English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Make doctor's questions for the answers and act out the dialogue

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пособие мед 2 (1) 2

Make doctor's questions for the answers and act out the dialogue:

Patient: Hello. I feel an extensive pain in the left side.
Patient: No, I don't mean the whole left side, I mean the area around the heart. And these headaches trouble me too much.
Patient: Of course there are many other troubles with my health: I feel nausea and I feel like vomiting right now. The room is moving in my eyes, and your image is vague.
Patient: I haven't had any food for a few days, so I haven't had stools too. By the way, my urine is pink.
Patient: Actually, I didn't mean to go to hospital for a long time, but could you give me some tablets to manage it somehow?

  1. Speak on the topics:

a. You are a teacher at a medical university. Tell your students about the following:
b. You are a lecturer invited to tell the people about some cardiovascular problems. Speak on the following topics, but mind that the people you are addressing to don't know medicine at all:

  • Atherosclerosis: dangers, prevention.

  • Ischaemia of the heart vessels.

  • Angina pectoris and heart attack: development, treatment, first aid.

  • The importance of a healthy lifestyle for prevention of heart diseases.

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

  1. стабільна ішемічна хвороба серця

  2. зменшене кровопостачання

  3. екстрена госпіталізація

  4. знижена переносимість

  5. різке погіршення стану

  6. шунтування коронарних судин

  7. оцінювання ризику

  8. рівень, який можливо передбачати

  9. нерегулярність ритму серця

  10. відділення невідкладної допомоги

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