciation rules. Many combinations of letters always make the same sounds.
Tip 3. When you pronounce a word try to exaggerate the stressed syllable. Always underline the stressed syllable on a new word.
Tip 4. Pronounce strongly the stressed words or syllables. Say the other word quickly without stress. Try to get the right rhythm in each sentence you say.
Tip 5. If you use the wrong intonation, they can think you are bored or unfriendly. Try to sound interested friendly.
Tip 6. Practice your pronunciation outside class.

  • Use a dictionary to help you to pronounce new words.

  • Use ‘Listen and Speak’ cassette.

  • Read aloud and record yourself on a cassette.

  • Listen to spoken English as much as possible, e.g. songs, films.

Understanding spoken language is more difficult than reading because you don’t have time to translate every word. In conversation people use a lot of constructions and weak form (words which are not stressed) so it is possible to hear every word clearly. When you listen to a cassette you can’t see the speaker’s face. This makes it more difficult.

Listening to cassettes or watching videos is a very good way to practice understanding different voices, accents, and situations.

Tip 1. Relax. Don’t stop listening when you don’t understand words or phrases. It’s normal not to understand everything. The first time you listen, just try to get an idea of what you are listening to.

Tip 2. You don’t need to hear or remember every word. Try to listen for the key words – words, which carry the important information. These are usually stressed. Focus on understanding the general idea.
Tip 3. If you are listening to a cassette and have the script, use it to check what you have and haven’t understood.


Tip 4. When you listen for specific information (e.g. a train time, a price in a shop) you usually know more or less what you are going to hear. Concentrate on listening for what you need to know. Don’t worry about understanding the rest.
Tip 5. It isn’t enough to listen only in class. You need to practice outside class too.
You can:

  • Record and listen to satellite TV news in English.

  • Practice with the ‘Listen and Speak’ cassette.

  • Listen to songs (and read the words if you can)

  • Read ‘EASY READER’ with the cassette.

  • Watch English films with subtitles.

  • Talk to English-speakers as much as possible.


A good bi-lingual dictionary is very important for efficient language learning. A dictionary doesn’t only tell you the meaning of a word, it also tells you the grammar, pronunciation and stress. It sometimes gives you an example sentence too.
Organize your vocabulary learning.
Find the meaning of new words.

Check grammar, spelling and pronunciation.

Extend your vocabulary.
How can I remember new words?
The way you record and learn a word helps you remember it. For example you can:

Imagine the word.

Write a personal example.

Make a word map.

Associate it with a similar word in your language.

But you can’t learn new words just by writing them down once. You have to revise them down regularly. If you test yourself often on new vocabulary you can remember up to 80% of words.

To remember words or phrases, follow this routine.
Record the new word with the correct stress.

Try to remember it after a minute.

Test your memory again after an hour.

Remember it again the next day.

Test yourself after a week, then after a month.
How many words do I need to know?
Although Shakespeare used 33,000 words, English speakers today use only about 5,000 words in conversation. By the end of this course you will know at least 2,000 English words.
Learn words that are important for you.
It is impossible to remember every new word you see. Choose words that you think are useful and important. Write them down and revise them regularly.
Why do I remember some words and forget others?
Some words are easy to remember, because, for example, the word is similar to a word in you language, or it’s a word that you often use. Other words are more difficult to remember, because the spelling or pronunciation is unusual, or because you don’t often see or hear the word.

When you revise a group of words, focus especially on the ones that you find difficult to remember. Try to think why.

If you forget the same word again and again, try to think of a special way to remember it.
Think of image in your mind.

Try to associate it with another word in English or your own language.

Write down the word and say it a few times.

Write it on a card and keep it in your pocket to test yourself from time to time.

Words often have more than one meaning.
How do I know which one I want?
e.g. Where do you work? – In a bank.

The lift doesn’t work. – It’s broken.

