LENO - Who else do you know that's been there besides. what's her name .
KEN - uh. Just Jessie and Shana .
JOAN - Shana her.
KEN - that's all .
KEN - Yeah, Shana's sort of .
JOAN - in I wanna go .
JOAN - in But...
KEN - I'd like to go so .
JOAN - It's an interesting thing .
KEN - but .
JOAN - Hunh?
KEN - I'd like to go .
JOAN - in It's an interesting thing though, because um I'm wondering .. you
know since it is such
JOAN - =in К”um: it's restricted you have to go through Mexico.
KEN - No .
KEN - I don't think so .
JOAN - Isn't Nicaragua one of the things you +...
KEN - No .
JOAN - places you can't
KEN - I don't think so.
KEN - No.
JOAN - I think it i:s.
KEN - we have +/.
KEN - No, I don't think so .
KEN - We have.
KEN - =in Technically speaking. full diplomatic reвlations with Nicaragua .
JOAN - Oh yeah:?
KEN - Yeah they have an an ambassador and you know an American
ambassador there.
Берілген аудио жазба мысалының түрі нарративті түрге жатады себебі,
қатысушылар күнделікті тұрмыстық әңгіме мен сабақ туралы тақырып қозғаумен
қатар, барлығына мәлім, сұрақты қойып, сөйлеу әрекетін әрмен қарай өршітуде.
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