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THE ZERO АRTICLE Артикльдердің қолданылмайтын кездері

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Артикльдердің қолданылмайтын кездері

► Жалқы есімдердің алдында: кісі аттары: Mansur, Sholpan, Aizhan, Talgat.

►Қҧрлықтар мен кейбір елдердің аттарының алдында

Europe, Spain, Asia, Japan.

► Қала аттары: Almaty, Astana, New-York

► Дәреже, лауазым, атақты білдіретін зат есімдерінің алдында

Doctor Watson, Lord Byron, Admiral Nelson, Professor Azimov, Mr.White, Comrade Ivanov

► Ғылым салаларының аттарында I like mathematics and chemistry

►Тҧрақты тіркестерде

at night, at home, at work, at first sight, at sunset, by train (bus, boat, tram), in conclusion, by air (water, sea, land), by heart day and night, by chance from morning to (till) night, by mistake

►Breakfast, lunch, dinner сӛздерінің алдында

What time is dinner? We had lunch in a very nice restaurant.

►Егер зат есім сан есіммен тіркесіп келсе (Noun + number) Have you got these shoes in size 38?

I couldn‟t answer question 8. Page 17, Room 127 etc.

► Мейрам, фестиваль, апта, ай аттарының алдында Nauryz, Easter, Christmas, Wednesday

►Егер зат есімдер жалпы (жинақтау) мағынасында келсе: Dogs are domestic animals.

►Кӛше аттары, саябақ және алаң аттарының алдында

Fifth Avenue, Hyde Park, Times Square, Broadway

►Танымал жер аттары

Егер бҧл зат есімнің бірінші сӛзі кісі аты болса, артикльсіз қолданылады:

Victoria Station, Westminster Abbey, Edinburgh Castle, Buckingham Palace, Cambridge University, Kennedy Airport

School, college, university, work, bed, town, hospital, prison, jail

зат есімдерімен артикльдің қолданылуы

Артикль қолданылмайтын жағдайлар

A / the aртикльмен қолданысы

Егер бҧл сӛздер жалпы мағынада қолданылса

Her brother is in prison for robbery.

Omar had an accident last week. He was taken to hospital. He is still in hospital now.

Егер белгілі бір

мақсатпен барылатын болса

She went to the prison to visit his brother

Azat has gone to the hospital to visit Omar. He is at the hospital now.


1. Fill in the definite or indefinite article if necessary:

1. a. This house is very nice. Has it got _______ garden?

  1. It‟s a beautiful day. Let‟s sit in ________ garden.

  2. I like living in this house but it‟s a pity that ______ garden is so


2. a. Can you recommend _______ good restaurant?

  1. We had dinner in_______ very nice restaurant.

  2. We had dinner in ______ most expensive restaurant in town.

3. a. She has ______ French name but in fact she‟s English, not French.

  1. What‟s _______ name of that man we met yesterday?

  2. We stayed at a very nice hotel – I can‟t remember ___ name


4. a. There isn‟t _______ airport near where I live _______ nearest airport is 70 miles away.

  1. Our plane was delayed. We had to wait ________ airport for

three hours.

  1. Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to _____ airport?

5. a „Are you going away next week?‟

„No, _______ week after next.‟

  1. I‟m going away for ________ week in September.

  2. George has a part-time job. He works three mornings ________


2. Use the proper article:

1.Come to … blackboard and write … Exercise 12.

2.You have … spelling mistake in … word “nursery”.

3.He is … old friend of mine.

4.There came … tap at … door and in another moment we saw … small girl enter … room.

5.He is young artist and, I should say, rather talented.

6.He gave her … cigarette and lighted it.

7.I don‟t feel … sympathy towards this man.

8. They are going to build … new house.

9.Are … rooms in your flat large or small?

10. … hour is a long time. In … hour you can read … newspaper, or write … letter.

11.What … beautiful music he is playing!

12.In every remark he found … meaning but not always the true meaning.

13.There is … curiosity in her look.

14. … Sand fords have … nice house … house isn‟t large but comfortable.

3. Find the right answer.

For example: Sue was very helpful. She gave me some good

advice / advices („advice‟ is right)

  1. Margaret has very long black hair/hairs.

  2. We had a very good weather / very good weather when we were on vacation.

  3. Can I help you with your luggage / luggages?

  4. I want to write some letters. I need a / some newspaper.

  5. I want to write some letters. I need a / some writing paper.

  6. It‟s very difficult to find a work / job at the moment.

  7. Bad news don‟t / doesn‟t make people happy.

  8. Our travel / trip from Paris to Frankfurt by train was very interesting.

  9. The apartment is empty. We don‟t have any furnitures / furniture yet.

  10. When the fire alarm rang, there was a complete chaos / complete chaos.

  11. Can I talk to you? I need an / some advice.

  12. Do you have any experience / experiences?

4. Fill in the definite or indefinite article if necessary:

  1. There are three rooms and … kitchen in her new flat.

  2. My new dress is made of … silk.

  3. If you want to write something on … blackboard, you must have … piece of … chalk.

  4. Are there any students in … Room No. 12?

5.I have … new English book … book is very interesting.