In these sentences, the verb ‘work’ has two different meanings. Many other English words have different meanings, and they can also be grammatically different. For example, the same word can be a verb or a noun,

e.g. Book (read a book) noun/to book (to book a ticket) verb.

Look carefully at the context to decide which meaning is correct.
When you look up a word in a dictionary, you sometimes find more the one meaning.
Decide if the word in your sentence is a noun, adjective, verb, adverb, etc.

If there is still more than one meaning, look at the context again and choose the best variant.

How can I continue learning vocabulary after the course?
You can learn more words all the time, from books, magazines, songs, etc.

Remember to check the grammar and pronunciation of new words in your dictionary, as well as meaning, and record them in you vocabulary book. And don’t forget to revise all the words you have learnt in the course.

Which of these problems do you have?
I haven’t got enough vocabulary to say what I want to.

I always worry that I do many mistakes.

I speak to slowly, because I have to translate everything I want to say before I can say it.

I feel embarrassed when I speak English and I can’t express my personality.

I feel strange speaking English in class to people who speak my language.
If you have any of these problems, try to follow these tips.
Tip 1. If you don’t know a word or a phrase, don’t just stop. Try to find another way to express it with words you know.
Tip 2. You can always say more than you think. Don’t worry about mistakes. The important thing is to communicate what you want to say.
Tip 3. Think what you want to say before you speak. It gives you confidence.
Tip 4. Practice to speak English as much as you can. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel.
In class you can:

  • Take every opportunity to speak English. Never use your language if you can say it in English.

  • Talk as much as you can when you work in pairs/groups.

Outside class you can:

  • Learn and practice the words you need to talk about your job, family, etc.

  • Use ‘Listen and Speak’ cassette.

  • Practice before and after class with another students.


What kind of books do you enjoy reading in you language?

Biographies, thrillers, detective stories, historical books, non-fiction, science fiction, romantic books, short stories, autobiographies.

What do you read in English? Have you ever read Easy readers?

What is an Easy Readers?

Easy Readers are books with simple grammar and vocabulary to help students practice reading in English. There are different levels of difficulty e.g. beginner, elementary, intermediate, etc.

How do I choose a book, which is the right level for me?

Generally, it’s best to choose one, which you can read quickly and enjoy. If you are not sure of the level, read the first page, if there are more than eight words that you don’t know the book is probably too difficult for you to enjoy reading.

What do I do when there are words in the story that I don’t know?

First decide if the word a noun, verb, adjective, etc. then try to guess the meaning from the other words around (=context).

If you can’t guess the meaning, you can either:

  1. Continue reading if can still follow the story

  2. Check if the words is in the Glossary at the back of the book

  3. Use you dictionary.

If you can understand most of the words but can’t follow the story, try to concentrate on the story, stop regularly and ask yourself questions about the story:

Who is speaking?

What are they doing?

What’s happened?

What’s going to happen next?

Many Easy Readers include questions to answer after every chapter, to help you check your understanding of the story. Such kinds of books are great way to revise grammar and learn new words.


I. A letter to a pen friend:

1.Put your address in the top right-hand corner (but not your name).

2. Write the date below.

3. Letter always begins with “Dear…”

4. Answer the questions: who are you? Where were you born?

Where do you live? What does your family do? How old are you?

What do you do every day? Why are you learning English?

What do you like doing in your free time? What did you do last summer?

5.Finish the letter with Best wishes or Regards.

6. Sign your name.

Note: if you have forgotten smth. add with PS at the end. You may use commas, contractions.

II. A formal letter/e-mail:

1. Put your address in the top-hand corner (not your name)

2. Put the name and address of the person you are writing on the left, above the greeting

3. Write the date under your address

4. Make sure you begin with “Dear…” and use a formal ending “Yours faithfully” or “ Yours sincerely”

5.Always write “ I look forward for hearing from you’ before the ending

6. Sign your name

7. Write your name in capital letters under the signature

8. Use formal language (Could you…? I would be grateful if you could…)

Note: Don’t use contractions in formal letters.

