Bulletin «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы

participants in the pedagogical process [3]

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participants in the pedagogical process [3]. 
The stage preceding directly focused interaction of the teacher and parents, should be the study of the 
students ' families. In order to obtain the necessary information, teachers study students' families.
The information obtained in the course of study of the students ' families, will help in determining the 
content of interaction, which is realized in the following areas: awareness-raising and organizational activity. 
The work of a foreign language teacher in these areas involves the use of a variety of forms of collective and 
individual work with parents. 
Educational outreach involves public awareness, education, training and counseling for parents and aims 
at the exchange of information relating to the scope of early foreign language education. In this direction the 
following forms are in demand: thematic evening of questions and answers "Early foreign language 
education – command of time", seminar "Use of games in learning a foreign language" seminar "Getting 
younger students to the culture of the target language" and so on. 
The first step of elementary foreign language education in 12-year-old school provides the basis for the 
development of continuous and successive foreign language education. These conditions allow to lay a 
reliable basis for the formation of the future subject of intercultural communication since the childhood, able 
to adequately carry out cross-cultural communication in real-life conditions [4]. 
At a moment all the pre-school institutions and the primary school are seeking to support the individual 
abilities of the children, to help them to correspond to the requirements of the dynamic globalized world. 
Nowadays there are a lot of possibilities to enrich the content and technologies of elementary foreign 
language education: viewing of the anglo-american educational programmes and cartoons in the Internet and 
on the TV, listening to the audio-fairy-tales and reading authentic books with poems and stories, 
communication with peers on-line in Skype programme , going abroad where the children can be in the 
foreign language situation, that is the best mechanism to transfer the passive foreign language knowledge 
into active. All the mentioned factors let to start the attachment of the children to the foreign language 
culture and to form the positive attitude and empathy from the early age. The important role in this context is 
given to the parents in the questions of controlling the quality , the volume of the information in Foreign 
language and also in forming positive attitude to the foreign language culture. It could be seen as an 
example of real and important interaction between a foreign language teacher and young learners' parents
which allows to successfully solve the emerging difficulties in the process of early foreign-language 
education and to increase its effectiveness .
Organizational - activity approach involves: the organization of lessons, students' homework and 
extracurricular activities, the joint equipment of the foreign language classroom. In the organization of each 
event it is possible to allocate three basic stages: preparatory work, organization of practical activities, 
analytical activities, monitoring and promoting the activities of adults.
Besides that, the analytical work can be highlighted as a separate component of organized interaction. It 
should be done at each stage of the joint activities. The purpose of the analytical activity is a comprehensive 
examination of the interaction of foreign language teachers with students' parents. Analyzing the impact of 
any event it is necessary to determine: the satisfaction level of cooperation between all subjects of 
educational process, the positive results of the interaction, the causes of the difficulties encountered, possible 
negative consequences and further work of the joint action.
Thus, the organization of the interaction of the foreign language teacher with the parents of young 
learners, which considers the consistent implementation of the above-mentioned components of interaction, 
allows to solve successfully the difficulties encountered in the process of early foreign language education, 
and to increase its effectiveness. 

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-ң ХАБАРШЫСЫ «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1(57), 2018 
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тельных учреждениях. – М., Просвещено, 1998.
Зимняя И.А. Педагогическая психология: учебник для вузов. – М., 1994. – С.449. 
Байбородова Л.В. Взаимодействие школы и семьи. – Ярославль, 2003. – С. 29-32 
Ахметова Г.Ш. Лингвокультурулогическая методология как основа раннего обучения иностранным языкам в 
Казахстане. Сборник материалов II Международной научно-практической конференции «Иноязычное образование: 
опыт,проблемы, инновации» (Linguoculturological methodology as a basement of the early foreign language teaching in 
Kazakhstan). – Алматы: Издательско-полиграфический центр КазУМОиМЯ им Абылай хана,2014. – С.58-63 

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