6.There is … garden and … lawn in front of her Institute. … garden is not large, but it is very beautiful.

7.The students of your group must be in … Room №30.

  1. Open … book at page 29 and start reading.

  2. May is … fifth month of the year.

  3. Saturday is … day off.

5. Fill the sentences with under words. Put the article „the‟ is necessary.

(school, university, hospital)

  1. Why aren‟t your children at school today? Are they ill?

  2. When he was younger, Ted hated … . 3. What time does … start in the mornings in your country?

  1. A: How do your children get home from …? By bus? B: No, they walk … isn‟t very far.

  2. What sort of job does Jenny want to do when she leaves … ?

  3. There were some people waiting outside … to meet their children. 7. In your country, do many people go to …?

  1. If you want to get a degree, you normally have to study at … .

  2. This is only a small town but … is the biggest in the country.

  3. Nora works as a cleaner at … . 11. When Ann was ill, we all went to … to visit her.

12. My brother has always been very healthy. He‟s never been in … . 13. Peter was injured in an accident and was kept in … for a few days.

6. Circle a or an in the following sentences. Write “C” on the left if the sentences is correct. Write “NC” if the sentences is not correct. Correct the error.

_____ 1. Indonesia is a country made up of thousand of islands.

______2. Greenland is an big island with a permanent ice cap covering it.

______3. The Bahamas, which consist of 700 islands, have a superb climate.

______4. Robinson Crusoe is a character in a book by Daniel Defoe.

______5. Robinson Crusoe spent twenty years with his friend Man Friday on a uninhabited island.

______6. New Guinea is a country where there are a 700 languages.

______7. Etna is an active volcano on the island of Sicily.

______8. On the island of Borneo, there is a snake that can fly or leap up to 20 meters.

______9. The plants and an animals that live on an island may develop to be quite different.

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct article a, an, the or Ǿ and translate them.

  1. Island make up ___ entire land area of some countries, including ___ Japan and ___ Philippines.

  1. ___ Florida Keys are coastal islands built on coral reefs.

  1. ___ Mackinac Island in ___ Lake Michigan is ___ lake island.

  2. ___ city of Montreal, in ___ Canada, is built on ___ large river island.

  3. ___ Aleutain Islands, part of ___ Alaska, are ___ string of coastal islands that were built by ___ volcanoes.

  4. On ___ big island of Hawaii is one of ___ world‟s greatest volcanoes, ___ Mauna Loa.

  5. Kilauea is ___ most active volcano in ___ state of ___ Hawaii.

  6. The early settlers of ____ Pacific Islands, ____ Polynesians, always carried ____ coconuts with them in their canoes.

  7. In ___ Indonesia is ___ huge lizard, _____ Komodo Dragon, that eats deer and attacks people.

  8. ___ dodo, a giant bird now extinct, lived on ___ island of Mauritius, in ___ Indian Ocean.

Каталог: uploads -> doc -> 115c
doc -> Ана тілі №2. Тақырыбы: Кел, балалар, оқылық Мақсаты
doc -> Сабақ жоспары «Сәулет және дизайн» кафедрасының арнаулы пән оқытушысы, ҚР «Еуразиялық Дизайнерлер Одағының» мүшесі: Досжанова Галия Есенгелдиевна Пәні: Сурет және сұңғат өнері
doc -> Сабақ Сабақтың тақырыбы : Кіріспе Сабақтың мақсаты : «Алаштану» курсының мектеп бағдарламасында алатын орны, Алаш қозғалысы мен Алашорда үкіметі тарихының тарихнамасы мен дерекнамасына қысқаша шолу
doc -> Тәрбие сағаттың тақырыбы: Желтоқсан жаңғырығы
doc -> Сабақтың тақырыбы : Әбунасыр Әл- фараби Сабақтың мақсаты
doc -> Сабақ жоспары Тақырыбы: Үкілі Ыбырай Мектеп:№21ом мерзімі
115c -> Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті
115c -> Сабақ Тақырыбы: и әрпі және дыбысы Бастауыш сынып мұғалімі: Байжуманов А. К
115c -> Сабақтын тақырыбы «Биология әлемі»
115c -> Қазақстанның қалалары. (3-сынып) Сабақтың мақсаты

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