III. Writing an interview:

  1. Write an introductory paragraph by briefly describing where you the interview take place and describe the person.

  2. Write the questions first. Four or five will probably be enough. Try to make them lead on from each other. Make the last question smth. about future.

IV. Writing a biography:

  1. Write at least three paragraphs, one for the birth and early years, one or two for the Middle Ages, and one for the last years.

  2. Link events with time expressions (immediately, after, then, later, etc.).

  3. Use narrative tenses. If a person you are writing about is still alive, you may use

“ Since + Pr.Perfect in the last paragraph.

  1. Be careful with prepositions of time.

V. Writing a story:

  1. Always invent plot before you start writing.

  2. Divide your story into three parts – opening paragraph, body of the story, closing paragraph.

  3. Use a mixture of narrative tenses.

  4. Link events with time expressions (immediately, after, then, later, etc.).

  5. Use adverbs (desperately, fortunately, etc.) to make your story vivid.

VI. Written exercises:

These are taken to mean exercises to practice grammatical structures, taking the form of writing sentences from the prompts following a particular pattern, answering questions using a particular pattern, sentence completion, matching halves of sentences and writing out the complete sentence, and gap-filling using the correct tense or word.

VII. Dictations:

The discussion on dictation raised a number of interesting points. However, dictation is a form of writing and the teacher in the group should read in short phrases repeated twice, corrected and so on. The student should recognize the word, the phrase, and the sentence.

VIII. Some writing options:

  1. Think about the suggested activity or approach and how to use or adapt it in you work.

  2. Think of the purpose of writing activities.

  3. Compose the list of key words in chronological order.

  4. Provide only a skeleton structure of the story. Provide the plan of the story.

  5. Remember the basic information of the subject.

  6. Try it on.

Course Policy:

Course duration: 5 topics covers the whole course of the special B1 . According to the academic plan the discipline study takes hours for practical classes.

Practical employment(occupations) - one of the forms of educational employment(occupation) directed on development of independence of the pupils both purchase of skills and skills. The practical employment(occupations) on discipline will be carried out(spent) in the form of seminars, that allows the students to impart practical skills of independent work with the scientific literature, to receive experience of public performances(statements).

The practical employment(occupations) will be carried out(spent) by the plan, the listenings of their answers, fastening of theoretical knowledge by means of the decision of the tests and situations require(demand) regular work of the students on employment(occupations).

The practical employment(occupations) should promote the profound study of the most complex(difficult) questions of discipline and serve the basic form of summarizing of independent work of the students. On these employment(occupations) the students study competently to state problems, freely to state the ideas and judgements, independently to analyze a material, consider(examine) situations promoting development of professional competence. Thus, it helps the students to get skills and skills necessary for the modern expert.

The students are obliged to carry out and to hand over all works in strict(strictly) target dates. The works executed with delay, accordingly will be estimated automatically below. By consideration of subjects of the given rate the student should study the recommended literature. Besides it is recommended to the students to consider an additional material stated in periodicals.

At performance of work it is necessary to observe the following rules:

- to perform the job in student's tests or on examination sheets, strictly observing a course of a spelling;

- in the beginning of work it is necessary to specify a table of contents or plan;

- at the end of work it is necessary to specify the list of the literatures used at performance of work.

The works which are not appropriate to the requirements of the methodical instructions(indications) will come back to completion.

Уровень В2

Тақырып атауы



Орындау уақыты


Бақылау түрі

Тапсырыс мерзімі



Men and women

File 1 “ Young family and it’s problems” .

Family and your position in the family.

Traditional family vs modern family

Grammar focus. Oresent perfect vs Past Simple

Home reading

“ A friend in need”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”



Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s



Fashion and style

File2 New tendencies in fashion industry.

