Қазақстан республикасы білім және ғылым министрлігі ministry of education and science of republic of kazakhstan

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Из современных материалов исследований видно, что на территории Монголии человек живет уже около 700 000 лет. За столь долгий помежуток времени он прошел такие исторические периоды как старый, средний и новый каменный, бронзовый и ранний железный века, эпоху первых государств. О постоянном проживании человека на протяжении многих тысячелетий в местах с благоприятными природными и климатическими условиями свидетельствуют поселения каменного века с несколькими культурными слоями или с большими, в несколько десятков тысяч орудий, россыпями каменный изделии. К таким местностям относятся Цагаан агуй, Цахиуртын хундий, Орхон - 7, Мойлтын ам, Рашаан хад, Булган - 5, Тамсагбулаг, Баянзаг, Зоог-Зуух. Кроме того, на территории Монголии обнаружени сотни временных стоянок, свидетельствующие также о кочевом образе жизни людей каменного века (1).
Древние племена, на протяжении многих тысячелетий занимавшиеся охотой и собирательством, в эпоху мезолита начали приручать диких животных, что явилось началом развития животноводства, и Монголия, таким образом, стала одним из немногих крупных очагов зарождения и становления этого вида хозяйства в самостоятелную отрасль (2). Становление классического вида кочевого животноводства произошло при бронзовом веке и до сих пор является одной из ведущих отраслей хозяйства жителей Монголии.
В ходе внутреннего развития производительных сил древние жители Монголии научились добывать, плавить и использовать для своих нужд медь, в результате чего произошел переход от неолита к энеолиту и железному веку (3). С созданием в III веке до н.э. первого центральноазиатского кочевого государства Хунну завершается древний, первобытно - общинный этап Монгольской истории.

Maurizio Pistoso
Bologna University/Italy


Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli (1658 – 1730), has been a versatile personality of scholar, actually a sort of combination of military man/scientist/diplomat/traveller and writer.

The story of is life is a too rich one to be sketched here; born in Bologna as a member of a noble but not really wealthy family, he first went to Istanbul in 1679. In 1683 he was captured by the Ottomans in what is presently Hungary; as a prisoner he witnessed the siege of Vienna (1684) and the defeat of the Turkish army. Two years later, having found his way to freedom, he took part with the Austrian army to the military campaign that ended with the liberation of Buda; in the following years he acted as a diplomat in charge to discuss with the Ottoman authorities the
conditions of peace treatises. He visited Istanbul again in 1689. Despite some unlucky events he became quite famous owing to his cleverness in diplomatic negotiations, as well as his scientific works. His contribution to oriental history - that is Ottoman history - is mostly recognized for a well-known work namely Stato Militare dell’Império Ottomanno “The Military Organization of the Ottoman Empire” published in 1732 in Amsterdam two years after his death.
It is worthwhile to mention here that this text is actually a kind of “reworked” translation coming from a Turkish ottoman original source written by Hussein Efendi “Hezarfenn”, (the well known ottoman erudite) via a dragoman (i.e. “translator”) - whose identity is not sure - who helped Marsigli in his far from easy task. It interesting to mention here that a Russian translation of this work (by V. Trediakovskij) appeared in Sankt-Petersburg already in 1737. Besides some knowledge of Ottoman Turkish, Marsigli had a deep and genuine interest in the Ottoman and even “Turkic” world as a whole: not only in its military or political aspects, but even in its literature, art, and even in the metrical rules of Turkish poetry. There is ample documented proof of this in his works in this field, which are presently housed in the Bologna University Library: many of them are in manuscript form. They contain notes, comments and reflections on numerous aspects of Turkish culture of which he had been a direct witness as well as an acute observer. The aim of the present contribution is an exhaustive description of his writings dealing with ottoman history, mostly focusing on the unpublished documents of his rich literary heritage. As an addiction, some specimens of iconographic materials taken from his writings are also provided.

Orhan Kavuncu

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