English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

GASTRITIS Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary

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Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

antacid n


антацид, нейтралізатор кислотності

anti-inflammatory drug n

[‘æntiɪnˈflæm əˌtɔri ‘drʌg]

протизапальний засіб

belching n



bile adj.



bloating n



consumption n



cytoprotective agent n

['saitə(u) prə'tektiv 'eɪdʒ(ə)nt]

цитопротекторний засіб

gastroscopy n



heartburn n



heal n, v


загоювання, загоюватися

ibuprofen n



helicobacter pylori n

[‘helikəu’bæktə pai’lɔ:rai]

хелiкобактер пiлори

indigestion n


розлад травлення

inhibitor n



lining n



loss of appetite n

[lɔs ɔv 'æpɪtaɪt]

втрата апетиту

pernicious aneamia n

[pə'niʃəs ə'ni:mɪə]

злоякісна анемія

pertain v


належати, підходити

proton pump inhibitor n

['prəʊtɔn pʌ̱mp in'hibitə]

інгібітор протонової помпи

reflux n


зворотній відтік

stomach biopsy n

['stʌmək 'baɪɔpsɪ]]

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Exercise 2. Using adjective ending – ic or –al write a word for each of the following definitions:
E.g. Pertaining to the caecum - caecal

  1. Pertaining to the stomach –

  2. Pertaining to the intestines –

  3. Pertaining to the duodenum –

  4. Pertaining to the epigastrium –

  5. Pertaining to the rectum –

  6. Pertaining to the anus –

  7. Pertaining to the liver –

  8. Pertaining to the pancreas -

Exercise 3. Choose the word or phrase that doesn’t go with the topic “gastritis”:

  1. gastritis


abdominal disease


  1. AIDS

loss of appetite



  1. tuberculosis

bile ducts

feeling of fullness


  1. peptic ulcer

stool samples

pernicious aneamia

hepatic insufficiency

  1. nausea


stomach cells

renal impairment

Exercise 4. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into your native language:
The lining of the stomach, extensive alcohol consumption, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chronic bile reflux, dull, vague, burning, sharp or gnawing pain, blood-streaked vomiting, bloating and belching, pernicious aneamia and heartburn, complete blood count test, to trigger the inflammation, over-the-counter antacids, life-threatening consequences of the disease.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:
The digestive system is a series of hollow organs joined in a long tube. It runs from the mouth to the anus and includes esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines. Liver, gallbladder and pancreas are also involved. They produce juices to help digestion.
Gastrointestinal diseases refer to the diseases involving the gastrointestinal tract, namely all organs mentioned above. Though diseases of the mouth are often not considered to be gastrointestinal diseases, some diseases which involve other parts of the gastrointestinal tract can manifest in the mouth, alone or in combination with other symptoms.
Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. This disease has many possible causes. The stomach lining contains special cells that produce acid and enzymes, which help break down food for digestion, and mucus, which protects the stomach lining from acid. When the stomach lining is inflamed, it produces less acid, enzymes, and mucus.
The main acute causes are extensive alcohol consumption or prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also known as NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Sometimes gastritis develops after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns or severe infections. Chronic causes are infection with bacteria, primarily Helicobacter pylori, chronic bile reflux, stress and certain autoimmune disorders can cause gastritis as well.
Many people with gastritis experience no symptoms at all. However, upper central abdominal pain is the most common symptom. The pain may be dull, vague, burning, sharp or gnawing. Nausea, vomiting (if present) may be clear, green or yellow, blood-streaked or completely bloody, depending on the severity of the stomach inflammation. The patient may suffer from belching, but it usually doesn’t relieve the pain much. The patient may also experience bloating, heartburn, feeling full after only a few bites of food, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss. Other symptoms are indigestion, abdominal bloating and pernicious aneamia.
Often a diagnosis can be made based on the patient’s description of the symptoms. But not very often it is enough to make an appropriate diagnosis and so other methods may be used to identify gastritis, which include: complete blood count test; presence of H. pylori; liver, kidney, gallbladder or pancreas functions; urinalyses, stool samples, X-rays, EGGs, endoscopy, checking for stomach lining inflammation and mucous erosion, stomach biopsy, etc.
Once the cause of gastritis is identified, steps can be taken to avoid exposure. For example, if some food is triggering the inflammation, you should exclude or reduce the amount of it. Over-the-counter antacids in liquid or tablet forms are common treatment for mild gastritis. Antacids neutralize stomach acid and can provide fast pain relief. Proton pump inhibitor appears to inhibit H.pylori activity. Cytoprotective agents help protect the tissue that line the stomach and small intestine. Consumption of hot or spicy food is contraindicated. Patients with pernicious aneamia are given B12 injections. Several regimes are used to treat H.pylori infection. Most patient use a combination of antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor. Antibiotics aids in destroying the bacteria and the proton pump inhibitor heals inflammation and may increase the effectiveness of antibiotics.
If left untreated, gastritis may lead to stomach ulcers and stomach bleeding. Life-threatening consequences of the disease can be stomach cancer, especially if you have extensive thinning of the stomach lining and changes in the lining's cells.

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