Fashion as a mirror of different styles. Grammar focus

Present Perfect continuous tense. Pronouns both, either, neither

Home reading

“German Hurry ”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”



Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s


End –of –unit test




Health and healthy way of living

File3 “ A science of chronobiology”

Traditional and alternative medicine

“ Chocolate carrots- tomorrow’s vegetables”

Grammar focus

The use of quantifiers a few, a little, a lot of, too much

Home reading

“ Three fat women of Antibes”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”



Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s



Human Rights

File 4 “ Man and law”.

Labour legislation. “ Looking into the future”, “ The firing line”

Grammar focus

Might, may+infinitive

Future forms: will, going to, present continuos

Home reading

“ The Alien Corn”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”



Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s



Man and Nature

File5 Environmental protection. Environmental hazards.

Climate crisis.

“ Race through the rush hour. “ Dream cars and nightmare journeys”

Grammar focus

Modals of obligation and recommendation

Use of Past perfect tense

Home reading

“ The closed Shop”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”



Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s



End –of –unit test




Art and culture.

File 6 The role of music in our life. “ Set in the wild west, shot in Spain”

An interview with Woody Allen

Grammar focus

Passive voice.

Comparatives and superlatives . Construction as….as

Home reading

“ The man with the Scar”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”



Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s




File7 Means of transport. “ Where am I”. Desacribing a tourist town. “ Short breaks in New York”

Grammar focus

Reported speech: questions

Home reading

“ The Bum”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”



Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s



End-of-unit test



written ex-s



Mass Media

File 8 Radio and television. Types of printed material. “ Television is doing irreparable harm” “ The world of TV commercials” “ Are you hooked on internet”

Grammar focus

Reported statements and commands

Home reading

“ The dream”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”



Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s




Nationa holidays and traditions. ( Kazakh , Britain) . National cuisine. Festivals in their cultural context.

Grammar focus

Hypothetical and unreal tenses: wishes about present, past and future
“ The Colonel’s lady”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”



Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s








Education in modern world

Educational system . Kazakhstan vs Great Britain . “ At school for 17 hours” . Education: debates and issues. Credit system of education.

Grammar focus

Used to, didn’t use to. Any longer, any more. Modal word to be allowed to

Home reading

“ Lord Mountdrago”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”





University life. Curriculum and syllabus

Grammar focus. Relative clauses: subject and object clauses, combining sentences, defining and non-defining clauses

Home reading

“ The social sense”

1 .“New English File Intermediate book”

2. “ Longman English Grammar Practice”

For intermediate students

3. “English Vocabulary In Use”

Michael Mc Carthy

Felicity O’Dell

4. “ Selected prose” Somerset Maugham

5 “A New Effective Language Teaching Course”





Final End-of –term test



СӨЖ тапсырмалары

Тақырып атауы




Орындау уақыты

Бақылау түрі


Divorce rate in Kazakhstan

2) Demographic problems in modern society

Қазақстандағы демографиялық жағдай тұралы мәлімет.



Устный опрос


Beauty saves the world


1 Поисковые системы


Письменный отчет


Project work on visited hospitals in Semey composition

Жобалық жұмыс қаладағы больницаларды шолып шығу



Письменный отчет


On legal profession in Kazakhstan

Презентация дайындау.



Устный опрос


Nuclear Test Site. Areal sea tragedy

Презентация дайындау

1.2 Поисковые системы


Письменный отчет

Устный опрос


Invitation program to the theatre and cinema

Ролик дайындау театрға және киноға шақыру бағдарламалар



Письменный отчет


The place of my dream




Письменный отчет


Mass Media



Письменный отчет


National and religious holidays

Доклад на тему «Национальные и религиозные праздники в Великобритании»



Письменный отчет

Устный опрос


Educational Round table discussion. What would you say are the successes and failures of the British educational system?

Дөңгелек үстел



Письменный отчет
Устный опрос


Youth problems

шығарма «жастар мәселелері»



Устный опрос

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