ISSN 1607-2774
Вестник Государственного университета имени Шакарима города Семей № 4(92) 2020
S. Satieva, S. Tugambaeva, A. Aitkazy, A. Akoshev
The article presents the results of a study of the species diversity of the count and the number of
waterfowl and near-water bird species during the spring migration on the lakes of Semey region. The
features of accounting for the number of waterfowl and near-water birds during the spring migration, the
influence and results of spring hunting are considered. Own research was carried out in hunting wetlands on
the lakes Sasykkol, Krivankol and Balyktikol, belonging to the Semipalatinsk interdistrict society of hunters
and fishermen of the city of Semey. The research material was real, diving ducks and other waterfowl, which
are local and migratory species on the lakes Krivankol, Sasykkol and Balyktykol. In spring, birds fly to us,
overcoming vast spaces, tired and exhausted. To continue migration and successful nesting, it is extremely
important for them to have a large supply of fat resources. First of all, it concerns females. Spring hunting is
a powerful limiting factor, as evidenced by scientific research.
Кey words: birds, census, abundance, dynamics, population.
IRSTI 68.35.00; 68.35.31
B. Nasiyev
Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University
Abstract: The article presents research data on the development of adaptive technologies for
cultivation of Sudanese grass in the dry steppe zone of Western Kazakhstan. Sudan grass – as a drought-
resistant and plastic crop has a great appeal among farmers. One of the important points of its technology is
the height of the cut of the mowing mass. According to research data, in Western Kazakhstan, to increase
productivity and quality, it is advisable to mow the green mass of Sudanese grass at the level of 5 cm. In
studies under this regime, the average yield of green mass of Sudanese grass for 3 years was 118.83 c/ha.
With the productivity of feed units of 23.15 c/ha, protein collection was at the level of 2.16 c/ha. The cut
height of 5 cm is optimal for growing Sudanese grass after harvesting.
Key words: Sudan grass, adaptive technology, cut height, yield, quality.
The solution to the problem of increasing the production of meat and milk can be provided
by the accelerated development of feed production. To do this, it
is necessary to review the
structure of raw materials sources and the production technology of energy-saturated high-protein
feed. To bring feed production to a higher level, it is necessary to further diversify crop production
(increase in the structure of high-protein forage crops), increase productivity and eliminate protein
deficiency by bringing the crude protein content to 13-14%, and exchange energy to 10-11 MJ per
1 kg of dry matter using adaptive and innovative technologies.
In this regard, in the near future, according to the program for the development of the agro-
industrial complex until 2017-2021 as a whole, the crop industry will continue to diversify
agricultural crops by replacing part of the wheat area with more popular crops (oilseeds, barley,
corn, forage crops) [1].
An important factor in increasing the efficiency of crop diversification in Western
Kazakhstan and reducing the dependence of crop productivity on weather conditions is the
expansion of crops that are most adapted to unstable moisture, such as chickpeas, Sudan grass,
sorghum, corn and sunflower.
In recent years, in Western Kazakhstan, due to the diversification of agricultural production,
commodity producers have widely begun to cultivate drought-resistant Sudanese grass. High
environmental plasticity and otavnost, the ability to form a good mass during the summer
depression of perennial grasses, the ability to sow in several terms and excellent eating of green
mass by all herbivores, put it in a number of indispensable components of the green conveyor. The
value of Sudan grass is also invaluable as a universal crop that is equally suitable for making hay,
haylage, grass flour and silage, as well as for using green mass for feeding and grazing. Sudanese
grass after mowing or rational bleed quickly grows and within a day gives an increase of 5-10 cm.
Due to its high quality, the Sudanese grass can be used in haymaking and pasture modes and in a
green conveyor on field lands. The productivity of Sudanese grass both in the main mowing and
Otava is largely determined
by the mowing time, and the question of the period of use of Sudanese
grass in the literature is interpreted very differently. Many authors recommend cleaning the Sudan
ISSN 1607-2774
Семей қаласының Шәкәрім атындағы мемлекеттік университетінің хабаршысы № 4(92)2020
grass for green food at the beginning of broom sweeping [9, 10]. Some researchers are inclined to
recommend harvesting Sudanese grass for green food in the phase of complete tubulation [2]. The
nature of the growth of Sudanese grass is greatly influenced by the height of the cut of plants
during harvesting. Most researchers recommend mowing at a height of 6-8 cm [3, 4].
The aim of the research is to study the dependence of the yield of Sudanese grass on the
height of the cut of grass stands.
To achieve this goal, a field experiment was conducted in 2018-2020 at the experimental
field of the Zhangir Khan wkatu the project: "Development of adaptive technologies of forage and
oil-bearing crops cultivation in relation to the conditions of West Kazakhstan".
The objects of research are single-species crops of Sudanese grass.
Calculation of plants standing density on shoots and before harvesting allows to determine
the influence of the studied factor on conditions of shoots and loss of plants during vegetation.
Study of growth dynamics allows to define the period of the most intensive growth.
Photosynthetic activity of cultures is studied by the standard technique [5]. Photosynthetic
activity characterize productional processes of crops. The determination of the main photosynthetic
parameters in the phases of crop development.
One leaf area was calculated by Anikeeva-Kutuzov folmula: LA= 2/3p*h, where p - width of
leaf, cm; h-length of leaf, cm.
It is possible to determine influence of term and height of main hay crop on harvest of
aftermath and general efficiency of culture by carrying out observation of recovery ability of Sudan
Besides special researches for correct explanation of
results of field experiments, regular
visual observations of condition of crops in the same hours are made.
Determination of their botanical structure is carried out for the determination of qualitative
composition of herbages.
The analysis of harvest structure allows to study influence of conditions of cultivation and
methods of agrotechnology on features of harvest forage formation and oil-bearing crops, serves
as indirect assessment of production quality.
Harvesting and accounting of harvest is carried out by continuous method.
Laboratory methods:
Chemical composition and nutritiousness of vegetable mass of forage crops and silage
mass of sunflower by standard techniques:
general nitrogen and crude protein point 3 State Standard 13496.4-93;
crude cellulose by State Standard 13496.2-91;
crude fat according by State Standard 13496.15-97;
crude ashes by weight method by State Standard 26226-95;
nitrogen-free extract by subtraction from 100% of the contents of crude cellulose, crude
crude fat and crude protein; phosphorus by photometric method according to State
Standard 26657-97;
potassium by ardent and photometric method after wet combustion of State Standard
calcium by titrimetric method by State Standard 26570-95;
content of solid in green material by drying of hinge plate in a drying cabinet at the
temperature of 105
C to constant weight.
Methods of assessment of researches results:
Determination of economic efficiency adaptive technologies of forage and oil-bearing crops
cultivation is carried out by calculation standard method based on flow charts.
Determination of productivity, quality of production and economic, biopower assessment will
allow to determine efficiency of adaptive technologies of forage and oil-bearing crops cultivation.
Biopower assessment of the studied methods is carried out according to the methodical
recommendations [6].
Now, one of the most widespread and perfect methods of statistical
data processing of
productivity in field experiments is dispersive analysis. In researches, statistical processing of
researches results by the method of dispersive analysis is carried out with the use of computer
programs [7].
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