English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 15. Fill in the table

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Exercise 15. Fill in the table to describe the following term “Atherosclerosis”:






Exercise 16. Put questions to the underlined words:
1. The same process in an artery to the brain is commonly called stroke.
2. It will lead to death of the tissues in approximately 5 minutes.
3. Smoking affects unfavourably the walls of the blood vessels.
4. Atherosclerosis is caused by the formation of multiple plaques within the arteries.
5. Mental and physical overstrain must be excluded.
6. Atherosclerosis remains asymptomatic for decades.
7. Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels results from metabolic disturbances.
8. These disturbances begin long before there is any external evidence of the disease.

Exercise 17. Open the brackets with the appropriate forms of the verbs:
1. The diet of this patient (to contain) sufficient amount of proteins.
2. The same process in an artery to the brain (to call) stroke.
3. The nervous system (to affect) the metabolic processes in the human body.
4. The patient (to sleep) 8 hours last night.
5. Lipotropic substances (to administer) in treating atherosclerosis.
6. Lipotropic substances (to prevent) fat from accumulating in the organism.
7. He (to go) to bed at the same time every day.
8. Coronary thrombosis of a coronary artery (to cause) myocardial infarction in this patient.


To report commands or requests we use a reporting verb (advise, ask, beg, offer, order, tell etc) followed by a to-infinitive or a not to-infinitive.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

She said to me, “Come with me.”
He said to her, “Please, don’t tell anyone about it!”

She told me to come with her.
He asked her not to tell anyone about it.

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