Chemistryisthestudyofmatterandthechangesthatmaterialsubstancesundergo. Of all the scientific disciplines, it is perhaps the most extensively connectedto other fields of study. Geologists who want to locate new mineral or oil deposits usechemicaltechniquestoanalyzeandidentifyrocksamples.Oceanographersusechemistry to track ocean currents, determine the flux of nutrients into the sea, andmeasure the rate of exchange of nutrients between ocean layers. Engineers considerthe relationships between the structures and the properties of substances when theyspecify materials for various uses. Physicists take advantage of the properties ofsubstances to detect new subatomic particles.Astronomers use chemical signaturesto determine the age and distance of stars and thus answer questions about how starsformandhowoldtheuniverseis.Theentiresubjectofenvironmentalsciencedepends on chemistry to explain the origin and impacts of phenomena such as airpollution,ozonelayerdepletion,andglobalwarming[172]. Read the text and recognize the breadth, depth, and scope of chemistry.
Express your point of view. Do you agree with the statement that an understanding of chemistry is essential for understanding much of the natural world and is central to many other disciplines? Share your opinion in the group.
В данном тексте прослеживается связь химии с другими науками и их взаимодействие в разных сферах: геология, океанография, инженерия, физика, астрономия, биохимия, то есть формируются интегративно-функциональная и операционно-профориентированная стадии. Ученик начинает понимать возможность интегрирования естественнонаучных дисциплин и понимает их широкомасштабное значение в различных сферах жизни и предоставляемый выбор будущей профессиональной деятельности.
Текст 2.3
Everyorganinourbodyperformsavarietyofdifferentfunctionssuchasdigestion,assimilation,andabsorption.Similarly,intheplantstoo,therearedifferent organs of the plant which performs specialized or specific functions. Forinstance,therootsoftheplantshelp in theabsorptionof minerals and water.
Inourbodyandinthebodyofeverylivingorganism,everyorganiscomposedof smaller parts known as tissues. A tissue is a group of like cells that perform aspecificfunction.Let’s learn moreaboutthecell structureand functions[173]. Speaking: retell the text briefly in your own words making use of the key
words and the sentences you’ve written out.
Make a table describing every organ of our body and its function. Compare your results with the partner.
Discuss with your partner the importance and function of each organ of human body.