Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-ң ХАБАРШЫСЫ «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1(57), 2018
. Educational
reflected in the concept of A. Wallon, R.Zazzo and A.Leon, where there is a need for the
formation of professionally important qualities under the condition of active individual personality selectivity
was characterized in the works of P.Lazarsfeld, S.Bühler, S.Axelrod and others
who identified three age periods characterized by different motivations in choosing a profession: fantasy (4-
10 years), active trials (11-17 years) , a realistic choice (18-24 years). They came to the conclusion that the
choice of a person's profession is influenced by various subjective factors and that his decision about a
professional future depends on the overall development of the individual.
based on the ideas of the life path (Sh. Buhler, D. Super) and given a kind of periodization of
professional development, a description of its successive stages and stages,
differing typical tasks
(awakening, research, consolidation, preservation, reduction), starting with 4-10 years and ending with the
retirement from professional life after 64 years. [1]
is represented by the works of A.Maslow [2], who proposed the concept of
professional development and singled out as the central concept "self-actualization" as a person's desire to
improve, express, manifest himself in a meaningful business for him. In his concept, concepts such as "self-
actualization", "self-realization" are close to the concept of "self-determination".
is the study of the Japanese scientist S. Fukuyama,
who views professional self-
determination as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, in which economic processes are combined with
social, educational - with psychological. [3]
Obviously, the attention of researchers is aimed at the subjectivization of the
process of self-
determination, but it is equally obvious an attempt to link together the desires, cash and possibilities of the
individual with the requirements of others and society with elements of obligation.
It should be noted that the professional self-determination of a schoolboy is directly related to the process
of choosing a profession. In this regard, we should describe the process of choosing a profession, by which
we mean a process consisting of a number of stages, each of which has its own social situation, environment
and atmosphere, the duration of which depends on the external conditions and individual characteristics of
the subject of choice of the profession.
Professional self-determination is considered by us as a process that covers the whole period of a person's
professional activity: from the emergence of professional intentions to the exit from labor activity and
permeates the whole life path of a person. However, the peak of this process is the act of deciding on the
choice of profession, which falls on adolescence.
V.V. Chebysheva sees the choice of the profession as "a complex, long and often multiple process,
inseparable from the development of the personality as a whole" [4]. This provision confirms our point of
view on the professional self-determination of a person as a process characterized by a multitude of
interdependencies with various personal manifestations in the life activity of a person.
G.P. Loginova and E.M. Borisov's professional self-determination is regarded as "the process of self-
realization of the individual in professional activity on the basis of the most complete utilization of his
abilities and individual psycho-physiological capabilities. This process can not be limited to any one stage, it
takes the entire period of active labor activity and preparation for it "[5]. In this case, researchers point to the
existence of a direct relationship between the processes of self-realization and professional self-
determination. Consequently, in the process of professional self-determination, a person realizes his abilities
and individual qualities, relating them to the sphere of work and specific professional activity.
N.S. Pryazhnikov, emphasizing the inseparable connection of professional self-determination with the
self-realization of man in other
important spheres of life, generalizes the philosophical essence of
professional self-determination as an independent and conscious finding of the meanings of the work
performed and all life activity in a specific cultural and historical (social and economic) situation[6].
Thus, the process of professional self-determination is inseparable from the living space in which a
particular person is located. At the same time, professional self-determination as a process has a movement,
conditioned by overcoming dialectical contradictions, which are created both by external circumstances of
life, both by internal resources and by the needs of the individual. In addition, professional self-determination
its specific content, expressed in the active search for the sphere of professional activity and the
correlation of its capabilities with the requirements and conditions of professional activity.